Friday, February 1, 2019

TALES FROM THE DARKSIDE: The Geezenstacks / Season 3 Episode 5 - 1986

In today's tale, Sam Hummel notices eerie parallels between events in the life of his family, and events in the lives of his daughter Audrey's dolls, the Geezenstacks!

This episode stars Craig (SCHIZOID) Wasson, Tandy (TWISTED) Cronyn, Larry (FREAK SHOW) Pine and Lana (only acting credit) Hirsch.

Uncle Richard has brought a very nice doll house as a surprise for his niece. He actually found it in the home of a client, the family seems to have moved, leaving only the doll house behind!

Sam and Edith Hummel's daughter, Audrey, is bonkers over her present and immediately starts talking to the dolls that were inside, and calls them, the Geezenstacks...

Later, Audrey tells dad that the father doll was going to punch the wife doll in the face!

Then, Edith says something and Sam is ready to do what the dolls were saying, punch her! Sam starts to put two and two together, whatever Audrey says the dolls are up to, it reflects on his own family!!

Sam goes off the rails and is convinced that something evil is going on with the dolls! Uncle Richard and Edith are starting to get worried about Sam's condition.

That night, the doll house eerily lights up and seems to have a life of its own after Audrey tells dad that the Geezenstacks were going on a long journey!

The next day, Uncle Richard goes to the Hummel's home to check in with the gang. He finds that all the furniture and belongings are gone, well, except for that damn doll house!

Sam and Edith wake up from their sleep because their room is shaking!

When Richard opens up the doll house, he's terrified to find Sam and Edith as dolls!

A real estate agent pops in and sees the doll house. She discovers a small house inside, opens it up, and finds four dolls inside, Sam, Edith, Audrey and Uncle Richard!... Sweet dreams, ever'bloody!!

Unfortunately, we just lost one of our favorite Dungeon gods, Dick Miller. Fortunately though, we have this photo of Dick and our Dungeon associate, Greg Goodsell, in Burbank for his 90th birthday party on December 25, 2018. We will miss him, but, his work will live forever!! I'll be doing a piece on Dick soon, join us tomorrow for something special, just for you!

Wednesday, January 30, 2019

DANGER MAN - "Time To Kill" (1960)

Tonight's Wild Wednesday offering fits in perfectly in between last Saturday's and next Saturday's Carl Jaffé tributes! 
From 1960, it's "Danger Man" Season 01, Episode 02 titled "Time To Kill," referenced in the third of Carl's tributes!

This episode starts off immediately with Carl Jaffé in a scene outdoors at a barbeque!

Carl's character is a very valuable man named Professor Barkoff who can't decide on the dill pickle or the mango chutney on his hamburger! The hostess with the mostess is Louise Lauette Cordier aka Louise (The Saint) Collins. Her last named changed to Collins when she married British race car driver Peter Collins! Sad story, Peter was killed on the track, only one year after their wedding.

They've got it out for Professor Barkoff, and his life is in peril!

Even though he's in the gunman's sights, Carl is very relaxed and appears to be enjoying himself, and why wouldn't he be? Looks like a pretty easy role for him, all he has to do is relax and enjoy eating a hamburger.

Then right about the time you think it's all over, the Professor gets a reprieve!

Nice portrait of Carl, don't you think?

Son of a bitch, they shot him! What the heck?

Putting the word Paris on a shot of the Eiffel Tower is fairly redundant!

"Danger Man" gets his assignment!
Kill the guy who killed the Professor!

Just to reinforce how imperative the situation is, there's a photo of the deceased Professor!

Velcom to the border, can I see your passport please? 

The rest of the episode, "Danger Man" and Sarah (Island of the Burning Damned, Jason King) Lawson as Lisa Orin, spend a lot of time together uncomfortably. He wants the killer, and she wants to know what's going on!

"Did you hear shots?"

 Cool Bauhaus ending credits!
I'm not a shill for Amazon, and I sure as Heck don't get paid for telling you that all four seasons of "Danger Man/Secret Agent" stream for nothing if you have a Prime account. I just think it's a good idea to let you know where the good things are when I stumble on them. I wouldn't have known if I wasn't writing this, so chances are, you might not either.

Monday, January 28, 2019

THE OUTER LIMITS: Cold Hands, Warm Heart / Season 2 Episode 2 - 1964

Today's classic TV episode goes like this... Following a mission to Venus and back, an astronaut finds himself getting increasingly cold and then has strange dreams about encountering an alien outside his spacecraft after landing on Venus.

It stars William Shatner, Geraldine Brooks, Lloyd Gough, James Sikking and Lawrence Montaigne in this sci-fi story.

Colonel Jeff Barton is back from Venus and he's on TV with his account of the flight. His wife Ann and him are watching the interview, they are so happy...

Jeff's promoted to General, he visits the facility that houses a high altitude space capsule they're developing.

Back at the ranch, Ann turns up the air conditioner since it's a sweltering summer day. Wearing a sweater, Jeff is freezing, he gets angry and turns the freakin' heat up!

Then, he starts having nightmares involving a creature he saw on Venus, and, now wears a flight jacket instead of a sweater to try and stay warm!

He decides to try a steam bath to warm up, he lays down and falls asleep after turning the heat up past a safe limit...

In his dream, he relives his flight to Venus, he's ready to land the rocket on the surface.

On Venus, he sees a ghostly figure approach the ship and he starts freaking out as his dream turns into a nightmare.

There's an emergency and the workers have to get into the room quick! When they finally get Jeff out of the steam room, they notice that his hands are deformed with webbed fingers... WTF?!!

The doctors decide to put him in the high altitude capsule, trying to stabilize his condition, but, the creature shows up again!.

Jeff says that the creature got into his mind, so, Ann talks with him, trying to convince Jeff that he's still human...

After his stint in the capsule, Jeff becomes normalized and is sweating again! Not sure about his hands though, our tale ends on a happy note! Tune in Wednesday when we'll have more Dungeon Cargo for you, see you there!

Monster Music

Monster Music
AAARRGGHHH!!!! Ya'll Come On Back Now, Y'Hear??