Saturday, April 18, 2020

CLOWNVIS PRESLEY - "Trafficula" (2019)

You know, when the stars align just wrong like now, and everything still comes out right somehow, then it must be time for another Saturday Night Special in The Dungeon.

 Tonight's short feature is a music video from The King of Clowns, Clownvis Presley

 If it was just Clownvis, I might not have even paid attention, but Clownvis combined with Trafficula, and you've piqued my curiosity!

 Following the crumbs of my old pal Zilligord, aka El Gordo,
is what lead me to be in this situation.

Check it out for yourself!
And if that's not enough for you, there are also Clownvis videos titled "Barack O's Tacos," and a real fave, "The Cursive Song" that you can also find on his website!

In the video, Clownvis is out cruising with his posse when they spot Trafficula!

It's only a two minute and thirty second video, so Trafficula needs to get his dirty work done in a hurry!

Stuck in traffic on Highway 40 makes Clownvis and his ladies easy prey!

One by one, they all become infected!

It's difficult to practice social distancing in a convertible, and the bite of a vampire is just like a contagious virus, so the outcome is to be expected!

Cause I know you're going to want to contact him directly before he gets too big, here's the entrance to the world of Clownvis!
Ya'll can thank me later!

Friday, April 17, 2020

JACK THE RIPPER / Close Your Eyes And Whisper His Name,, - 1976

One good Klaus deserves a bad one. Welcome to our Friday Flip-Out Feature, Klaus plays a serial killer whose mother was a prostitute, and he starts killing streetwalkers as a way of paying her back for her abuse... Not exactly a Jack The Ripper story, his name isn't even Jack, it's Dennis! Only tie-in is the street girls, he also likes women who perform at cheap bars.

You gotta love Klaus Kinski, a real original. The one day I worked as an extra on the set of TIMESTALKERS, Klause took a wild ride on an ATV and drove through the lunch area, real fast, while we were eating. The weird smile on his face was priceless, I couldn't tell if he was acting or not... Tell you one thing, the dude could ride a horse! Man, he died at age 65.

Well, well, well, who could this be hiding in the shadows at night, stalking women?..

There's the victim, wrapped and ready to be dumped into the stream. But wait a minute, why is there a big old lady tossing the body out of the boat? Oh great, now we gots two mysteries!!

Here's a good portrait of Dr. Dennis Orloff... See, it's a freakin' Orloff flick!

An interesting character is this old blind man who tells the Inspector that he can help the case with some details, as he was witness to the murder. He says that by being blind, his senses are heightened and he can give unique qualities of the person.

In the meantime, Orloff's having a fever dream about Cynthia, a ballet dancer, and girlfriend of the Inspector. She's telling him to come and get her, she's just like his mother, a whore...

My favorite part is when his landlady lets him know that she wants to be his girlfriend... She pours a cup of tea and offers it to him. After a few very weird expressions on his face, Orloff knocks the tea cup out of her hand (you gotta see it, wow) and it flies out of the scene, He gets up immediately and tells her something like... Screw you and your doddamn tea parties!! Needless to say, it horrifies the woman. She starts crying and goes over to the window, with her back turned. He reaches into his bag and pulls out a knife, he walks toward her, but, at the last second decides to go out to find his next victim. Klaus looks sooo strange in this one!

Shame on you prop department! A fisherman snags this mannequin hand (with a painted on light brown patina) and goes to the police... And, they take it as evidence!!!

So, the police bring in a sketch artist to try and figure out what the killer looks like, by interviewing witnesses to the murders. The sketch definitely looks like Orloff, drawn in a modern art style!

No kidding, watching the movie, next scene starts, there's a closed curtain on screen... It quickly opens and we're treated to this fine... Her pose in the bottom still sez it all. Then I thought, hmmm, the audience is a mile away, there's no way they're seeing what we're seeing!!

Orloff captures Cynthia and is torn as to what he wants to do with her. Before he can harm her though, the Inspector and the police show up.

Yeah, his helper's there to the stinking end...

The Inspector tells Orloff to come down from his perch and give up, he's surrounded. After one cop fires a bullet near him, he surrenders with no problems. This one has too many standard story lines to get excited about, it's just a weird one! Tune in tomorrow for more fun, here at The Dungeon!!..

Wednesday, April 15, 2020

DIE TÜR MIT DEN 7 SCHLÖSSEM - "The Door With Seven Locks" (1962)

It's a Edgar Wallace Wednesday in The Dungeon, and tonight's feature,
"The Door With Seven Locks!"

Another version of  "The Door With Seven Locks" was released in 1940, and then they changed the name to "Chamber Of Horrors!"
The title "Chamber Of Horrors" was then used again for a completely different movie that was made in 1966.

I don't know how many of these Edgar Wallace films they made using these interchangeable cast members, but there's a lot of them, and somehow, they're always good!
In "The Door With Seven Locks" we have Heinz Drache in the lead role instead of Joachim Fuchsberger.

Not such a regular to this cast, I think Savina Sesselmann was only in one other Edgar Wallace film, "The Devil's Daffodil."

Hans Nielsen was in the Edgar Wallace classics "The Indian Scarf," "The Phantom Of Soho," and "The Monster Of London City."

Gisela Uhlen was also in "The Indian Scarf," and "The Hunchback Of Soho."

Pinkas Braun was in the colourful Wallace titles "Secret Of The Red Orchid," and "The Curse Of The Yellow Snake."

The always great Werner Peters was also in "The Phantom Of Soho," and "The Black Abbot."

I'm counting at least eleven Edgar Wallace movies that Klaus Kinski has been in!

This might be the only Edgar Wallace film that Friedrich Joloff was in, but he did a lot of other work like being in six of the seven episodes of  "Raumpatrouille - Die Phantastischen Abenteuer des Raumschiffes Orion," or German "Space Patrol."

The Austrian equivalent to Tor Johnson, and professional wrestler Ady Berber is in this film too.
Ady was also in the super classic "Dead Eyes Of London," and "Dr. Mabuse Vs. Scotland Yard."

Last but not least is Eddie Arent who provided the comic relief in at least 19 Edgar Wallace films by my counting!

You got seven locks, then you're gonna need some keys!

I think there is a close up of an eye or an eye peeping through some weird hole in every Edgar Wallace movie that was ever made!

Snakes don't exist just in the jungle!

It's 'The Door!'

"Hey Klaus, you've got something on your lip right about here!"

Even Klaus Kinski's character Pheeny can't believe how hard it is to find a copy of this film!

It just makes you want to scream!!!

Monster Music

Monster Music
AAARRGGHHH!!!! Ya'll Come On Back Now, Y'Hear??