Friday, December 18, 2020

POPEYE THE SAILOR In "Seasin's Greetinks!" - 1933

So, like, Seasin's Greetinks! Today we gots a Popeye cartoon from 1933, William Costello was the original voice of Popeye (1933-6) and Bonnie Poe is the original voice of Olive, and of course was the voice of Betty Boop. Her last credit was in 1938.

Popeye brings Olive her Christmas present, a new pair of ice skates...

After Olive slips and slides all over the ice, Popeye helps her feel more comfortable by holding her in place, and he let's her go...

Right into the hooks of big old burly Bluto! Husky voiced William Pennell was the voice of Bluto from 1933-43.

Olive shows him what she thinks of his advances!!

And Popeye puts the icing on the cake!

Olive falls through the ice and Popeye pulls her out...

Her bottom has a chunk of ice on it and Popeye thinks it's freaking hilarious!

Olive ends up sliding on the snow, away from Popeye, thinking, who needs him!

She ends up on the edge of the ice at a waterfall when Bluto comes by and starts cutting it, all because Olive still thinks he's a stinker!

Popeye, skating, has made a heart with an arrow through it to make up with Olive when he hears her crying out for him!

But first he has to get Bluto out of his hair.

Olive barely gets back on top of the ice and stretches over to Popeye on the cliff's edge! Man, that's one heck of a stretch, you gotta admit.

Bluto rolls up a big ball of snow and pushes it down the hill aimed at Popeye and Olive. Unfortunately, he slips and ends up in the ball as it rolls.

Sensing danger, Popeye pulls out his can of spinach, breakfast of champions!

This time, Popeye hits Bluto so hard...

The stars he's seeing from the punch decorate the tree and it's a happy ending for that crazy couple! Tune in again tomorrow for more, here at The Dungeon!!..

Wednesday, December 16, 2020


It's a Winter Wonderland Wednesday down in The Dungeon, and since there's been so many Christmas movies made, I just thought I'd give you a random sampling of Santa interpretations that have shown up on the big screen over the years.

From 1950, here's Santa as portrayed by a puppet from the Mabel Beaton Marionettes!

This odd film was called "The Spirit Of Christmas!"

In this 1951 short called "Santa And The Fairy Snow Queen," this snoozing Santa Claus was played by Edmund (Adventures Of Superman) Penney.

I decided not to split hairs and make any distinction between the real Santa Claus and guys just dressing up and acting like him, like Bing Crosby and Danny Kaye here in........

..........."White Christmas" from 1954.

This 1959 Mexican Santa was played by José Elías (La Loba) Moreno in K. Gordon Murray's holiday creepfest simply titled "Santa Claus."
By 1972 Santa was starting to get grubbier and weirder like in..........

.........This Florida short from 1972 titled "Santa And The Ice Cream Bunny" that has Jay (True Grit, Petticoat Junction) Ripley as Santa Claus.

In 1985 they made "Santa Claus: The Movie."

"Santa Claus: The Movie" starred the incredible David (The Big Lebowski) Huddleston as Santa!

In 1989 they came out with part three of a sick Santa with a completely different personality called..........
........"Silent Night, Deadly Night 3: Better Watch Out!" with Richard (Pandemonium) Adams as Santa!

In 1995 we have Mark (The Genie From Down Under) Mitchell as Santa in "The Munster's Scary Little Christmas."

Masterful cartoon voice over artist Sam (National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation) McMurray as Herman Munster has to give it a shot too.
The 1996 film "Jingle All The Way" featured a host of Santas including Jim Belushi......

........And Paul (The Big Show) Wight!
2007 brought us "Black Santa's Revenge."
Ken (Dawn Of The Dead) Foree had the title role in this one!
In the 2011 feature "A Very Harold & Kumar 3D Christmas," Richard (Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas) Riehle is Santa Claus!
In 2014, Oliver (Fargo) Platt has the role of the Hobo Santa................

.......In "A Merry Friggin' Christmas."
I'm sure there are hundreds more, but that's going to have to do for now! What a krazy red and white world!

Monday, December 14, 2020

MERRIE MELODIES / "Gift Wrapped" - 1951

I actually found a Christmas cartoon in my Looney Tunes Golden collection, so here we go with another classic WB story written by Warren Foster and directed by Friz Freleng.

What a nice memory of times past (I was 3 in 1951) when things were nice and simple, but had so much more damn meaning than the totally screwed up place we have now...

It's Christmas Eve and Sylvester is beside himself in joy, expecting some terrific gift and all, he's been such a good kitty you know!

But, he finds his gift, joyfully unwraps it, and it's a lousy rubber mouse!

So, he goes over to Granny's large package to get a peek inside...

Sylvester is soooo sly and sneaky by changing names on the packages that he thinks he'll actually get away with it.

Granny opens her present, wait a minute, what the, this must be for Sylvester!

After Sylvester has already gulped Tweety down once, Granny demands that he makes up with the little boidie with a kiss under some mistletoe. So, Granny has to pound Tweety out of Sylvester yet again.

So, Granny hangs Tweety's cage on the ceiling so that Sylvester can't get to him! The wily cat has an answer for everything, but when Tweety tells Sylvester that the big present under the tree is for him...

He runs over to the tree, quickly unwraps the box and gets a big surprise!

And Granny then has to pound the dog to get Sylvester out!!

Sylvester cuts a hole in the ceiling and lowers a hook down to pull the cage up to him. Well, you get the picture.

This time Sylvester lets Tweety shoot him in the face with his little pop gun!

Tweety's riding on the toy train so Sylvester figures out a way to get the little bird back into his stomach.

But the dog gulps down Sylvester and Granny has double duty until she gets things straightened out a bit...

Granny has it all under control now. She has them all sing a Christmas carol along with her as she plays the organ.

Well, that's one way to solve a problem!.. Tune in again on Wednesday when the Dungeon Dudes are back with another post, just for you!.. Oh, and that guy over there!

Monster Music

Monster Music
AAARRGGHHH!!!! Ya'll Come On Back Now, Y'Hear??