Saturday, April 15, 2017

MAKE THAT SPARE - (1961 -1962)

 Bowling and Wrasslin' were two of the most popular pastimes of the 50's and 60's! Tonight's Saturday Night Special offering is a tribute to bowlers everywhere, because just like golf and a lot of other things, bowling is not as easy as it looks on TV!

 "Make That Spare" was only a 15 minute TV show that was made to fill in time after boxing matches which tended to end after 45 minutes leaving a gap in programming that needed to be filled! The host was Johhny (Rock Around The Clock) Johnston!

Tonight's roll off is between two seasoned veterans, Jim Schroeder and......

.....................Jerry McCoy!

The game goes like this, the bowlers each have a chance at five frames of spare Hell, and whoever gets the most points gets a prize, plus a chance at the super spare shot!

If you've ever bowled, you'll know how difficult this is!

Both these guys were able to split these two pins!!
That's a damn good shot!

A lot of people think bowling is a sport for low-brow drunken dullards, but let's face it, you have to be drunk to try and attempt a shot like this! I saw a chart that listed the 10 most difficult spares to try and pick up, and they averaged under one per cent! That's why good bowlers throw all strikes!

Believe it or not, both Tabonga and I have been on bowling leagues at one time or another in our life, not together or even in the same decade, but we've both suffered the fever!

The winner of the contest got a shot at winning this Mustang if they could make this almost impossible spare! Unfortunately Jerry didn't make it!

So it turns out that in the end, Jerry was the real McCoy!

Friday, April 14, 2017

SIREN OF BAGDAD / Esskay Pictures Corporation - 1953

Time for a trip back to 1953 with a story that goes like this... Kazah the Great, a magician, heads a troupe of girls and acrobats traveling in Arabia. The girls are kidnapped by the Sultan, El Malid, and Kazak joins forces with Zendi, the daughter of the rightful sultan that was deposed by Malid. Kazak must get the girls back and rid Bagdad of the evil Malid...

The movie stars Paul (EXORIST II: THE HERETIC) Henreid, Patricia (LATITUDE ZERO) Medina and Hans (THE MONSTER THAT CHALLENGED THE WORLD) Conried.

Here's Kazak in the middle of his act, he's getting ready to disappear a girl.

Now, how much better does it get than to hang out with a scantily clad girlie smoking from a hookah?!.. Well, you can count me in!!

Hans plays Kazak's sidekick, Ben Ali. He scares this guy with Kazak's disappearing body trick!

Here's Ben Ali with his camel pal before heading off to Bagdad to search for the missing girls..

Kazak's girls are now entertaining the bad guys in Bagdad with great dance moves!

Kazak locates Princess Zendi taking a bath. she calls for her bodyguard to throw the bum out. But, when he pulls some flowers out of his ass for her, she has a change of heart!

For the old dude, this could be called... Heaven On Earth!

I like this shot with all the interesting foliage and costumes!

The girls check out all the good looking guys that have just entered the room! Too bad I'm not one of those guys...

Threw this one in because I really love the colors of those goofy costumes!

Ben Ali spends most of his time in disguise, screwing with Malid's men whenever possible!

Kazak finally gets Malid just where he wants him and the table's now turned!

Kazak has to perform one last disappearing trick before the people there to help Malid run away with their tails between their legs... Check in tomorrow for some fun from Eegah!!

Wednesday, April 12, 2017

BLACK SWARM - 'Lonely Couple Seeks Exterminator For Three-Way Fun' (2007)

 When I sat down to watch tonight's feature film, I thought I was going to watch "The Swarm," a 1978 film about killer bees, but as it turns out, it's a 2007 movie called "Black Swarm" about mutant wasps, so not only is it not a one word title movie, it's not the movie I meant to watch at all! So, hey, what else is new?

Welcome to another Whacked-Out Wednesday in the insect infested Dungeon!

Break out the "RAID!" The bugs are in the house tonight!

Let's see what kind of story we have here: The headlines read "Local Twin Killed In Freak Wasp Nest Accident!" That's really about all you need to know, everything else is peripheral!

Hey! I've got an idea........................

.........................Let's get Robert (Freddy Krueger) Englund for one of the main roles, and then nothing else will have to matter!

What a freakin' coincidence!!

As cool as this looks, one of the major problems with "Black Swarm" is that a lot of the citizens in the town like this ice cream man, are covered with horrible stingbites, and are almost brainless, and NOBODY seems to notice!

Nobody notices that is, until they die!

Doesn't it feel great to get your hair washed before you get it cut at the salon!

A good alternative title for "Black Swarm" would have been "Pests Out Of Control!"

Most of the music in "Black Swarm" by Jerry Goldsmith is either mundane or non-existent, but here's exactly one minute from the beginning that's pretty damn cool! Turn it up!!

This wasp hit the windshield with such velocity that it broke it! Now that's wild!

Wasps coming out of ears of course!

The Preacher doesn't look the least bit suspicious!!

 I would have to say the wasp sting special effects scenes are probably the best part of 
"Black Swarm!"

The Queen's nest is quite a sight!

Time to call in some real exterminators!!
One of the film's taglines is "Meet The Ultimate Buzz-Kill," and while I'm sure their little wings do make some sound though I've never heard it, I do believe it's bees that are more known for buzzing, so just take that small bit of info to heart, and you'll have a better understanding about what to expect from the rest of the
"Black Swarm!"

Monster Music

Monster Music
AAARRGGHHH!!!! Ya'll Come On Back Now, Y'Hear??