Just about the same year this film was made, I had a blue '59 Valiant that went at least 30,000 miles without an oil change and ran great, then I sold it to this guy and told him not to drive it til he got the brakes checked out, and so he gave the keys to his girlfriend, and she immediately drove it to San Francisco, and the brakes went out, and the car was totalled! At least she wasn't hurt!!
Life was good!! Check out those prices!!!
Three years before "Friday The 13th" came out, there was a whole lot of killin' going on at the........"Drive-In Massacre"
This film is a real creep fest -- try watching this alone in a movie theater with the last voiceover coming on. Just as spooky as BLAIR WITCH.
I personally love this movie. I am a huge fan of Buck FLower and initially that's why I watched this movie.
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