Wednesday, April 15, 2020

DIE TÜR MIT DEN 7 SCHLÖSSEM - "The Door With Seven Locks" (1962)

It's a Edgar Wallace Wednesday in The Dungeon, and tonight's feature,
"The Door With Seven Locks!"

Another version of  "The Door With Seven Locks" was released in 1940, and then they changed the name to "Chamber Of Horrors!"
The title "Chamber Of Horrors" was then used again for a completely different movie that was made in 1966.

I don't know how many of these Edgar Wallace films they made using these interchangeable cast members, but there's a lot of them, and somehow, they're always good!
In "The Door With Seven Locks" we have Heinz Drache in the lead role instead of Joachim Fuchsberger.

Not such a regular to this cast, I think Savina Sesselmann was only in one other Edgar Wallace film, "The Devil's Daffodil."

Hans Nielsen was in the Edgar Wallace classics "The Indian Scarf," "The Phantom Of Soho," and "The Monster Of London City."

Gisela Uhlen was also in "The Indian Scarf," and "The Hunchback Of Soho."

Pinkas Braun was in the colourful Wallace titles "Secret Of The Red Orchid," and "The Curse Of The Yellow Snake."

The always great Werner Peters was also in "The Phantom Of Soho," and "The Black Abbot."

I'm counting at least eleven Edgar Wallace movies that Klaus Kinski has been in!

This might be the only Edgar Wallace film that Friedrich Joloff was in, but he did a lot of other work like being in six of the seven episodes of  "Raumpatrouille - Die Phantastischen Abenteuer des Raumschiffes Orion," or German "Space Patrol."

The Austrian equivalent to Tor Johnson, and professional wrestler Ady Berber is in this film too.
Ady was also in the super classic "Dead Eyes Of London," and "Dr. Mabuse Vs. Scotland Yard."

Last but not least is Eddie Arent who provided the comic relief in at least 19 Edgar Wallace films by my counting!

You got seven locks, then you're gonna need some keys!

I think there is a close up of an eye or an eye peeping through some weird hole in every Edgar Wallace movie that was ever made!

Snakes don't exist just in the jungle!

It's 'The Door!'

"Hey Klaus, you've got something on your lip right about here!"

Even Klaus Kinski's character Pheeny can't believe how hard it is to find a copy of this film!

It just makes you want to scream!!!

Monday, April 13, 2020

VIRGIN SACRIFICE / Featuring Members Of The Savage Vicuni Indian Tribe! - 1959

In today's deadly adventure, a white hunter in Guatemala falls for a native girl there and must save her from becoming a virgin sacrifice, pretty easy to understand. I had an aunt from Guatemala, boy could she cook!! Oh yeah, it's filmed in Tropicolor!!

This one stars David DaLie as Mr. Samson, Antonio Gutiérrez plays Tumic the native leader, Angélica Morales as Morena and Fernando Wagner as what else, Fernando!

Mr. Samson is taking a canoe trip to San Jose in Guatemala, we get to enjoy some beautiful jungle locations and animal life along the way.

While riding in the boat, Samson has a flashback from the past about seeing a native girl die by a dagger wound in a virgin sacrifice near where he's going, and it still disturbs him...

After reaching his destination, he finds his friend, a fellow hunter, dead. Samson takes from his clutched hand a talisman from a local native tribe...

Samson goes to the cantina to get a drink after he finds his dead friend. There also is Tumic, a member of the tribe that killed his partner for hunting the jungle animals. He despises Samson too, and decides to keep a close eye on him. Check out the bartender!

There are a lot of dance numbers at the cantina, and many are flaming hot, like this shot here!

Well anyway, Fernando and daughter Morena are out enjoying themselves in the jungle, he's fishing and she's bathing nude in the water! The natives show up and kill the old man, then kidnap Morena and take her away in their canoe...

Samson is hot on the trail to retrieve Morena from the natives. He encounters a booby-trap but isn't fooled by the natives' lame attempt to kill him.

The natives even unleash a pile of pythons and vipers in another failed attempt to kill our hero, he's super jungle-wise you know!

So, the natives get Morena to their camp and tie her up, then they mess with her a lot. Samson shows up and wants to speak with their leader...

Holy cow, wouldn't you know it, the freakin' leader is that spiteful Tumic! Now what?!..

But of course, it's a battle to the death between Samson and Tumic!! Let the Tiger-God decide who the winner and new tribe leader will be!

It's down to blade vs. blade, and after a lengthy battle, Tumic bites the dust, game over man!

With Morena in tow, Samson grabs his clothes and just gets the Hell out of there, while the warriors cover up their dead ex-leader... The End! We'll return with more wild Dungeon Cargo on Wednesday, see you then!

Saturday, April 11, 2020

GUNN - "Gunn, Peter Gunn!" (1967)

I've got a real Saturday Night Special for you this evening, and this "Gunn" is loaded!

I love the "Peter Gunn" television series, and this movie made on the popularity of that show doesn't fail to deliver the goods.

Here's a Pop Art shot from the opening credits. "Gunn" was written, directed and produced by Blake Edwards. Blake was also the creator of the original "Peter Gunn" TV series, and of course will always be remembered as the man who created "The Pink Panther."

If this was a real Coast Guard boat instead of a floating gang of killers, we'd have no story!

Here's the lucky couple who won the murder lottery! 

The guy once saved Peter Gunn's life, so Pete feels it's his duty to try and find out who was responsible. Every good detective needs a foil or comrade and for Peter Gunn it's Edward (Lou Grant) Asner as Police Lieutenant Jacoby. Ed Asner has an amazing 396 credits to his name, and at 91 years old has got a number of TV shows and movies in production for 2020. Way to go Ed!
Peter Gunn is played by the always entertaining Craig Stevens.
Besides being Peter Gunn for 114 episodes, a couple of other fun things Craig was in were "Abbott and Costello Meet Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde," and "The Deadly Mantis."

All the beautiful women want him, but Pete's best girl Is Laura (Chamber of Horrors) Devon as torch singer Edie! 
Laura was also Ellwyn Glover in "The Twilight Zone" episode called "Jess-Belle," but she was never on the "Peter Gunn" TV show.

"Gunn" is just Fun and full of colorful places and people like this cool club on the water called The Ark.

Since it's called The Ark, it's filled with twos of beautiful women from all over the world!
"Gunn" is very sexy movie, but it's not dirty!

There's lots of neat shots from odd angles like this!

A lot of people get killed in gruesome ways, but "Gunn" is never overly violent or gross!

"Gunn's" got a realness factor to it, like how often do you see the hero of a show yawning?
They've been running Pete through the ringer and he's tired!

All you "Star Trek" fans will appreciate the appearance of the adorable Sherry Jackson as Samantha, one of the gals pursuing Pete!
Sherry Jackson started acting at the age of 6 in 1949. Sherry's still alive today, but you can't blame her for quitting in 1982 after 102 credits.
133 episodes of "The Danny Kaye Show," appearances on "Lost In Space," and "Batman," Andrea on "Star Trek," and she was Comfort Gatewood on "The Twilight Zone" episode called "The Last Rites of Jeff Myrtlebank."

Here's two completely different looks at Pete in his bachelor pad kitchen!
This one with Samantha..........

........And this one with a very relaxed Lieutenant Jacoby, and Pete in his robe!

Here's another fun bar we all need to go to sometime, The Monkey Farm!

As expected, The Monkey Farm is a zoo, and this hipster thug tries very unsuccessfully to get in Pete's face!

These two mobsters beat Peter down in a novel kind of way, they back him up against the wall and pound him with racquetballs!

You got to have balls to shoot in a roomful of mirrors!

It's kind of difficult to see what exactly is going on here, and I don't want to spoil the ending, but this is a really bad dude getting tossed through a plate glass window by Peter Gunn!
It just looks cool, and boy did he deserve it!

The music in "Gunn" is bonus material all the way written by Henry Mancini, and the club at the end features the rock band The Gordian Knot!

The song performed in the movie is titled "If Only I Could Fly," and was later on The Gordian Knot's only LP, this self-titled 'soft-psych' record in 1968.

Before it's all over, another beauty Carol Wayne introduces herself to Peter!
Carol was very popular as she appeared regularly on "The Johnny Carson Show" in skits with Johnny. She did a nude pictorial in the February 1984 issue of Playboy magazine, and sadly drowned mysteriously the following year in a case that has never been solved.

It's not the greatest copy in the world, but "Gunn" is a good enough movie that you almost don't care, so just in case if you want to see for yourself, and I suggest you do, then here you go!
 If you don't want to watch the movie, at least do yourself a favor and
Listen To The Killer Soundtrack!

Monster Music

Monster Music
AAARRGGHHH!!!! Ya'll Come On Back Now, Y'Hear??