Wednesday, October 10, 2018

THE WITCH'S CAT - "The Halloween Parade" (1948)

Tonight's Happy Halloween extravaganza is a 1948 Terrytoons cartoon called "The Witch's Cat" that features Mighty Mouse keeping the world safe for some partying mice!

  In 2014, I presented you with "Fankenstein's Cat," another Mighty Mouse cartoon from 1942! Mighty Mouse kept busy his whole career protecting mice and fighting different scary cats!

 The mice are having a Halloween parade. I couldn't find any credits for who performs this Happy Halloween song from 70 years ago, but it should be a staple for every family on October 31st!

 Across the night sky, an eerie apparition appears!

 It's the mean olde witch and her fairly ignorant cat!

 The witch and cat are on a mission to get the cat some mice to eat, presumably because the cat is too dumb to do it all on his own!

 So they swoop down on the mouse house party!

 No matter what the cat tries, he's basically a failure!

 The mice put a mask on the cat's tail, and it scares the crap out of him!

 Then the mice decide to try a different approach! Woo woo!!

 Finally with the witch's help, the cat starts gathering up mice, but as soon as he drops them in the top, they escape through the holes cut in the jack-o-lantern's face!

A call goes out for help!!

 "Here I come to save the day!"

 At first, the witch gasses Mighty Mouse, and gets the upper hand!

 But he snaps out of it, and now there is Hell to pay!!

 Mighty Mouse kicks witch and cat butt all over the place in a mighty tussle!

YAY! Now the party can go on! Let's hear that song again! 
"Come along, come along..."

Monday, October 8, 2018

NIGHT OF THE DEMONS 2 / Angela's Throwing Another Party...Trick Or Treat, Suckers! - 1994

Here's a good flick for Halloween Countdown, the story's about Angela, the ultimate unpleasant party crasher! Angela's sister is taken by her bullying Catholic school classmates to a party at Angela's favorite haunted house, and before long, everybody's being turned into a big pile o' demons! And, only an ass-kicking nun can save the day!!

This thing stars Cristi (KISS OF DEATH) Harris, Darin (DR. GIGGLES) Heames, Robert (DR. ALIEN) Jayne, Merle (BUBBLE BOY) Kennedy and Amelia (NIGHT OF THE DEMONS) Kinkade.

It starts with two guys spying on girls in their dormitory, a really great way to start any movie!!

Here's a nice shot of the gang leaving the school, heading out to their favorite place to party, what else, the haunted house from the first movie!

It's a creepy place to be sure, and before long, freakin' Angela and her helper are preparing for a sacrifice! Seriously, what the Hell.

That fails but then we catch a gander of Angela's handiwork, a for real demon!

If you remember, the first NOTD had a scene where Linnea Quigley stuck a lipstick tube into her boob! In this one though, the tube is full of a creepy ten foot long, I guess worm, that has a sick mind of its own!!

Oh, and by the way... Fucking, OUCH!!!

What a cool shot from outside the haunted property, nice, moody atmosphere!

The word gets out to some nuns and they arrive with their holy water. What better way to deliver death to the demons than holy water in a squirt gun?!

Angela is so demonized that she's ready to sacrifice her own sister to Satan!

But instead, she gets soaked with holy water and dissolves right in front of our eyes!

Then, this snake thing shows up to steal the show! It batters the crap out of the good guys and it seems like it will be the winner of the battle.

Then, a wall panel is kicked through and the bright sunlight 'splodes the monster into a million little pieces, and, the day is saved!!

But, at the end, that damn lipstick tube shows up, making way for NIGHT OF THE DEMONS 3 ~ Like, tune in Wednesday when Eegah!! adds another notch to the old musket!

Saturday, October 6, 2018

SHINDIG HALLOWEEN SHOW - Season 2 - Episode 14 (1965)

Tonight's All Soul's Day Special is the Halloween episode numbered 2.14 of the popular 60's thirty minute musical TV show called "Shindig!"

The host of "Shindig was a fellow named Jimmy O'Neill.

The guest host of this episode was up and coming teen heartthrob Bobby Sherman!

Bobby rides a bicycle, falls down, and does two very short Beatles covers "Help," and "I'm Down!" 
Pretty tricky!

Because it's a special Halloween show, Lurch from "The Addams Family" shows up!

Ted Cassidy, six foot nine inches tall, and he only lived to be 46! What a shame!

Still very popular at the time, Boris Karloff is the real star of the scary show!

This is where it gets bizarre! Boris does a cover of Bobby "Boris" Pickett's "The Monster Mash" who was doing a Boris impersonation, so Boris is actually copying a guy who was copying him!

The main backing band on this episode were Jim Doval and the Gauchos who were at about the height of their career. I don't know what happened, maybe somebody found out they were from Fresno, but these guys just kind of disappeared after this.

We used to watch a teen dance TV show after school in the 60's broadcast from Fresno called "KMAK Cabaret" that Jim Doval was on a lot. I sold this record of his I had a few years ago. It's pretty weird!

Jackie and Gayle perform "Everybody's Gone To The Moon!" Everybody except them, unfortunately!

Bobby strikes back with "Memphis!"
 "Hello Information........"

The Spokesman perform Phil Ochs' "There But For Fortune!" 44 years later and a song by The Spokesman was used on "Breaking Bad!"

I don't know what to say about them having Boris talk/sing "The Peppermint Twist," except it could have only been weirder if Salvador Dali had been there with him singing background vocals!

It's is really amazing how things work. Billy Preston is here playing on this show with Jim Doval, and while Jim's career seemingly went nowhere, four years later Billy Preston would be considered by many to be the fifth Beatle!

Billy Preston's organ dominated the Beatles tune "Get Back" so much that it got him a credit as being the only person whose name would be officially used on a Beatles' song beside The Beatles!

Even if this a terrible crappy copy of the show, you've got to admit it makes you feel good to see Lurch out of makeup and smiling!
"No Matter What They Say.......ROCK ON!"

Monster Music

Monster Music
AAARRGGHHH!!!! Ya'll Come On Back Now, Y'Hear??