Saturday, November 21, 2020

FIRST WE FEAST - "Hot Ones" (2015-2020)

I'm going outside the take-out box for this Saturday Night Special, and into a realm I don't usually go these days, but I watched this show called "Hot Ones" the other night, and it sure as Hell made me laugh. It's been on for twelve seasons, but I just found out about it, so just in case any of you don't know, and are looking for something hot and cool to watch at the same time, this just might be the show for you!

I've been a wrasslin' fan ever since I was a kid, and the days of Pepper Gomez and Freddie Blassie, but it got old and tired over the years, but somehow I got on some mailing list and have been getting email from WWE for a few months now, so I've started watching clips now and then. It's something I can watch and no thinking is required!

So here's the deal, The Undertaker is retiring after thirty long years in this business, so they're making a big deal about it, which it is, so one video lead to another and I ended up here, in The Undertaker's home, and he's getting virtually interviewed, and going to taste test an array of nuclear/zombie powered hot sauces, and the next thing I know, I've watched the whole thing.

The host and writer of "Hot Ones" is this guy named Sean Evans, who does a great job of asking unique questions, and eating wings with hot sauces on them at the same time. To be supportive, he always eats the wings along with the person he's interviewing!

Mark William Calaway, aka The Undertaker is a Helluva good sport, and since he's retiring, he's free to talk about wrasslin in a free and open way, and tells some interesting stories and gives some inside information, something you rarely hear these guys do.

Here's one of the challenges he's faced with!

The Undertaker is one tough son of a gun from Texas, and he doesn't submit to any of the hot sauces, and they have milk and water there for the guests, but his extra challenge to himself was to not drink the milk, and he does it easily. If you don't know, milk is supposed to soothe the palate if you've eaten too many peppers, and it works to a degree, but when hot sauce is this hot, almost nothing helps!

They're only 30 minute episodes, and they get over in a hurry, so it didn't take me long to find another one to watch. This episode was older when they could still be in the same room together, and featured another bad hombre from Texas, Stone Cold Steve Austin.
I wanted to see this one because The Undertaker had taken issue with the way Stone Cold ate his wings, like it wasn't manly enough!

Since this is not on TV, the guests can say anything they want, and the word 'shit' and the F bomb go flying all over the place, especially as the wings get hotter. And there's just something about people when they cuss, you know they're not acting!

It's always fun to see big tough guys laugh and smile. These guests are asked to do something above and beyond, and some of them handle it well, but most lose it about the 7th or 8th bottle of sauce.
Steve Austin also had some great inside stories to tell, and gives out his own personal Margarita recipe, and it's a good one!

Then I read that the episode with Chef Gordon Ramsey was laced with obscenities, so I watched that one, and this guy is really something else, and throws F bombs all over the place! Gordon is known from his many cooking shows that he can have a very caustic personality, and hot sauces really lit the fuse. I wouldn't suggest you watch this program with any little children, that's for sure, but it's hilarious for adults!

At one point the sauces got so hot, all Gordon could say over and over was "Shit.......Shit........SHIT!" It often gets to a point where some of the guests can't even answer the questions any more! Apparently hot sauce can really break down walls! I enjoyed this episode a lot!

"Hot Ones" has been on since 2015, and has featured an array of celebrities from musicians to wrasslers, to actors and actresses, and rappers! I've only seen those three so far, but here's the kind of talent you can expect to see get tortured!

Just a super small sample of some of the amazing talent that has appeared and been tormented on this show are beautiful actresses like Charlize Theron!
Comedians like Kevin Hart who doesn't seem to be having a good time at all!

And more gorgeous actresses like Scarlett Johansson, who had to walk it off when it got too hot! Even harder to believe is that they were shooting these shows at nine o'clock in the morning, or at least one I was watching was. That's a Helluva way to start a day!

And for those of you who don't think chicken wings are sexy..............
Just some of the other notable people who have been on the show over the years are actors Matthew McConaughey, Will Ferrell, and Shia LaBeouf, musicians Coolio, Henry Rollins, T-Pain, and Billie Eilish, wrasselers Chris Jericho and Sasha Banks, sports stars like Shaquille O'Neal, comedians Wanda Sykes and Bob Saget, and cooks and chefs like Alton Brown and Guy Fieri! 
There are over 200 shows, so one of them is bound to have somebody you'd love to see lose it, I guarantee. It's really fun!
And you can watch any or all of it, right HERE!

Friday, November 20, 2020

SURPRISE! / Frank Dietz: Monster Kid Home Movies - 1975

It's another Friday around here and that means, time for another Monster Kid Home Movie... This time, a couple are walking in the hills and get a big surprise! And compared to other MKHM contributors, this one stands out, even at 2 minutes and 19 seconds.

We start with an arty shot of two teens descending a slope, I guess just out for a walk.

They slip and slide down the hill while she leads the way.

Then we get a nice long shot as they reach the bottom.

Could you guys hurry it up! This thing's just a little over two minutes long!!

Phew!.. Okay so, like, whoa! What the Hell's that?! I'm getting an EQUINOX vibe here, and the huge thing don't seem exactly, friendly!! Looks like it has a giant bath towel draped over its shoulder, pretty funny.

A close up shows a very cool cyclops monster, not bad, and, the animation is very well done to boot. They get an A...

Oh God!.. It's looking right at us!!

I guess to show rage, they use an orange filter on this shot. Unlike most of the shorts in MKHM, this one has been edited.

The next thing you know is, it has grabbed the squirming boy and smashes him into a boulder! It looks like Mr. Bill getting squished with everything rolling together.

Then you think it's going after the girl, but...

She just calmly walks away and back to wherever.

And she walks through a snow patch as the feature quickly cuts - Das Ende - Join us again tomorrow when we'll bring you even more crazy stuff, here at The Dungeon!!..

Wednesday, November 18, 2020

SPACE SHERIFF GAVAN - "The Movie" (2012)

Seems like a good time for a WTF!? Wednesday down in The Dungeon, and for me at least, "Space Sheriff Gavan" is about as WTF!? as it gets unless you're a Japanese kid, and then it all probably makes perfectly good sense.

The heroes here are Space Pirates, and I have to admit, I can't tell a Space Pirate from a Power Ranger, but I'm sure there are massive differences if you're informed about this stuff. but since I'm not, it's just one giant action adventure to me, and if you're going to have action, it might as well be 100% outlandish!

The Space Pirates have been falsely accused of doing nefarious deeds, and the authorities have sent Space Sheriff Gavan to round them up, and bring them in to justice.

Space Sheriff Gavan is not pleased that Superintendent Weevil wants to execute the Pirates immediately for their supposed crimes.

It turns out that it's not Superintendent Weevil at all, but instead it's Ashuraada of the Zangyack impersonating him, and after Space Sheriff Gavan frees the kids, Ashuraada shows his true dirty rotten bastard colours!

After one of the what seems like hundreds of battles, Ashuraada whisks the Sheriff off to the Makuu dimension, and the Pirates have no choice but to follow since he saved their lives!

The Makuu Dimension is a pretty cool looking place, but it's really evil as can be!

That's the Makuu Prison up on the hill.
Merriam-Webster defines clamoring as "to become loudly insistent," and that's why I love sub-titles!

There's a bunch of freaks in the prison, and I wanted to show more, but this is one of the scarier ones!

Oh, and the one that wants to lick this Pirate girl! 
What the hey, I thought this was kind of a kid's show!

I forget what the deal was with this character, but it was something really weird!

The Space Pirates are pretty badass!
And so it goes, without getting into a lot of unnecessary extra details!

They busted Sheriff Gavan out of prison, but now Ashuraada and his minions have returned to our dimension to take care of business!

Nice portrait of the Space Pirates!

For all you pyromaniacs, there is definitely no shortage of explosions! 

Freakin' Ashuraada just refuses to give in! Dude's got a real problem!
So, how do you like those kinky drillbomb shoulder pads?

Ole Ashuraada has got even more tricks up his multiple sleeves!

Six arms is just never enough when you want to swallow up the whole universe! 
Man, I don't know about you, but I'm sure glad we've got these Space Pirates watching out for us!

No, not really, until you blow him to kingdom come!!

So cool, and entertaining too!

Monster Music

Monster Music
AAARRGGHHH!!!! Ya'll Come On Back Now, Y'Hear??