I do hereby bestow on the following bloggers "The Lovely Blog Award" for their contributions to Blogville, you can pass it on if you want to, but I don't really think it should be mandatory!! In no particular order because they're all Special:
The Cathode Ray Mission Because he's a Weirdo!
Friday Night Boys Because He's Frank Black!
Reverend Spike Beasley's World Because he's a Freak Bank!
Last Of The Evil Beatniks Because he IS Scary Manilow!!
Destructible Man Because they ARE The Flying Maciste Brothers!!
Cavalcade Of Perversions Because she's the one and only Jenn!
A Wandering Monster, I Because he is The Mild Colonial Boy, Esq.
Zombie Kitten Originals Because she makes Cool clothes!!!
The Lightning Bug's Lair Because he really bugs us!!!!
Doo Wacka Doodles Because we like all Artistes!!
Mike Nobody Shares The Love Because he just thinks he's nobody!!
Estaben Galindo's Stupid Blog Because he DID create 'The Church Of Ed Wood!' Yeah I know he's on the sidebar, but he deserves it!
and last but not least of course,
Black Sun Because he's the Shonen King!!!
Beer's Gone!!
Mandala by Tom Christensen!!!!
What, no Angels in Distress?
GG - I always knew you just looked at the pictures, cause if you'd read, you'd have seen you weren't included because you're already in the Hot Links list. Good to see you rear your ugly little head again, tho!
It's all about me, baby -- ME ME ME!
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