Monday, April 15, 2019

MAJIN, THE MONSTER OF TERROR / Unbelievable! Unstoppable! - 1966

In this Daiei Studios production released for TV in the US by AIP, a samurai lord of a once peaceful village is murdered by one of his own men. The traitor claims the throne, forcing the lord's two small children to flee into the woods, where they conceal themselves near the huge stone statue of Daimajin (original title), the god of their village. After 10 years, the new samurai lord was proven to be very brutal and merciless towards the villagers. So, the villagers pray for the monster to awaken and to use his powers to save them from the treachery.

This thing stars Miwa Takada, Yoshihiko Aoyama, Jun Fujimaki, Ryûtarô Gomi, Ryûzô Shimada, you get the picture...

Here's the traitor in all his jerk face glory... He's a real ass!

The two in exile finally locate the giant stone Majin in the mountains where they're hiding.

There's a long patched countdown spot I guess at the end of reel 1, where they patched this image in at the very end! Man, that's a freaking crappy patch job, even for a cheapo TV print!

One of our heroes is threatened by a white hot poker!.. Like, fun, no?

Before the traitor kills this crafty old lady, she puts the curse of Majin on him!

Then, the bad guys find the stone Majin. They want to destroy the thing by driving a big metal stake into its forehead!

They complete their task and the spike was driven into its head. But then, they realize that they've opened a big old can of whup ass!.. Help, Mr Wizard!

The mofo Majin then flies through the air like a meteor and lands at the village the traitor took over... Now what?! Wow, that bottom still looks like a painting!

Well, the monster tears the crap out of the place, he's a'lookin' for that damn traitor!

Majin stomps on lots of bad guys as he lumbers through the village!

The traitor is found hiding in a building, he'a actually looking back into the eyes of Majin!

Majin grabs him, removes the stake, and nails the effer to a plank!.. Good job!

After its job was complete, well, Majin crumbles into a big pile of rubble, bringing our story to an end. So, tune in again on Wednesday when we return with more Dungeon Pogey Bait...

Saturday, April 13, 2019

TAGTEAM - Rowdy Roddy Piper and Jesse "The Body" Ventura (1991)

Here's a real Saturday Night Special for you!
 A Tag Team match featuring "Rowdy" Roddy Piper and Jesse "The Body" Ventura vs. All The Bad Guys On The Streets!

"Tagteam" is an unsold 1991 pilot TV show that never made the light of day for various reasons!

My opinion is they should have made this a three man tag team, because "Tagteam" reminds me of an updated "Three Stooges" episode! That being said.......

Let's get bready to crumble!

We got a good crowd for tonight's match!

 Look at the depth of character these two guys have!

They can go from one mood to another just like that!

This is a pretty crappy print I found, and it's hard enough to get good screen captures of action scenes, so I feel pretty good about shots like this!

This just might be one of the greatest shots of tag team wrasslin' ever! 

They play the whole thing legit, so the boys get fired because they won't throw the match!
And you probably thought that wrestlers have no morals, well you're wrong!
Roddy and Jesse have higher standards than that!

They are forced to go out into the real world to find work!

They are complete failures at being piano movers!

Here's a pensive portrait of Jesse Ventura!

Being attack dog dummies in a ladies self defense class didn't exactly work out for them either!

The pair get then involved in breaking up a grocery store robbery!

That's when they get the bright idea that they should become cops!

Next stop, the police academy!

Somehow the two stooges manage to graduate, and the next thing you know, they're legally throwing people out of windows!

Tabonga and I were raised on cartoons, wrasslin' and Three Stooges, so I actually kind of liked this show, even as silly as it is!

"Rowdy" Roddy Piper and Jesse "The Body" Ventura were always two of my favorite wrasslers, so I wish this show would have made it, but it's too late now.
Roddy Piper passed away in 2015 at the age of 61! Probably his best film was "They Live" from 1988!
Ex-Governor of Minnesota Jesse Ventura is still kickin' it, and went on to be in such classics covered on this site as "Predator," "The Running Man," and "Abraxas, Guardian Of The Universe!"

Friday, April 12, 2019

DRACULA MEETS THE WOLF MAN / Kerry Gammill: Monster Kid Home Movies - 1965

Welp, it's Friday again, time for more Monster Kid Home Movies... We have little Kerry Gammill with family and friends who make some fun junk from the sixties.

In this tale, Dracula has a run in with the Wolf Man. It starts with the Wolf Man seeking help from a friend to help him with his problem. So, the Wolf Man (Boy) gets locked in his room for the night...

Wouldn't you know it, Wolf Boy changes into a monster and breaks out of his room.

He attacks this guy and leaves a gash in his throat!.. What the Hell's going on?!

Then, little Dracula shows up...

The science guys are trying to figure out where Dracula is hiding. They climb climb the stairs to the attic and find proof that Drac is hanging out there!

Well, Wolf Boy kills Dracula, then he's hunted down and shot with a silver bullet by the science guys. He dies on a golf course, a fitting end to this tale!..

Now we have some makeup and action tests Kerry and his pals made in the same time frame...

Hey, lets see what it would look like if the Wolf Man jumps off something and battles Frankenstein!

Here's a test they did using their little battery powered bat on a string that flaps its wings.

Here's a makeup test of Dracula, the kids had some nice costumes... I think mom helped out! In fact, Eegah's mom was a master of costumes, she was helpful when we were some of those Monster Kids in the sixties.

This is some electricity charging up Frankie, made by scratching the film.

Another Dracula test.

Frankie doing some of his famous facial expressions...

We'll end with this pretty damn cool makeup of Lon Chaney from THE PHANTOM OF THE OPERA, really nice for a bunch of Monster Kids... Tune in tomorrow when we return for another round of cool junk, later!..

Monster Music

Monster Music
AAARRGGHHH!!!! Ya'll Come On Back Now, Y'Hear??