Saturday, September 18, 2021

MAN IN A SUITCASE - "Brainwash" (1967)

 This week's Saturday Night Special is the first episode of the 1967 British TV show called "Man In A Suitcase," or is it? 
Information about this show is just as confusing as the show itself. After writing this whole thing I found out that there was a pilot episode called "Man From The Dead," that explains the roots of this man's problems, but according to the IMDB, "Man From The Dead" is episode number six. This show streams in pretty nice quality for free on IMDB TV, and on that stream, it says "Man From The Dead" is episode number fourteen, so your guess is as good as mine. Just watch it, and figure it out for yourself!

Although "Man In A Suitcase" is a British show, the star Richard Bradford was from the United States.

This first episode was titled "Brainwash," and that's pretty much exactly what you can expect!

The co-star is this suitcase.

Richard Bradford is McGill. As far as I know, we never find out what the rest of his name is.

The basic premise of the series is very similar to a show I've been watching on Prime called "Burn Notice" that was made in 2007. It's the story of a spy/intelligence officer who is wrongly forced out of service, is trying to figure out why, and now works privately delving into all kinds of people's problems.

This first episode they really give you hardly any background information. McGill thought he was meeting somebody and gets snatched up by some thugs from some obscure African nation, and they want to make him into the fall guy, and are willing to torture him to get him to do what they want, but he's not the cooperating type.

McGill's a pretty bright cat, and he's able to easily figure out there's a two-way mirror in the room they've dumped him in!

It's time for the treatments to start!
This show is nothing like say "The Avengers." It is mean, tough, and harsh, and there's no comedy at all, or anything I would consider camp, at least not in this episode.

These guys are not messing around, they put McGill in a small room and start bombarding him with loud sounds, and video propaganda!

It just gets worse....................

...............................And worse.............................

..........................And worse!!!!!
And if that's not bad enough, they give him cigarettes, but no way to light them, now that's just mean!

This diabolical bastard is not the Boss, but he is the main guy in charge of all the mayhem!
His name is John, and he's played by Colin Blakely. The same year Colin was also in an episode of "The Avengers," and three years later, he'd be playing Dr. Watson.

The woman playing the innocent victim who knows nothing, and brings McGill his food, is really not that innocent at all, and is the daughter of The Boss. McGill doesn't even know that, and he still tries to choke some information out of her. He's had about enough by now! The woman was played by Suzan (Dracula: Prince of Darkness) Farmer.

This show is 52 minutes long, and I'd say about 20 minutes or possibly more of it is McGill alone or being tortured.

Great! Now the video is of the big Boss saying over and over that he's going to shoot McGill! 
Howard Marion-Crawford was Dr. Petrie in three Fu Manchu movies, and he also played Dr. Watson for a while on TV. Howard also appeared on "The Avengers" three times.

In 1980, The Police recorded the song "Man In A Suitcase," which to me is totally about this series.

More bizarre treatments, how much can one man endure? 
"Man In A Suitcase" is a fascinating show, but this first episode can be difficult to watch after a while!

McGill gets shot, but he finally is able to escape this madness!
We never knew where he was the whole time, and it seemed like it was on a desert island somewhere, but it turns out he was right in town the whole time.
In the end, we know just about as much as we did in the beginning about this character named McGill. Nice buildup. Any curious person would want to know where in the Hell this was going!
 Thanks again to my good friend Lord Litter in Berlin for making me more than keenly aware that I needed to watch "Man In A Suitcase." Now I've got to find the time to watch the other twenty-nine episodes, especially the pilot!

Friday, September 17, 2021

FELIX THE CAT / Going Fishing with Vavoom - 1961

Here's an adventure where Felix takes his little pal Vavoom on a fishing trip to show him how to fish but things quickly go south ...

Felix and Vavoom are on their way through the woods to a small lake at a dam near a small town.

They come to a stream and there's no way to cross, so, Vavoom with his special talent, yells 'VAVOOM!!' and solves the problem.

His yell knocks over a big old tree and they drive through to the other side of the stream.

They drive down the mountain on a narrow winding road to the little lake near the Old Rock Dam, with the town to the right. Wow, the dam looks in bad shape.

Felix and Vavoom start their fishing, when, the dam springs a leak!

Felix tells Vavoom to run to the town and go get some help, NOW!

Vavoom can only say one thing.. Vavoom. He runs to a policeman who asks him what the problem was, we'll, you can see there in the pic what happens.

So, Vavoom darts into the restaurant and sounds the alarm.

The people in the town start chasing the little loud mouth, but...

He blows away the mob!

They eventually corner the little guy. They tie him up and take him to the jail and lock him in a cell thinking that's the end of the ordeal.

But Vavoom's on a mission and there's just no stopping him!

The mob is chasing him again, so Vavoom plows his way through the mountain using the magic word... VAVOOM!!

But he's trapped after he gets through and gets his mouth roped shut,! Huh?

By now the crack is getting bigger, Felix grabs a rock and jams it into hole, then runs to Vavoom's aid. Then the dam bursts wide open.

Vavoom unleashes his yells which bring down tons of broken rocks that roll into place and... Viola, a new dam!!.. Daaaamn!

Of course Vavoom is the hero, but this was one of the weirdest Felix cartoons in the series. Hope you have a good day...

Wednesday, September 15, 2021

THE MAGIC FLUKE - "The Universe Is Laughing Behind Your Back!" (1949)

This week's Weird Wednesday featurette is a1949 Fox and Crow cartoon! I love how they made this look like it was done by a five year old with crayons.

It's called "Magic Fluke," and that's actually a title that makes sense for this cartoon!

As a kid's cartoon, I'm not quite sure this imagery would be acceptable by today's standards, in fact, I know it wouldn't, but in 1949, it was just fine!

The dictionary defines fluke as 'an unlikely chance occurrence, especially a surprising piece of luck,' but that's kind of a double entendre in this situation!
The Fox and The Crow are a classic combination of societal mores. The Crow does all the work............

...................And The Fox gets all the credit!

The Fox gets his big break!

And he's willing to leave his long time friend in the dust! After all, he is a sly fox!

While The Fox is drinking champagne, poor Crow doesn't have a gig anymore, and is totally down on his luck!

The Crow just happens to stumble on the place where The Fox is now conducting as Foxini.

The Fox's baton cannot be found, and he is unable to go on as planned.

The Crow sees what's going on, and goes out and snags a baton from a magician performing nearby.

This is where The Crow is seated. Talk about nosebleed seats! He can barely even hear the music from this distance!

Since it's actually a magician's magic wand instead of a conductor's baton, coupled with the fact that this is a cartoon, all kinds of bizarre things start happening during the performance!

A few balloons always add depth to any show!

The more The Fox waves the magic wand around, the krazier things get! 

The rabbits are more than just out of the hat!

They've taken up half of the orchestra!

The show must go on, but The Fox loses the battle to keep his sanity.

Lucky for The Fox, his buddy The Crow is able to save him!

When things get tough, just remember, You are a "Fluke of the Universe!"

Monster Music

Monster Music
AAARRGGHHH!!!! Ya'll Come On Back Now, Y'Hear??