Saturday, June 7, 2008

NIGHT OF THE LIVING DEAD - Scott Vladimir Licina - "Zombies" (1968)

For some obscure reason, "Night Of The Living Dead" doesn't really seem like a 60's movie to me, I guess that just shows how far old lonesome George was ahead of his time. 
 The original music score is attributed to Scott Vladimir Licina, but Ib Glindemann, Philip Green, Geordie Hormel, William Loose, Jack Meakin, and Spencer Moore all had their stock music used in this movie, so who knows who is really responsible for what. Just say George Romero did it all and be done with it! 
Naked zombies make sense if you think about it, or try and picture a zombie tieing his shoes, and why would a zombie even bother putting shoes on or getting dressed anyway? They got nobody to impress!! 
 The music doesn't rock or swing but it sure is eerie! George opened up the portals of Hades, and out sprang a whole generation of DIY film makers, so yeah, you can basically say that the whole industry went to hell at this point in time, leastwise that would be our humble opinion anyway!! 
Uh, oh, unlike certain varieties of vampires, werewolves and mummies, these zombies die if they get shot. Screw the doves and deer, new style hunting season just opened!!

Friday, June 6, 2008

PSYCHO A GO-GO - Tacey Robbins - Jimmie Roosa "Who Needs You Ordinary Boy" (1965)

Hey, it's Friday night, so let's rock, and get ready to rumble, because this is the final installment we have for you from the loco extra-weird Al Adamson production known as "Psycho A Go-Go." So, to kick it off....."Now for her final show, the very lovely Linda Clark!" Here's Tacey Robbins as Linda doing "Ordinary Boy" which was the flipside of her 45 release "My L.A." 
This film was sliced and diced and pieced back together with added bad footage and re-released in 1972 as "Blood Of Ghastly Horror." 
Go-Go Girls go go go!!! So, is this a great movie or what? 
Lyle Felice as the Boss named Vito is quite despicable in this role, and yet he has lots of time to keep himself well groomed! You can just tell that he's already got lots of bad stuff planned!! You might remember Lyle from his only other Hollywood role as the Deputy in "Cape Canaveral Monsters!" 
Here Tacey belts out this slow yawner of a torch lounge song, called "Who Needs You" written by Jimmie Roosa! 
This is the point where it really starts getting weird. They introduce the Christy Minstrel doll that sings "Swanee River"in this gawdawful freaky little voice, and later, they start playing reprises that will worm under your skin even more! Just whatever you do, never listen to it more than one time in a row or you will go stark raving bonkers, guaranteed! 
So right about here it's time to introduce Roy Morton as bonafide psycho Joe Corey!! Seems like Roy only ever had one more role, and that was in a 1972 film called "Fuzz" where he played a rapist!! Wow, imagine that! 
So they're all going to go for a nice little ride, and did I forget to tell you that the little girl is even more irritating than the doll!! Joe hasn't quite totally lost his cool yet!! 
Really classy pad they're taking them to!! Al sez spare no expense!! 
Anyway, Roy is wound up pretty tight, and he was either a great actor or a real psycho! 
The final chase scenes were shot at Mammoth Lakes, Calif.(Mommoth in the credits) and the beautiful landscape was used to ultimate advantage once again by future Oscar winning cinematographer Vilmos Zsigmond AKA William Zsigmond. This film looks awesome for the money they used to make it!! 
Oh, yeah, did I forget to mention the Go-Go Girls?

Thursday, June 5, 2008

Aventura al Centro de la Tierra (Adventure at the Center of the Earth) 1965 / music by Raul Lavista

Whoa! Already Tabonga Thursday!! So, tonight we go south of border and this time have Tabonga's very fave Mex Gurl, Kitty de Hoyos!!!!! Arriba!!.. Movie begin with 5 minute narration as words roll. Yawn!.. Probably okay if you speak Mex, or... Well, anyway, here's sounds from... CENTER OF EARTH! by great composer Raul Lavista!
 Surreal Bat Attack!!.. Look like Frazetta! 
Man, bats real mad at acrobat guy!! 
Pretty good monstruo with nice sharp claw! We call him... Bat Dude!
 Oh, this what happen if smoke in bat dude cavern!! You get claw in neck!! 
Tabonga and Bat Dude love Kitty! 
Here, Bat Dude tear ugly snake-eel in half and offer to Kitty, but, Kitty not hungry!! 
Okay, cut to chase, then! Bat Dude want hot monkey love!!
 Not really need caption here! 
Boy, you know, Kitty look terrific from behind too!!! 
Okay, just when things get interesting, Army guys show up with machine gun and start blasting?!!.. What gives?! 
So, of course, they shoot poor horny Bat Dude in Bobo!.. COLD!!!

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

ISLAND OF TERROR - Malcolm Lockyer - "Isotopes" (1966)

Unless you really start thinking about it, you just don't really realize how many 'Island Monster/Voodoo/Jungle Out Of Control' movies were really made back in the good old days!! We still haven't counted them all either, but for now, here's one more!! This time it's a UK Planet Productions film from 1966 called "Island Of Terror" and it's a fun, but silly little romp! 
The love affair between Edward Judd and Carole Gray was just heating up, but as luck would have it, it would have to be postponed, or we got a completely different story!! The Doc does have a cool bachelor pad though!! Composer Malcolm Lockyer is the gentleman responsible for the music, having also composed the music for "Dr. Who and the Daleks" and many other non-horror films. To show you his ability to swing, he also conducted The Million Airs Orchestra in 26 Glenn Miller tribute concerts before his death in 1976. A very talented man without a doubt! 
I never get this part, the door says "Keep Out Radiation Danger" and they act like it says "Welcome!! Please come in! 
It's not like they didn't really a have a warning!! 
Then the really stupid looking killer mutant cancer cell disgustingly splits open and spills out it's chicken noodle soup guts to the world! 
He's killed a number a of vampires in his career, but it looks like Peter Cushing has finally met his match!! Screams for Kreng in the background! 
"Thunderbirds" composer Barry Gray is credited for any electronic sound effects you might hear in this man with no bones or any number of the other scary scenes! 
What is it anyhow, are people just inherently stupid? I distinctly heard the man say, "Stay Away From The Windows!!" See where not listening gets you, kids??

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

MUTINY IN OUTER SPACE / Hugo Grimaldi 1965 / Gordon Zahler music supervisor

Time for 'nother Tabonga Tuesday! Tonight is cool sci-fi flick MUTINY IN OUTER SPACE. Dumb title! Really not much to do with mutiny, more about screeching fungus from Moon!! What gives?!.. Okay, Gordon Zahler was supervisor, but, use stock music by Leith Stevens, Hans J. Salter and Walter Greene!! 
 Everybloody want to hang out with Faith Montaine, including Tabonga!! 
Whoa!.. Look at meteors whizzing by space station!!
 YUCK!!.. This actually dude's head after he touch space fungus! So, kids!!.. Keep away from space fungus, even if uncle Fred say okay!! 
Tabonga like this still, look like Russians! 
Most sexy wearing glasses and looking through big microscope!.. HOT!!
 Oh, look! Germans expose Dick Cheney, but, you never gonna hear about it here in US!.. 
Stupid fungus can ruin whole day!!
 Doctor barely touch fungus, so, they put him in big jar?! 
This pic is boss!! General none other than Glenn Langan, aka, THE AMAZING COLOSSAL MAN!
Bad idea to try and carpet space station!

Monday, June 2, 2008

GHOST OF DRAGSTRIP HOLLOW - Ron Stein - "The Challenge" (1959)

So it must be time to add the final piece of the musical puzzle we know as "Ghost Of Dragstrip Hollow", you can plainly see, there really was a ghost!! 
Sadly, this was master monster-maker and all-around cool guy Paul Blaisdell's last movie! 
You see, they didn't need Paul anymore when they had cool new makeup and special effects like this!! To keep the party moving, some of the most rocking swing he's ever written is served up by Ronald Stein one more time! What A Guy!!! Just keep those twin and triplet saxes coming and you'll have a winner every time, throw in some hot guitar licks, and just jump back and watch!! The in-house band "The Renegades" manage to mime their way through the whole thing! 
In the end of this film, there's a costume party where the girls have one final meeting at which a challenge to a final drag race is decided. The gauntlet is thrown down, the party goes on, and ........Hey, what happened? The movie is over! Weren't they supposed to have one more race?? They go to a place that is so nice and quiet, it doesn't even exist! Director William J. Hole Jr. should have let them pull hair and scratch instead!!! 
Don't worry, it will all be over soon!!!

R.I.P. BO DIDDLEY - The Gunslinger Is Gone!

Today is indeed a sad day with the passing of a true musical giant, another one of our heroes, Mr. Bo Diddley. In the Vietnam era, who did you run cadence with in basic training? It was "Hey Bo Diddley!" He was an innovative guitarist and songwriter with a great spirit and a keen sense of humor! And in Bo's own words, "You can kill my body, but you cannot kill my spirit! Still, we're going to miss him!

Just in case you missed it the first time, from his 1973 London Sessions LP, here's the now immortal Bo Diddley with "You Can Kill My Body !!!

Monster Music

Monster Music
AAARRGGHHH!!!! Ya'll Come On Back Now, Y'Hear??