Friday, April 26, 2019

THE TERROR OF TINY TOWN / Little Guys With Big Guns! - 1938

Here's a weird one, it has a cast of Jed Buell's Midgets and there are a lot of them... In the story, an evil gun slinging crook comes to terrorize the good little people of Tiny Town, and, the townspeople must organize to defeat him. This thing's a real hoot and is fairly freakin' surrealistic...

Before the movie rolls, a tall announcer introduces the stars of flick, the good guy and the bad guy. They get in a hassle arguing over who wins at the end, because, you know, you'll just have to to watch it to find out! Definitely for the kids.

It stars Billy Curtis as The Hero (Buck Lawson), Yvonne Moray as The Girl (Nancy Preston), 'Little Billy' Rhodes as The Villain (Bat Haines), Billy Platt as The Rich Uncle (Jim 'Tex' Preston), John T. Bambury as The Ranch Owner (Pop Lawson), Joseph Herbst as The Sheriff, Charles Becker as The Cook (Otto), Nita Krebs as The Vampire (Nita, the dance hall girl), etc., etc.

Here's our little cowboy hero Billy Curtis as Buck, he's Tiny Town's good guy...

And who shows up in Tiny Town? Well, that's one mean hombre named Bat!.. Rat would be more like it!.. Where is he, anyway?

Over at the dance hall, some musicians are playing a tune, looks like the only thing tiny in Tiny Town are the little people living there, the surrealism starts to kick in...

The half-pint bar tender chugs down like a half gallon glass of beer, I guess for some more comedy relief, what's really funny is that he chokes on it before he finishes it off!

Anyway, back to the plot... So, Bat has just killed one of Buck's pals, he runs to the Sheriff and claims that Buck killed him! After knocking Bat to the floor, the Sheriff arrests Buck and takes him to the jail! Good old law of the west.

Okay, check this shit out!..

Lookit Mike!.. I found this vintage cook's outfit all by myself, and, I can make an offer all by myself! Quit butting in.

Little Frankie's looking good after he does some shopping while picking in Texas.

Frank finds a very nice early 1900's gambling machine he wants to make an offer on! But, he's thinking.. Should I bundle?

Back to the action!.. Bat gets everyone drunk at the bar, puts thoughts into their heads and so they all rush over to the jail to take Buck and hang him high!! The way they have to get up on the walk is freakin' hilarious!!

The Sheriff tries to stop the mayhem only to get shot by Bat, and, the murderer then escapes!

Some of Buck's boys show up and have the sorry shits drop their guns... Slowly!!

The Girl has gone to Bat's hideout and puts some TNT under the floor and lights it, then she splits. Bat shows up and tries to grab his blood money and leave the state. Buck shows up and a little old fight ensues...

Danger Will Robinson!.. That fuse is getting pretty damn short!!

Buck knocks Bat out and darts out the door and runs away from the hideout after the Girl yells to him that the place is ready to explode! Bat goes to the window, gets a bead on Buck, when... KA-BLOOWIE!! Bringing our little story to an abrupt end... Tune in tomorrow when Eegah!! will bring the pain!..

Wednesday, April 24, 2019

SERGEANT BERRY - 1938 - 1974

Tonight's Whack Job Wednesday is the story of "Sergeant Berry," and you can thank Lord Litter in Berlin for putting me up to it since I never heard of "Sergeant Berry" in my whole life until last week!
There are two parts, this German movie from 1938, and a German TV series from 1974, both with the same title.

I think this DVD might be available in Germany, but good luck even finding it there! Here's what the good Lord had to say about this TV series from 1975......
"Sergeant Berry is really almost Jess Franco doing a TV series (some of the episodes are shot in Spain .. and I guess I see some Franco actors there) .. the director is Harald Pillipp  (Jerry Cotton) who also appears as an actor .."
So you see, this series sounds like a lot of fun!

Robert Arden wrote the original novel, but doesn't seem to be credited in the movie or the TV series for some strange reason!

The 1938 German "Sergeant Berry" is a strange story of an American police officer sent to stop drug smugglers at the Mexican border.

It stars classic German actor Hans Albers as "Sergeant Berry!"
Hans Albers God given name is Hans Philipp August Albers, and the Director of the 1974 TV series is named Harald Philipp. Something seems strange about all that!

The swingin' music for the TV series is written by Dungeon all-star fave Peter Thomas, and you can buy this album on Amazon for $82.00 to check it out,..........

Looks like L.A. to me!
If you do an internet search for "Sergeant Berry," you'll get a lot more leads to Sergeant Barry Sadler, and "The Battle of the Green Berets," and "F-Troop" than you will to this "Sergeant Berry."

Sergeant Berry was on the air in Germany for 26 episodes. The first thirteen episodes starred Klausjürgen Wussow as Sergeant Berry, and the last thirteen episodes had Harald Juhnke in the lead role!

This lady is on her way to a get together of "Sergeant Berry's Bridge Club."
Don't feel bad, I don't get it either!

And then there's Sergeant's Cracker Band and their version of the theme song for "Sergeant Berry!"

And while I couldn't find that, here's a pretty nifty song called "Machucho" by Sergeant Cracker's Band, which I can only hope is the same as Sergeant's Cracker Band!
Really, your guess is as good as mine!

Monday, April 22, 2019

MONDO KEYHOLE / You Will See It All Through... Mondo Keyhole! - 1966

Here's a wild one, Jack (SPIDER BABY) Hill co-directs, and is photographer and editor on this 1966 sexy horror production... Howard Thorne is a rapist in Los Angeles, he meets women at work and at parties, or, he sees them walking down the street and follows them, he terrifies them, he assaults them! He also dreams about these assaults and is unclear how much of what he's done is real and how much is fantasy. He ignores his heroin-using wife, Vicki, who tries everything she can think of to get his sexual attention. The couple go to a costume party separately where Vicki learns the full truth about his nature and that he's being stalked by one of his recent victims.

This one stars Nick (only acting credit) Moriarty, Adele (MY TALE IS HOT) Rein, Carol (INTERNATIONAL SMORGAS-BROAD) Baughman, Pluto (only acting credit) Felix, Christopher (only acting credit) Winters, Penelope (only acting credit) Faith and Cathy (DOWN AND DIRTY) Crowfoot... Wow, not much star power here!

So, Howard arrives home after work and gets this freaky surprise from his horror mask wearing wife Vicki, she'll do anything to get her hubby's attention!..

All Howard wants to do is have a stiff drink and relax after a hard day of being a pervert.

Unfortunately, Vicki has a a problem... Heroin!

She likes to shoot up and get sexy in front of the bathroom mirror, among other things...

In the meantime, Howard enjoys listening to 'punishment' records at work to feed his sickness.

Also at work, Howard and associates review their adult films they produce. Howard is totally surrounded by all the vices of his eventual downfall.

Back at home, Vicki gets all sexy with another mirror in her bedroom, cool pic!

So, it's time to go to the Hollywood Model's Ball, what the Hell could go wrong, right?..

What I really like about this flick are the many very cool horror shock masks they throw in the mix! They gots that wild old school look!

After the party, Howard hits the streets in a fog, looking for a cute girl to follow around and possibly rape, just for the thrill of it all...

He stalks and follows a girl into an elevator... He tries to attack her but what he doesn't know is that she knows karate! She knocks him out and drags him out of elevator...

He ends up in the room of the two dominatrix chicks in the movies his company produces, where he gets his just desserts!! Like, tune in on Wednesday when we'll be back with more insanity, just for you and yours!!

Monster Music

Monster Music
AAARRGGHHH!!!! Ya'll Come On Back Now, Y'Hear??