Wednesday, August 29, 2018

SHOUGEKI GOURAIGAN - "Dual-Gifted Dame" (2013)

 It's 'Wash Your Face' Wednesday in The Dungeon! Let's clean out those pores!
Seriously, your guess is as good as mine! This show dilated my eyes!

Let's just get it straight right out of the box,

SO, just don't question anything! 

"Everyone's mischief and mistakes are just fragments of one,"
So why does the moon rise only when the sun goes down? (Most of the time)

And.....Free Threeloaders!

"Shougeki Gouraigan" ran for 13 episodes! This was episode number four titled "Dual-Gifted Dame"

When the creatures arise, the voices become louder!

"They're truly the people of the light, and what a truly fine freaking light it is!"

Skin is probably the most unappreciated organ!

Whathemuthafukinsonofabitchinhell is that?

Beauty is in the bee of the iPhone holder.

I am of star, may the rain flowers never stop!

Great looking TV monitor!

"This is really terrible!" and the weirdest smog shop I've ever seen!

If you don't get it, you're in good company!

Boring a hole into the cranium like some kind of nuclear worm!

Somebody had to win!

Don't worry, everything's fine!!

Well, at least for the moment anyhow!
Here's a true story. I went to re-order some Thorne Vitamin D on Amazon. The price had tripled and I couldn't figure it out. Here's the deal. They had a new label, so if you re-ordered what you bought before with the old label, it was $44.00. The same exact product with a new label was $14.00. Every boxing match begins with these words, "Protect yourself at all times!" I'm just saying, you have to pay attention!!

Monday, August 27, 2018

THE OUTER LIMITS: Wolf 359 / Season 2 Episode 8 - 1964

Today's classic Outer Limits episode is about a scientist who creates a tiny model of another solar system's planet, seeding it with life, in order to study planetary development. The miniaturization allows the simulation's evolution to advance much faster, and, a ghostly bat-like creature hovers over the model watching the humans, while emitting waves of fear.

This one stars Patrick (THE MAD MAGICIAN) O'Neal, Sara (NEPTUNE'S DAUGHTER) Shane, Peter (CHILD'S PLAY 2) Haskell, Ben (PHARAOH'S CURSE) Wright and Dabney (9 TO 5) Coleman.

Here are scientist Jonathan Meridith and his helper Peter Jellicoe, they have created a mini world in a chamber with the atmosphere from a distant planet called... Wolf 359! First, they find the blood from a test animal is infected with strange cells. Then, they find that all the ants in the lab have died!

They decide to take some photos of the mini planet's surface with their special camera.

While photographing the planet's surface, a ghostly figure appears and they take a shot of it. But, after the photos are developed, there is no image of the creature!

Another photo shows one of the creatures developing on the surface. The creature shown is actually from the episode, The Invisible Enemy!

Jonathan's wife is curious about the progress in the lab so she decides to take a look at the mini world her husband has created. But, she gets a frightening shock when the ghostly figure appears in the viewer.

Here's a nice shot of the weird thing roaming around in the lab.

Jonathan and wifey return from a party in their classic 1964 Ford...

But, something isn't quite right. The tree in the front yard is dead, like, all the life was drained out of it. Also, the cactus breaks apart when he touches it!

Jonathan sends his wife away and fires his helper because he's concerned for their safety. Alone now, Jonathan tries to figure what in the Hell's going on around here anyway. He notices two of his little lab animals are dead.

Then, the thing comes out of nowhere to menace Jonathan again!

It follows him upstairs and starts smothering him under a ghostly cloak.

His wife has returned because she has a bad feeling about Jonathan's safety. He tells her to break the glass containing the experiment, so, she races to the lab, grabs a stool and tosses it through the glass. Within moments, the apparition disappears into nothingness!

Jonathan finishes his report with a warning to never repeat this type of experiment again! Well, looks like Eegah!! will be back on Wednesday with who the Hell knows what!

Saturday, August 25, 2018

DEAD LIKE ME: LIFE AFTER DEATH - "Reaper Madness" (2009)

I just recently found out about this TV show that debuted on Showtime in 2003 called "Dead Like Me," and I don't know a whole lot, so I'm just gonna make up a bunch of crap!
Welcome to the Saturday Night Special version of The Dungeon!

As fate would have it, I had to go to a funeral today of a very old friend! It's just something we all have to deal with! What timing!

Supposedly Death is in that jar, and about to be released, but it says on the IMDB that what is actually written on the jar is "Sanskrit dictionary." 

Now that we understand the "mystery of death," it must be time to figure out the meaning of life!

The basic concept of "Dead Like Me" is that not all people die immediately! Some individuals are chosen to still roam the earth as Grim Reapers, and their job is to hand out death when they are told to! It's all very business-like, they meet as a group at the local Waffle Haus, and are given post-it notes that have their assignments on them. Other than that, they have fairly normal dead lives with jobs etc. but they don't have the same exact appearance as before because they don't need to be recognized, or it will screw up the whole thing.

The main character is Mensa member Ellen Muth as George Lass! George has just died in the most embarrassing fashion. A large explosion has sent a toilet seat screaming from heaven, on a direct path to her cranium! She is killed right on the spot!

One of George's first reaps is this suicidal inventor who has just received word that one of his inventions is going to make him rich! Too bad he got the news about five minutes too late, and so he takes his final encore instead!

That's George on the right with her dead team members, Callum Blue as Mason, Jasmine Guy as Roxy, and Sarah Wynter as Daisy! They are all reprising their roles from the original "Dead Like Me" TV series in 2003 except Sarah, because she was busy ironically enough working in "The Dead Zone" as Rebecca Caldwell which I've also been watching for like the last two months!!

This is what George looked like when she was alive, and what she looks like to us! (She's just about to get whacked with that toilet seat in this shot!)

But to all other humans including her Mother and sister, she now looks like this!

At the beginning, George's boss was re-killed when the Waffle Haus exploded, and he was replaced with a guy that didn't care about the gang or their victims, so they disposed of him, but it wasn't easy. In the end, post-it notes rain down on George, and after realizing she's going to have to be the new boss, she utters the fateful words, "I am so fucked!"

I guess now I know why I had such a compelling impulse to buy this Dia De Muertos candle the other day!
I just saw the original show airs on Primo para nada, so I guess if I ever get out of "The Dead Zone," I'll have to move on over to "Dead Like Me!" How freakin' appropriate!

Monster Music

Monster Music
AAARRGGHHH!!!! Ya'll Come On Back Now, Y'Hear??