"Kong Island" was another one of those movies that had so much interesting music, that I really became fascinated by it, and now this will be the third and final presentation, something we call,
"The Kong Island Evil Suite"! If listening to this segment doesn't make you want to see this movie, you are a zombie, and they will be able to control you with this brainwave device, just like they do with the monkeys!

It's kinda mixed up, as you can tell from the original Italian title, the movie is really about Eva, the jungle girl........

.......but no, it's really about Burt/Brad, no, it's about the evil Albert Muller, played by the notorious Marc Lawrence, but where's Kong?

Nice distorted buzzing guitar licks combined with kalimba, crazy wild percussion, and clever dialogue from the evil doctor like, "You'll have the honor to be the first man to be my slave, come on, come on!" and stuntman/muscleman Brad Harris, who had quite a successful carrer as director/actor in the golden age of 'Sword & Sandal' movies, later comes back with the oh, so clever retort, "Now, I'm gonna kill ya, I'm gonna give ya what's comin' to ya!"

If you mess with good people like Brad Harris, this is what happens to your stuff!! Evil people and selfish drivers of the world, let this be a warning to you!! Wake up before it's too late!!

We love this movie, put us on any island with some monkeys and some savage women, and we're ready to take on all the evil in the world!! It's fun to watch, the music by Roberto Pregadio is whatever is way beyond cool! We should all try and seek out some of the other films he composed for, because I'm sure they are all remarkable, although finding some of this stuff can be kind of like a scavenger hunt!!
This film looks to be fuuuuun-KEEE!
What a great idea for a blog! I just discovered it today but you can be sure I'll be back!
Can't have enough jungle girls!
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