Friday, August 19, 2022

DEPUTY DAWG In "Astronut" - 1962

Here's a fun cartoon for a Friday where Deputy Dawg and Muskie encounter a frisky little spaceman, so let the craziness begin...

Deputy has fixed the Sheriff's car and is taking it to him when Muskie asks to go along for the ride. But then something weird happens.

A funny little spaceman shows up and is buzzing Deputy Dawg in his spaceship.

Then it stops in the middle of the road, blocking Deputy's path.

The little thing puts Deputy Dawg in his ship and gestures that he wants to trade vehicles with him, it's in love with the Sheriff's old clunker

It jumps in and starts driving the old car around.

But Deputy Dawg draws his gun and forces the spaceman out of the car.

Deputy and Muskie speed away in the Sheriff's car and Deputy puts it in a jail cell for safe keeping, what's the little spaceman to do now?

Well, it's a simple task, just hook the building to the ship and...

It takes the building and turns it on its side, exposing the Sheriff's car. And it get's taken away by the spaceman and it starts driving the old jalopy around at full speed.

Deputy jumps in the spaceship but has some trouble figuring out how it works.

He even goes into space before he finally gets a handle on how to operate it.

Deputy gets back to Earth and chases the little trouble maker.

They run head first into each other with the vehicles and parts fly everywhere. 

They start gathering them up but end up fighting over the parts. 

The parts get all mixed up and the little spaceman barely gets back into space.

The Sheriff shows up to pick up his car, Deputy Dawg's tells him it's in tip top shape.

But the Sheriff gets a trip into space when he starts it up, and Deputy Dawg is in a peck of trouble of course. See you tomorrow for more from The Dungeon Gang.

Wednesday, August 17, 2022

THE WILD WILD WEST - "The Night Of The Flying Pie Plate" (1966)

It's not just Wednesday, and it's not just Wild Wednesday, it's Wild Wild Wednesday down in The Dungeon!

Tonight's feature is the second episode of the incredible TV show "The Wild Wild West," and the name of this episode is "The Night Of The Flying Pie Plate."

If this group of cowboys looks totally astounded by what they see, it's because they've just come across a flying saucer, or in cowboy lingo, a flying pie plate!
Speaking of flying pie plates, check out this Offbeat version!

My first question of course is how do a bunch of cowboys even know what a flying saucer is? They have no TV, radio or internet! Hell, they don't even have books or running hot water and there are not even cars yet!
So that takes away a lot of credibility of the story right from the start!

This green-skinned blonde Goddess exits the spacecraft to a group of freaked out cowpokes! 
Leslie (Missile To The Moon) Parrish was also Glacia Glaze on the "Batman" TV show.

Gol'durn it! What the heck??

What do you think? We don't even know what a flying saucer is, and now one has landed right here! How is that even possible?

Two more sisters pop out to the amazement of the gathered throng!
The two sisters are Arlene Charles who was also one of Dr. Goldfoot's robots, and Cindy Taylor who was one of the gnome-maidens in "The Gnome-Mobile," so they are experienced at these kinds of roles.

The girls outfits are covered in precious stones that they are willing to trade for the 400 pounds of gold they need to power their ship back to Venus.
The guy in the middle is Hellfire Simon, the local religious fanatic that thinks everything is evil, especially this space ship!

Artemus Gordon inspects the jewels for authenticity!

Wait a minute! Who is this peering out of a hole in the side of the saucer? That doesn't look like the eye of one of the girls.

The townsfolk put all their gold together in expectation of trading it for jewels worth ten times the money, but even though it was the result of years of work, they are still 300 pounds short!

Ironically, the reason Jim West is in town is to watch over a gold shipment that needs to sit in the local assay office vault for a couple of days. And No, they can't borrow it!

The plan all along was for the space girls to steal the gold!

The jig's up. It's fake, The flying saucer is made out of wood and was dropped by a hot air balloon, and the girls are all just a bunch of pretty petty thieves!

The ole hidden knife in the boot trick is put to good use!

Most of the bad guys go ka-blooey, and the girls might have to do some prison time, but it won't be for long I'm sure.

The story ends with what appears to be a real UFO in the midnight sky!
Fantastic, Incredulous, and you can watch it all for free on YouTube!

Monday, August 15, 2022

THE TWILIGHT ZONE / "To Serve Man" - 1962

Here's a great little episode from The Twilight Zone that always satisfies, in a gruesome way of course. It's about an alien race, the Kanamits, who arrive on Earth promising peace and the use of their technology that would feed the world with limitless energy! What could go wrong?!

It stars Lloyd Bochner as Michael Chambers, Susan Cummings as Patty and Dungeon favorite Richard Kiel as the head Kanamit. Sounds pretty close to Cannibal!

One day, flying saucers are seen all around the world...

The head Kanamit speaks with the United Nations general council, addressing them through mental communication. He assures them that they are a peaceful race and are there to help the human race as they have done on other planets.

Does this look like someone that you could trust? Nine feet tall to boot.

He leaves with the council a book written in their language, supposedly containing all their technological secrets to share with the Earthlings.

Everyone gets behind it and the Kanamits are even offering to take Earthlings to their planet so that they can get free items from their gift shop!

Michael Chambers, a linguist, is given the task of translating the book along with Patty, his assistant, the general thinks something's fishy and wants to know what it says...

Finally, they have the title, To Serve Man... Hmmm.

The Kanamit agrees to take a lie detector test in front of the United Nations, and he passes with flying colors.

Another flight is scheduled and the people line up in droves to visit the aliens' home planet, billions of miles away.

The Kanamit weighs everyone in before the flight and when this hefty guy steps on the scales, the alien gets a big old smile on his face! Cracks me up.

Both Michael and Patty have signed up for the flight, they can't wait for the trip. But before she heads to the spaceship, she wants to do one last crack at the translation of the book's interior. Michael heads off to board the ship.

He's waiting for Patty to arrive but she's a little late...

She finally shows up and yells at Michael... It's a COOKBOOK!

Michael is caught on the stairs and the Kanamit closes the door on him!

And, they head off into deep space in their flying saucer, borrowed from EARTH vs. THE FLYING SAUCERS.

Michael is in his compartment where he throws his food on the floor, the Kanamit comes in and communicates to him that he needs to eat to keep up his weight!

Michael has a grim warning for us all, the Kanamits are on Earth to take you back to their planet, each and everyone of you!

Then he gobbles down his dinner, since there's no way out of this pickle! There you have it, whatever you do, do not trust aliens from outer space!!

Monster Music

Monster Music
AAARRGGHHH!!!! Ya'll Come On Back Now, Y'Hear??