Friday, October 23, 2020

THE THREE STOOGES In "A Bird In The Head" - 1946

In today's kwazy tale, the boys get the job of wallpapering a room in the house of  Professor Panzer, a mad scientist that wants to put a human brain in his ape Igor's head! But, he's having trouble finding someone with a small enough brain!!

Mr. Beedle, Panzer's helper, has hired the Stooges to wallpaper a room in the house, but he asks Moe if they knew what they were doing because Curly was eating the paste! Moe assures him that he won't recognize the place when they're done!

The professor has Beedle come in, he'd like to ask him a few questions about the paper hangers... Oh, and by the way, what's your hat size? Beedle says, 7-1/2, and the professor sighs, oh, that's too bad! He then asks his (very nervous at this point) assistant Nikko the same question, but alas, his brain is also too large.

Back in the room, the boys are up to their old tricks. Look how Larry's carrying the ladder! And of course Moe's on the receiving end!

Curly just cannot get the paper flattened out...

And, the first piece of paper Larry and Curly put up is over Moe. They think it's lumpy paste until they find Moe under it!

Beedle walks in to check on the progress.

And sure enough, Moe said he wouldn't recognize the place! This is one of my all time favorite Stooge scenes, Beedle keeps saying... This is SILLY, it's just SILLY! He tries to pummel the boys but slips on some paste and ends up in a closet.

The boys run across the hall and into Panzer's lab. After Moe calls Curly 'bird brain,' the mad scientist appears and is totally intrigued...

Panzer performs a few tests on Curly, including using a stethoscope on his head!!

Panzer tells the boys that if they cooperate with him, they will live in luxury for the rest of their lives! They agree and he shows them to their room, and locks them in. Then, Igor wanders into their room and they quickly hide under the bed!

Igor gets a kick out of stomping down on the boys as they cry out in pain!

Igor gets his foot stuck in the springs and the guys somehow get out of the room and head back to the lab. After an x-ray of his head and Panzer ranting about finding a human brain for Igor, Curly ask the madman, so, where are you going to find a brain? Vernon Dent's performance here is uncanny and he definitely steals the show!

The boys spoil Panzer's plan and run back to their room. There, Curly and Igor bond and now he's Curly's pal. The guys lock Panzer out of the lab after they return there. Moe tries to bully Curly and Igor steps in to threaten Moe if he tries! So funny! Curly even gets to slap Moe a few times while Igor holds him there, which Moe welcomes!

Then, Igor finds some grain alcohol that him and Curly share.

Panzer accesses the lab through a secret panel in the wall, holding a freaking machine gun! He tells the boys to get ready to die! 

But, Igor grabs the weapon from him and starts spraying the lab with bullets. After hitting the boys in the caboose with some shots, Panzer gets his turn

The Stooges and Igor make a hasty retreat, to live for another crazy adventure! Halloween is just around the corner, so, join us again tomorrow for another special treat, here at The Dungeon!!..

Wednesday, October 21, 2020

THE MUPPET SHOW - "With Vincent Price" (1977)

The Wacky Wednesday's Countdown To Halloween entry is Season 01, Episode 19. of one of the funniest TV shows ever produced, "The Muppet Show!"

Every episode of "The Muppet Show" featured a "special" guest star, and on this one it was the always amazing Vincent Price.

As I'm sure you know, "The Muppet Show" was a fast moving array of skits, and for this one, since Vincent Price was on it, the emphasis was on "Scary," and "Monsters," hence, a dark and dreary castle!

The Great Gonzo and Fozzie Bear are at the front door when they see a couple of ghosts, which sets the mood.

Of course, Vincent Price shows up at the castle too!

Vincent is accompanied by his beautiful assistant played by Uncle Deadly while the hideously deformed but unseen monster waits outside.

This episode actually aired on January 29th, nearer to New Years than Halloween, so when there is a transformation scene, Vincent turns into Jack Parnell who was a bandleader and the conductor for "The Muppet Show" orchestra instead of a monster. Jack Parnell was also a drummer who was voted 'Best Drummer' for seven years in a row by Melody Maker magazine in the 40's and 50's. Jack's son Ric played the drummer in "Spinal Tap."

Since Vincent Price was also an excellent cook, and culinary expert, they have a panel discussion with him and Chef Pierre Lacousse and Gorgon Heap.

First Gorgon ends up eating the chef!

Much to Kermit's demise, both Gorgon and Vincent Price think that some frog legs would be tasty!

Vincent admits "I'm a bit of a Devil, but I do like frog's legs."

Next is this trio of ghosts doing a strange but fun version of The Beatles' "I'm Looking Through You."

One of the final sequences has Kermit thanking Vincent for being on the show.

They kind of goofed up this part though, but if they hadn't, the gag wouldn't have worked. Kermit tells Vincent that "In a lot your movies, you're always turning into a vampire, and well, how do you do that?" Vincent then flashes some big fangs, but the truth is, Vincent Price never played a vampire in a movie until "The Monster Club" came out in 1981, unless you want to count the "Snoop Sisters" episode called "A Black Day For Bluebeard" from 1974, that had Vincent Price as an actor playing a vampire.
Kermit then displays his own set of fangs.................
...............And proceeds to chomp down on Vincent's jugular vein!


Monday, October 19, 2020

ADVENTURES OF SUPERMAN / "Ghost Wolf" - 1952

Here's an adventure from season one of this great series, in it, Clark, Lois and Jimmy head to Washington state to see what the problem is at the Lone Pine Timber Company paper mill (owned by The Daily Planet) where they get the wood pulp for the newspaper...

I just wanted to show this pic because it's freaking awesome!!

Anyway, all the loggers have quit because there's a rumor about a... Get ready, yeah, a werewolf!! Sam, the company supervisor on the left, talks with lumberman Jacques, who is also quitting because he says he has seen the creature!

Perry's a real grouch in this one, so, he sends the gang to Washington to investigate the wild rumors that Sam told him about, concerning the situation there.

After a plane ride, Clark, Lois and Jimmy take a train to the paper mill. On the way, the brakeman (remember the caboose?) tells them about the strange things that have been happening recently. Like, someone has been trying to cause train wrecks and the like...

Clark says he wants to take a walk, and Lois responds... A walk?!

Sensing danger, Clark uses his x-ray eyes to see if he can notice anything suspicious. And sure enough, he spots something that's horribly wrong!

And if you don't believe me, when's the last time you saw Clark react like that?!

Superman holds up a damaged bridge trestle and the train just barely makes it across before the whole thing collapses, and he flies off to join his pals. That was a close one!

And who's this mysterious woman roaming around with her wolf? Could she be the dreaded werewolf in this story?!!

Lois has her own cabin, and as she's falling asleep, the 'wolf' jumps through the window and growls at her. She screams like crazy and everyone comes running. Then she tells Clark that she's sleeping in their cabin, him and Jimmy can sleep together in one bed and she'll take the other one, get it?! Love Clark's robe.

Well, it seems that Jacques is a wereweasel, he's behind all the mayhem. Now, the ass wipe sets the forest on fire!!

Of course Lois and Jimmy get caught up in the flames, Jimmy helps Lois up after she falls down while running. I don't know why I notice these things, but, look where Jimmy's left hand is!!

Supe saves the day when he swoops in and covers his pals with his cape!

Okay, it gets a little confusing here, but, the woman, Babette, thinks Sam is responsible for her losing the land, but Jacques was playing her while he did his dirty work. She discovers the truth and Jacques grabs the rifle and threatens to kill her and Sam, and her beloved pet!! 

Well, we know that ain't gonna happen on Superman's watch. He comes up with an idea to stop the fire, he takes 5000 feet of electrical cable up into the clouds to trigger a thunder storm!

What a sight to behold! And before long, it starts pouring down and the fire goes out.

A totally drenched Clark finally shows up and wants to know if Superman could please just stop the rain! Well, another one bites the dust as we round that old Halloween Countdown bend, here at The Dungeon!!..

Monster Music

Monster Music
AAARRGGHHH!!!! Ya'll Come On Back Now, Y'Hear??