Wednesday, December 9, 2020

CORRUPTION - "This Is Not A Woman's Film" (1968)

Tonight's Weird Wednesday presentation is called "Corruption." An equally descriptive title would be "What A Bunch Of Freakin' Weirdos."
I'm pretty sure the woman with four eyes makes this the weirdest poster I've seen lately!

"Corruption" is a movie about a couple whose lives get off track and they quickly descend into a cesspool of feces.
Peter Cushing is renown surgeon Sir John Rowan. 
He's doing a fairly good impression of me watching movies on this computer night after night!

Sir John's fiancé is a beautiful model named Lynn Nolan as played by Sue Lloyd, who we just saw recently in "The Baron," as Cordelia Winfield.
It's a real Arty Farty Party that Lynn has dragged Sir John to!
This dude is like a human canvas.

Sir John is a very serious professional, and this isn't his bag at all.

Lynn's photographer asks her to pose for a live impromptu  shoot at the party.

Sir John doesn't like it when the photographer asks Lynn to partially disrobe, and they get into a pushing contest, and the next thing you know..................

...................One of the big bright lights gets knocked over and smacks Lynn right in the kisser!

As you can see, the guests are horribly dismayed!

Lynn gets a very nasty burn on the pretty face that her whole career is based on, and will be disfigured for life.

She's pretty distressed by the whole situation!

Sir John decides to devote his life to finding a way to make Lynn beautiful again, and after scouring for weeks through a myriad of books, he thinks he has found a solution. The only thing he needs is this pituitary glad that he illegally removes from some hapless corpse in the morgue.
Obviously, the artist who did the poster did not know in what part of the body the pituitary gland was located since he's cutting into her stomach.

This colourful laser machine will play a big part in the story!

The operation is a success, and Lynn is returned to her original beauty, but there's one small problem. Because the gland came out of a dead body, the results only last for a few days, and that's where the rub comes into play. Now Sir John has to get a live pituitary gland, and that's going involve breaking some laws.

Sir John struggles with the fact that he was sworn to saving lives, not taking them, but his love for Lynn is so strong, he has no other choice, so he takes a trip to visit a prostitute whose room is full of strange dolls!

Maybe he was doing her a favor!

After the second successful operation, Sir John and Lynn decide it's time that they take a little vacation, and then the effects start wearing off again, and now it's also starting to affect Lynn's mental state.

So Sir John has to go out and do it all again. This time a stranger on a train is the unlucky victim!
Strange lens! Look at the size of Peter's arm!

Sir John is no longer a happy camper. This is not the gig he signed up for, so it's kind of a race to see who completely loses it first, him or Lynn!

In the meantime, this group of hooligans show up looking for their gal pal that had been staying with Sir John and Lynn, but got a little freaked out when she found a woman's head in the freezer, and they had to kill her too.

There's a big scuffle and the laser machine gets turned on and goes wild and crazy and it's like the perfect ending! Everyone dies!
It could have even happened an hour sooner, and I would have been fine with that too!

Monday, December 7, 2020


In today's wild tale, a scientist is working on a neutron bomb, but it isn't exactly a bomb, it releases a smoke that MELTS people!! I'm pretty sure that Toho's THE H-MAN has something to do with the idea behind this weird story... This is the very first feature starring Neutron.

It stars Wolf Ruvinskis as Neutron and Detective Carlos Marquez, Armando (SANTO vs. THE ZOMBIES) Silvestre, Claudio (THE BITCH WANTS BLOOD, SANTO IN THE WAX MUSEUM) Brook and Julio (ADVENTURES OF THE BLACK WHIP) Aleman.

Well, it looks like the crazy Dr. Caronte is at the top of the detectives' list of criminals to keep an eye out for. He looks pretty damn cool though you have to admit.

Here's Professor Mendez showing his latest invention, a neutron 'bomb,' to his assistant, Professor Walker. Love those spikes on the device!

But, Walker has other ideas. He brings in a gunman and has him shoot Professor Mendez, and after that, Walker shoots the gunman!! 

Before Professor Mendez finally collapses, he drops the device and a big plume of smoke comes out and fills the room.

Walker is on the phone with I think, Caronte, making some kind of deal with the bomb, when, he realizes he's starting to melt!

When the detectives show up, they find their friend Professor Mendez looking like one of the victims in THE H-MAN! And, they only find Walker's clothes, no remains of the body.

Of course Walker shows up at Caronte's bizarro establishment with a piece of the bomb in tow. Caronte was expecting the whole thing and threatens Walker by attempting to force him into the pit with his zombies, but at the last second, he let's the disfigured Walker off the hook because he'll need him in future capers.

Everything about this still is freaking awesome!

In the meantime, the Caronte Crew has kidnapped Neutron's pal and they turn him into a bad Neutron to go up against the real deal.

Okay, here's Neutron 2. I mean, like, what the Hell man!! Only in a Mexican horror flick!

But, I like it!

Then, everything goes haywire after Neutron shows up at Caronte's nuthouse. Walker gets it from one of the brute zombies and he's outta there!

As Neutron battles Caronte's goons, Nora and another Professor take the bomb and run to a safe place, even though the guy nearly ignites the thing after falling down!

Nora, the Professor, Neutron and his pal all hide in a room with protective gear that they put on for some reason... Or, you'd already know if you spoke Spanish.

Right! They toss the smoking bomb into the hall full of zombies and the evil Caronte, who also gets caught in the fog of death!

After the good guys leave the room, they pass by what used to be Doctor Caronte!

Weird, he comes back in other Neutron adventures!

Also weird is the fact that Neutron takes his mask off, revealing Carlos, the real Neutron, and in all the other Neutron movies no one knows his identity. Either they didn't think they'd be a follow up feature or Carlos tells them that he was just helping out Neutron, who's home in bed with a cold! We're back with more stocking stuffers on Wednesday, later!..

Saturday, December 5, 2020


We don't have a "Dungeon Hall Of Fame," but once in a while we will call somebody a Dungeon Hero because we really like them for whatever reason. There is no list, and we've actually never even discussed it between the two of us because we don't need to. I did a search of our site for "Dungeon Hero" and I came up with 47 different names, so I'm going to start with a list in no particular order, of six guys I call some of the..........
"Unsung Heroes of The Dungeon."
First up is John Hoyt, and I never knew until I started writing this, that an alternate title for "Attack Of The Puppet People" was "Six Inches Tall." In the tube is another Dungeon Hero, John Agar!

I also never knew John was such a stud! 

"Attack Of The Puppet People" was just about as good as it got for 1958!
John as The Puppeteer was kind of like Joe Biden, seems nice, but creepy!

Next up is one of our favourite bad guys, Milton Reid! Before his acting career, Milton was a professional wrassler known as "Mighty Chang!" It really is cool how many wrasslers and boxers have gone on to be actors! That's gotta be the toughest way to break into the business, but it still works to this day!

No credits on the poster, but at least they used his image!

Wow! Milton gets a cutting torch to the face in this poster for "Mission Desperate."

Gil Perkins is our next Unsung Hero!

What could be better than a 51 year old dude playing a "Teenage Monster?"

Gil Perkins has played a "Teenage Monster" and a guy named "Cauliflower," you got something better than that?

This is from just one of the many amazing "Batman" TV shows!

This 30 minute episode titled "Ring Around The Riddler" included Yvonne Craig as Batgirl....

...........And  also featured the amazing Joan Collins as "The Siren," but I digress.

Anthony Eisley is one of the most unappreciated actors of all time, and his work in "The Mighty Gorga," or "The Mummy And The Curse Of The Jackals" should attest to that! That's Anthony with the mustache as Tracy Steele on "Hawaiian Eye!"

And if that's not enough proof, there's always the immaculate reception also known as "Dracula Vs. Frankenstein!"

Jeff Morrow should be a common household name like John Wayne or Clint Eastwood for his contributions to cinema, but unfortunately he's not!

I couldn't pick between these two international posters for "The Creature Walks Among Us," they're both so insane! Look at how big the creature is in this bottom poster, and how about those hawk feet?

"This Island Earth" came out in 1955. It was so far ahead of it's time and Jeff Morrow was a big part of it! What a krazy action packed poster!

The last guy on this list is Jake LaMotta who only has one movie we've ever written about here called "Confessions Of A Psycho Cat," but that's not the reason he's on this list! Jake actually has 18 acting credits, and has a movie that was made about his own life, the classic "Raging Bull." Jake's boxing record was 83 wins, 19 losses. and 4 draws, and they were all battles!

The reason Jake LaMotta is on this list is because he's Jake LaMotta, and that's just good enough!

Monster Music

Monster Music
AAARRGGHHH!!!! Ya'll Come On Back Now, Y'Hear??