Saturday, February 3, 2018

DEADLY DUO - "One Good, One Not So Good" (1962)

The  Special this night is a 1962 flick called "Deadly Duo," and deceit and trickery abound!

"Deadly Duo" is 70 minutes long, and the out of control car on the poster is 37 seconds of it, but then it does say "Double-Cross" on the poster!
So now there's a Mother/Widow left behind in Acapulco, Mexico, and a rich Grandmother who wants her grandson, because the Mother was once a dancer with her twin sister in a degenerate nightclub in Mexico!

 When I see a shot like this, all I can think is ...

 Irene Tedrow was on almost every TV show you could ever imagine in the 50's, 60's, 70's and 80's! She was in two "Twilight Zone" episodes, "Walking Distance, and "The Lateness Of The Hour," and was on shows as divergent as "Dragnet," "Dennis The Menace," and "Magnum, P.I.!"

 Marcia Henderson plays twin sisters, one good and one sorta evil!! The bad one is blonde, the good one is a brunette, or just the opposite of what it should be, as was Marcia Henderson's life! Marcia won an award in 1950 for her portrayal of Wendy in a Broadway production of "Peter Pan" that included Boris Karloff as a cast member! She was only 58 when she succumbed to the seriously nasty disease called lupus!

 Whoa! So That's what a Margarita tastes like! I could power a blog with this stuff! Wow!!

 I admit that "Deadly Duo" is not the most exciting movie you're ever going to see, but it is almost flawless in an early use of the same actress doing more than one character in a scene together ala "Orphan Black!" This was convincingly done 56 years ago! I'm impressed if nobody else is!

 C'mon, isn't this the greatest shot of bystanders you've ever seen or not?

 1962 - Smokin' and Drinkin' and Drinkin' and Smoklin'! I'm surprised any of us survived!

This club is called El Gallo, aka The Rooster, and they probably should have spent some more time there, and had some kind of musical act too, but they kind of missed that whole boat!

 So if you do a search for "Deadly Duo" poster, here's just a ramblin' sample of what you might find!
This 25 cent Dell paperback from 1959 is a damn fine example!

 I almost had a stroke when I came across this 1966 wrasslin' magazine that featured a 'special' "Deadly Duo" on the cover!

The 1964 Marvel comic "Strange Tales" featured a story called "Pawns Of The Deadly Duo!"

That's a really big ax!

Last but not least is this 1994 Image comic by the same name!
"Deadly Duo," two words that go together nicely I guess!

As my good friend, DJ, Musician, and Movie Maniac, Lord Litter would say......

Friday, February 2, 2018

GHOULIES / Empire Pictures, Ghoulies Productions - 1984

Here's a flipped out flick for a Friday, one that I actually saw when it came out! The story's about a young man and his girlfriend who move into an old mansion, where he becomes possessed by a desire to control ancient demons. There are always a ton of second string actors in these eighties horror comedies!

When you're conjuring up ancient demons, wow, it really helps to have a cool flashy costume, props and a barred dungeon room to conjure the little buggers in!


The best part of the movie are the funny little Ghoulies doing their thing! Check out the hunk of gristle stuck in its teeth!

Hot... Cha-Cha-Cha-Cha, Mofo!!

Love all the drooling and runny noses on the little freaks! This one's called a Pig-Ghoulie!

Man, there's nothing better than two little Ghoulies hangin' out, just being themselves!!

This time, these little creeps only want to have a soak in a hot tub!

We'll end the show with this groovy model of this Ghoulie in one putrid toilet! So, check in again tomorrow when Eegah!! will have something special for you, til then...

Wednesday, January 31, 2018

MAX HEADROOM - "Your Body - Be Glad You Have One" (1985)

The man of the hour on this Weird Ass Wednesday was the man of the year in 1987, Max Headroom! The movie titled "Max Headroom," came out in 1985, and was later edited and became the pilot episode for the TV show of the same name.

Max Headroom is quite fascinating on a number of different levels!

Not wanting to get too carried away, it's set "20 minutes into the future!"

So here's what's so interesting! Home computing is still not a thing to any degree in 1985, so all the computer looking graphics are...............analog!

In 1975, a 24 year old man by the name of Steven Sasson working for Kodak, invented the first digital camera. It was patented in 1978, but commercial digital photography was still years away!

This is Matt (Dr. Aldous Leekie in Orphan Black) Frewer as investigative reporter Edison Carter! Matt also plays the so-called computer generated Max Headroom!

This is the problem the network is facing! Some TV ads target sloth-like humans!

The ads blow out their guts, and in a matter of seconds, they completely explode! The world is already super overpopulated, so it's really no big deal, but it is bad P.R. for the television network!

I understand that this scene of a Blipvert in action was cut when it aired as a TV show!

The Mastermind behind the whole Blipvert revolution is a 14 year old kid named Bryce Lynch! In this scene, he's telling the Board of Directors how the whole thing is going to work!

Bryce controls everything from the comfort of his bath tub, and a disgustingly gross computer! Bryce Lane was played by Paul Spurrier, who stopped acting in 2005, and has since spent his time successfully writing, directing and producing movies in Thailand!

Ever wonder how Max Headroom got his name? Edison Carter was fleeing on a motorcycle in a parking garage, and this sign saying what the maximum clearance was, was the last thing he saw!

For me the best part of the story is that since they didn't have the technology to really create Max Headroom.........

Latex and foam prosthetic makeup that took four and a half hours to put on was what they had to do! None of it was computer animated! Even the back grounds were hand drawn!

Max Headroom was born to die, and in the space of a couple of years, and a couple of music videos, he basically disappeared as fast as his star had risen, but for us true believers, he'll always be an influence on our life, just like Bob!

There have been a couple of resurgences of Max on Bravo, and SyFy TV, in the mid 90's, but basically, when home computers started becoming commonplace, the fake computer generated Max Headroom had no where else to go, except away! He was way too much work anyway!

Max's personality is said to be based on the character of wise-crackin' Ted Baxter on the 1970's smash series "Mary Tyler Moore." And here's the last word from the man himself  "I know I'm impossible, I have my ups and downs, forgive Me, of course you will, I'm so good to have around, True genius must have it's flaw you see, I'm rumbustious, I'm devil-may-care, I'm just-swagger-Me!"
 Thanx Max, Bon Ton Roulet!!

Monday, January 29, 2018


I'm ending my month of posts with another look at some very cool monster models from films and TV... It's amazing how much time and talent was put into the creation of these beautiful pieces, WOW!!

First up is the wild looking FRANKENSTEIN monster from Edison's silent movie, the detail on this figure is just freaking amazing!!

Next we gots the exotic Xenomorph space creature from Universal Studio's IT CAME FROM OUTER SPACE.

Check out this great model from MONSTER ON THE CAMPUS, that's a wild looking Neanderthal figure that includes the giant dragonfly and prehistoric fish that causes all the trouble! Saw this fun movie at the theater in 1958.

Eegah!! and I saw this crazy flick when when it came out, we absolutely loved THE MANSTER, it was 73 minutes of intense creepiness from beginning to end!!

We also got to see this incredible George Pal production at the theater in 1960, man, THE TIME MACHINE had it all, a great blend horror and science fiction!

I almost crapped myself when I came across this truly incredible model from THE CREEPING TERROR! Damn, the creature actually looks half way terrifying!! Nice piece...

Now we switch over to four excellent monsters from THE OUTER LIMITS! Here's a nice close up of one of "The Zanti Misfits" from the first season... Man, what kind of thing from Hell is that?! This episode stars the great Bruce Dern...

Then we have this mind boggling creature from "The Architects Of Fear" episode, starring Dungeon hero, Robert Culp!!

Check out this super weird creature from "The Mice" episode. Man, what were they smoking when they came up with this 'out there' thing?!!

We'll end with this fantastic creature from "The Invisible Enemy" starring Adam West. Wow, that's extra creepy!! So, Eegah!! will be here on Wednesday with our last post for January!

Monster Music

Monster Music
AAARRGGHHH!!!! Ya'll Come On Back Now, Y'Hear??