Saturday, January 5, 2019

A DOPPIA FACCI - "A Double Face" (1969)

Twelve years and almost 3000 movies later, and we still haven't made a cent, and tonight ain't gonna be any different. This Saturday Night Special for the beginning of 2019 is a film called "A Doppia Faccia" or "Double  Face" and sometimes even "Puzzle Of Horrors" depending on who you talk to!
This film should have actually been called something like "The Many Looks Of Klaus Kinski" because that's mostly what it is!

Now I'm not complaining because Klaus Kinski is a perennial favourite, and a member of The Dungeon Hall Of Fame, and it's good to see him in a role as a handsome leading man instead of some psychotic freak case!

Pretty daring for 1969, and even more daring for whatever year Edgar Wallace wrote it, Klaus's wife is a lesbian, and is played by the marvelous Margaret Lee of  "Secret Agent Super Dragon," "Psycho-Circus," "Venus In Furs" etc. fame!!

When your relationship is this far gone, even going to races isn't going to save it! You've already lost the bet before you even got started! I always like shots of people looking through their binoculars at the racetrack!

Klaus's wife also has a cool snake ring.....

...and a nasty scar on her neck that will be handy when trying to identify her later once things get strange!

I'm willing to bet that at least 40% of the movie is closeups of Klaus, and maybe even more than that!

The music is swinging and strange from start to finish! Working as Joan Christian for whatever weird contractual obligation, Nora Orlandi is the woman responsible!

The music in this club scene was just as disorienting as this still, and sounded like four or five different songs playing at the same time!

Klaus just keeps racking up more closeups!

This is a pretty cool and and atmospheric alley shot!

How ironic, I have a pair of dikes exactly like this!!

A good lighting person is worth their weight in gold!

For the whole story and even more closeups of Klaus's mug, I recommend you go on over to Sinister Cinema and grab yourself a copy! I also found it streaming for free on YouTube, but the quality is so bad, it's not really worth the effort or the time!

Friday, January 4, 2019

LOST IN SPACE Season 1 Episode 25 "The Space Croppers" - 1966

We start this episode with a teaser where Dr. Smith, Will and Penny meet up with a freakin' Werewolf.. Uhhh, like, Heeeelp, Mr. Wizard!

This story's about what happens when the Robinsons run into a group of Space Hillbillies that Dr. Smith believes might take him back to good old mother Earth... Yeah, right!

Besides our crew, other actors include Mercedes McCambridge as Sybilla, Sherry Jackson as Effra and Dawson Palmer as Keel/the Werewolf.

Dr. Smith takes Will with him to look for the Werewolf that scared them earlier, but, meet up with big country hayseed, Keel.

Keel takes our boys to his country style spaceship where his hot sister Effra joins them.

Oh, and don't forget their momma, Sybilla. She likes to grow all kinds of crazy plants!

Effra goes to say howdy to her new neighbors and borrow (steal) a few things. Then, she sees Don, and wants him for her new beau! Problem is, well, Judy just don't dig it, which almost leads to a cat fight! Check out Don's expression!

So, mom and daughter get all gussied up for Dr. Smith and Don. Mom needs a new husband for a reason we'll get to in a moment...

Will shows up at the ranch to check up on the Hillbillies' deadly plants, and...

That damn Werewolf pops into the scene! Will tries to get away but falls back into a flesh eating monster plant. He doesn't look real happy about the situation! Don't worry, Effra shows up and saves the day.

Okay, here's the deal... Dr. Smith wants to marry Sybilla to get a ride back to Earth, but, she wants to marry Dr. Smith so that Keel/the Werewolf will have a father!

Sybilla's plants are out of control, so, the gang use spray to kill them!

Just after they kill the plants, Dr. Smith comes a runnin'. They watch as the Hillbillies take off and head back to Earth, sans Dr. Smith.

We get a glimpse of next week's episode, don't miss it! Anyway, it's supposed to rain tomorrow, so, I wonder how all those negative ions will effect what Eegah!! has in store for us... Til then!

Wednesday, January 2, 2019

GLOW - Kate Nash (2018)

Okay, here we go again! Welcome back to Whacked-Out Wednesday in The Dungeon! I admit it, I've been screwing off a lot lately, and watching stupid stuff like "GLOW" on Netflix, and even though I didn't think the show was that good, (Actually I was hoping it would be truer to the real behind the scenes story) it was interesting to a degree! My daughter was seven when "The Gorgeous Ladies of Wrestling" came on in 1986, and since I loved to watch wrasslin', we used to watch it together all the time on Saturday mornings. Somehow she turned out to be a fantastic Mother, so I guess they were decent role models!

 Out of all the characters, some likeable, and some not, I found the character of Rhonda Richardson as Britannica to be the most interesting of the group. Rhonda is played by a unique young woman who is not only talented, funny, beautiful, and intelligent, but she also plays the bass!

Her name is Kate Nash, and although not exactly a household name in America yet, I think she will be some day soon, just not because of this show. Kate was voted "Best British Female Solo Artist" in 2008, and has quite a few hit songs. Barely in her 30's, I believe Kate's star is just starting to shine or glow! I was just looking at her tour dates, and I have no idea how she had time for this show!
 Here's the link to her website!

 Britannica is the smart one of the girls, and her character was inspired by the original "GLOW" wrestlers Zelda the Brain, and Godiva. Here she is having a confrontation with the gorgeous Sydelle Noel as Cherry Bang or "Black Magic."

While watching the show, you'll notice that Rhonda has a strong British accent, but she's not acting, because that's Kate's real accent, and unlike guys named John and Paul, she doesn't try and change it when she's performing, and I say Cheers to her independent soul!

A champion of underdogs everywhere, Kate actively supports women's and LGBT rights!

Kate only has nine acting credits, but her music has been used in 21 movies and TV shows! So, if you want to see how talented this gal really is, here are a couple of videos that show how many different styles she is capable of! You're welcome!



Monday, December 31, 2018

THE MASK OF FU MANCHU / The Frankenstein Of The Orient! - 1932

Here's a good one for our last post of 2018, in this story, some Englishmen race to find the tomb of Genghis Khan, and, they have to get there fast as the evil genius, Dr. Fu Manchu, is also searching for the tomb, If Fu Manchu gets the mysteriously powerful relics, he and his diabolical daughter will enslave the entire world!

The movie stars Boris Karloff as Dr. Fu Manchu, Lewis Stone as Nayland Smith, Karen Morley as Sheila Barton, Charles Starrett as Terrence Granville, Myrna Loy as Fah Lo See, Jean Hersholt as Von Berg, Lawrence Grant as Sir Lionel Barton and David Torrence as McLeod.

Here are the Englishmen planning their expedition to search for the tomb of Genghis Khan. Word is though, Fu Manchu is also looking for the tomb, but, for nefarious reasons!

Fu Manchu drinks down a beaker of his special power brew! He's the only one that knows what the secret ingredients are...

The evil genius treats his first victim to an endless bell gong torture... Hey, how's it goin'?

In the meantime, Terrence and his pals have discovered Khan's tomb, they take a mask and a huge sword that are proposed to have magical powers.

Love the strange places in this one, super sets and the like. Here, dude who got a knife in the back is still able to take out one of Fu Manchu's henchmen with his pistol!

At this point, Terrence has been captured by Fu Manchu and has to turn over the sword and mask to the last person in the world he wanted the treasures to end up with.

But, for some reason, the sword is a goddamn fake! Fu Manchu is freakin' livid, and, we all know what the Hell that means!!..

Right!.. Time for some more sadistic torture!!

Anywho, after Terrence is beaten and whipped, he ends up in the daughter of Fu Mancho's special love chamber, where she joins him. She has a crush on Terrence, and, she smokes opium endlessly throughout the movie!

Since we like to show signs in our posts, I thought.. Hmm, why not show an Asian sign!

Fu Manchu (don't forget, he's a doctor) uses poisonous critters to extract venom from, he uses them to concoct a serum he uses to make people his slaves! And, he uses it on Terrence!!

I'm telling you, this movie is really creepy and horrific at times, like this scene!

Finally, our evil nemesis has the magic sword in his possession! Fah Lo See is stoned out and Terrence has no idea what the Hell's going on..

Nayland Smith's in a predicament, but somehow manages to get out of the pit of alligators!

And, Von Berg's not too happy about the situation he's in!!

Not to worry, Nayland and Von both escape and run up above where Fu Manchu is ready to show all his followers his new powers. Our guys turn on the maniac's destruction ray and point it at the crowd below.

Terrence snaps out of it just in time to save Sheila from her sacrifice by using the sword on Fu Manchu himself!!.. Great stills!

The ray sizzles all the fanatics, putting out the flame of Fu Manchu!..

In the end, there's only one thing to do with a sword with such a power... You solve the riddle! Hey, join us next year when we'll return with a whole new pile of weird junk, just for U - Oh yeah, an' Happy New year Ever'bloody!!

Monster Music

Monster Music
AAARRGGHHH!!!! Ya'll Come On Back Now, Y'Hear??