Friday, March 13, 2009

DRIVE-IN MASSACRE - "Without A Warning" (1977)

It's Friday The 13th!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Just about the same year this film was made, I had a blue '59 Valiant that went at least 30,000 miles without an oil change and ran great, then I sold it to this guy and told him not to drive it til he got the brakes checked out, and so he gave the keys to his girlfriend, and she immediately drove it to San Francisco, and the brakes went out, and the car was totalled! At least she wasn't hurt!!

Life was good!! Check out those prices!!!

Three years before "Friday The 13th" came out, there was a whole lot of killin' going on at the........"Drive-In Massacre"

Thursday, March 12, 2009

12 TO THE MOON / Columbia - 1960 / Music by Michael Andersen

Tabonga Thursday send you to the Moon an' back with international cast, crew and assorted animal!.. Guy in poster say... Wheeeeee!!

Muzik dude Michael Andersen only have total of 8 credit, but other flick include TOWER OF LONDON, WHATEVER HAPPENED TO BABY JANE? and TERRIFIED!


Okay, Tabonga know that if not put this up, everbloody be asking, "Tabonga, who in this flick, anyway?!"

Hey, credit guy not know how to alphabetize correctly!!!

Ken feeling all sexy!.. Wow, they use patio furniture for space chair?!

Also... ONE!

Tema Bey lucky and get to see where they going! Same spaceship also use in PHANTOM PLANET.

Looking for good place for picnic!

Earth guy piss off Moon dude because forget to clean up after picnic, so Moon dude send freezing temperature to Earth!!

What hell?!!!

How they do that?

So, Earth dude send best buddies out in space to blow up Sun to save Earth!! Hey, that rocket look like it from THE LOST MISSILE!!

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

MAN BEAST - Jerry Warren - "Take Me Away Steve" (1956)

Jerry, Jerry, Jerry, where did you go wrong? What the Hell was Jerry Warren thinking at any given time has got to be a matter of discourse for centuries to come! When you leave behind a mess of films like Jerry produced, what will the aliens from outer space possible think 100 years from now? Even today, 53 years later, I'm like speechless when trying to describe all the multiple nuances and idiosyncrasies contained in "MAN BEAST"! Indeed, it was Jerry's first film and also the ultimate JW WTF!!!

In an interview with Tom Weaver, Jerry said they climbed a fence to be able to use this set of a Mongolian village from another movie!

This is more like the set that Jerry really had money for!!

Filmed in the beautiful Himalayas of Bishop, California and combined with some stock mountain climbing footage Jerry got at Woolworth's, you end up with dynamic shots like this of the guys taking a smoke break after hiking up to 20,000 feet!!!

Sheesh, everyone knows that Rock Madison had top billing in "Man Beast," and what was his role? The Monster, of course, because all his other parts got cut out!!!! Classic Jerry!

Yeah!! Sure!! AAaaahhh!!!!!

Seems more than just Rock had to take their turn in the Yeti outfit, Brianne Murphy, Jerry Warren's wife at the time, and quite the cinematographer, spent some time in the Yeti suit herself! It's a Jerry Warren film, everyone does whatever is needed!!

Eat Lead you stinkin' Yeti!!!! Probably the last of it's species in the world, but Oh Well!!!

No real credits for the music which I'm sure was stock, but pieced together by music director Josef Zimanich .... We're offering a reward for anyone who can tell us what instrument Jerry Warren played in his early band days!!

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

ASSIGNMENT TERROR / Spain - 1970 / Music by Rafael Ferrer-Fitó & Franco Salina

Ho boy! Tabonga gots LOS MONSTRUOS DEL TERROR from Spain, 1970... Right, Tabonga know he color outside lines, but who going to tell Tabonga no?

Star Michael Rennie and writer/wild man Paul Naschy. What else, Paul play tragic werewolf! And, what else, Michael play dude from outer space!!

Very hip music for 1970, gots that sound! Look like music guy Rafael Ferrer-Fitó & Franco Salina only work on one monster flick, but not this one!

Just kidding! Here is tonight sound clip from the Dungeon... ASSIGNMENT TERROR or THE MAN FROM UMMO!

Flick start with poor misunderstood Paul who turn into werewolf and kill gurl.

Then, Michael drop in from planet Ummo and go to swingin' nightclub!

Michael fix Paul to work for him.

Michael wake up mummy to join team of monstruos!!

Hard to make out action here, but, Paul turn into werewolf and fight wif' mummy! Photo show mummy caught up in big wood wheel that Paul throw him in and then start spinning real fast. Then, he throw lit torch in with mummy!! You need to see this flick!.. No kidding, Tabonga never seen nothin' like it!! Have to rent to believe.

Paul now fight wif' Frankie, he big trouble maker!

Frankie get smoked by Paul!

Paul gurlfiend have to shoot him because he refuse to be nice doggie!

Michael and hot assistant check out cursed lovers.

Big eyeball from Ummo on monitor and rest of gang get all blown up at end!

Goo'night everbloody!

Monday, March 9, 2009

FORBIDDEN PLANET - Louis and Bebe Barron - "Krell Shuttle Ride" (1956)

It's time for a slight time change diversion, so strap on your safety belt and turn it up loud while we take a little side trip on the "Krell Shuttle Ride", the one ride that never made it to Disneyland!! We'll see you when you get back!!!!

Monster Music

Monster Music
AAARRGGHHH!!!! Ya'll Come On Back Now, Y'Hear??