Friday, October 4, 2019

SPOOKS / An MGM 'Flip The Frog' Cartoon - 1932

Welcome to another Halloween Countdown treat for us... It's a toon from 1932 and stars good old Flip The Frog. This time he has a ghastly encounter with some skeletons in a haunted house! You gotta love those vintage cartoons, they really are something special, and that's why we're doing this one again!

Welp, it all starts when Flip and his trusty steed are out one dark and stormy night. After a while, Flip sees a creepy old house, it seems like the only available sanctuary.

Once inside the place, he's greeted by a skeleton butler, like, what the?!

Then, a skeleton with a top hat asks Flip to join him for supper. He obliges the host, but, what the heck kind of meal is this anyway?!

All of a sudden, the Skeleton Three break into some swinging tunes, and a female skeleton has her eye on Flip! They dance to the beat and make some crazy moves... It's kinda weird what they do to indicate a woman skeleton, a see through boob area and a dress!

Anyway, Flip leaps into her arms and she breaks into a bunch of pieces!

Meanwhile, the top hat cat has some plans for Flip's bones, he needs his skeleton to fill an empty trophy case in his creepy man cave!! Dude's into bones!

And wouldn't you know it, it's... "Time for go to bed!" *Quote from Lobo ~

So, Flip gets changed and goes into a special bedroom for him, only to get socked around!

Then he finds himself in dire straights... I mean, check it out, the mad skull's going to slice the flesh offa Flip, while he just lays there! Boy, it's a relief that people know the difference between fact and comedy! Anyway, Flip flips his table while the skeleton's back is turned and tries to escape...

Flip rides the table all the way out the front door and onto his waiting horse. He thumbs his nose to the old house as he rides away.

But when he turns back around, his horsie is a skeleton too! Flip hightails it off into the sunrise, to get as far away as possible!

We're back tomorrow with even more Halloween Countdown, see you then!..

Wednesday, October 2, 2019

FELIX THE CAT - "Skulls And Sculls" (1930)

 SOoooooo.......Let's get this Countdown To Halloween 2019 off to a very scary start!

 There's probably not a bigger scaredy cat in history than Mr. Felix The Cat.
"Skulls And Sculls" was made in 1930, so don't expect any fancy stuff, just lots of thrills and chills!

 They don't really tell you what's going on at first, they just start of with the menacing stuff!

 Felix is frightened and wants out!

 He's blindfolded and sent down these stairs. Now that's a good way to break your neck if you ask me! Kids! Don't try this at home!!

 Next thing is he's confronted by this large and ominous creature!

 This scary monster looks like a cross between a cat and a catfish!

 Then the ghosts start chasing him!

 Then he ends up here! Where? There!

 Next he's stuck in a scene straight out of Edgar Allen Poe's "The Pit and the Pendulum!"

 Aw, it wasn't a pendulum at all, it was just a hanging lamp!

 What a maroon! Now he's a laughing stock!

The cover of this 1999 comic looks just about perfect for this Countdown!

 Then I really don't know what happens, I guess the whole point of the cartoon was just the title and it's play on words "Skulls And Sculls."

 Because Felix is then rushed off to be in this big boat race!

 And he's the cat calling out the cadence! Hell, I don't know, it's a cartoon made in 1930! Is it really supposed to make sense?

This 1946 "Four Color" comic featured Felix in the Haunted Castle!

"Skulls And Sculls" can be found on YouTube for your viewing scariness along with this other hair-raisng Felix The Cat cartoon from 1927 called "Switches Witches!!"
Try and not get too scared, we have got a whole month of this still left to go!

Monday, September 30, 2019


First of all, I promised Grant that I'd post LEYENDAS MACABRAS DE LA COLONIA today, but, it froze up right at the beginning and I had to switch to this crazy thing. So, sorry about that...

So, here we go with a Spanish/Italian production filmed in England, it's about a scientist's experiment with a deadly bacteria that goes awry and leaves him horribly deformed. Then, the monster runs amok, killing anyone that gets in his way!

It stars David (TROG) Warbeck, Janet (EATEN ALIVE!) Agren, Roberto (THE GREEN INFERNO) Ricci, José (NIGHT OF THE WALKING DEAD) Lifante and Miguel (THE REVOLUTION OF THE SEVEN MADMEN) Herrera.

Things start going haywire when the monster is loose and's on the warpath. He kills the girl's boyfriend and then goes after her!

Just for fun, this guy looks like a mix between Walt Disney and John Emery!

This guy looks like a mix between Bill Nye and Pauly Shore!

And this guy, well, he just looks dead!

The killing doesn't stop there, here's a gal taking a shower, when, the monster breaks through the glass and chokes her out... Notice her underarm hair, popular with European women back in the day!

While this crowd is enjoying a movie at the theater, the monster claws its way through the screen, causing the people to scatter out of the show...

Here's a nice shot of some eighties night life in England.

No place is safe from the thing, it just claws through doors to get to more victims!

By the way, the military is ready to go into action and even use bombs to rid the community of the infected creature!

Here's a shot I like, the checkerboard hat and light tie in is pretty cool.

Our hero, Captain Kirk, fires some shots into the monster, which actually slows it down a little. But it gets away yet again...

The thing lumbers around as if it's lost. No wonder, just take a look at that face, not any fun to be a slimy old monster. Reminds me of one of those wild Filipino monsters from the Blood Island movies!

In a last attempt to stop the monster, the cops fire lots of bullets into it, but, it will just not go down! So, what's it gonna take?

Like in THE BLOB, Captain Kirk grabs a fire extinguisher and engulfs the monster with an icy fog. After emptying the extinguisher, the thing gets frozen and finally dies right in front of our eyes! So, there you go, another one bites the ice, a warning to other monsters with bad intent! Join us again in October as we gear up for Halloween Countdown!..


Monster Music

Monster Music
AAARRGGHHH!!!! Ya'll Come On Back Now, Y'Hear??