Saturday, January 28, 2017

LOS CAMPEONES JUSTICIEROS - Gustavo César Carrión - "The Champions Of Justice" (1971)

Tonight I've got a real Royale Rumble Saturday Night Special of a film for you starring the always popular culo-kicking Mexican wrassler Blue Demon!!
No time like the present to tell you that the cool music for this shindig was created by the Maestro Gustavo César Carrión, and it hits you like a cross between Dave Brubeck, Vince Guaraldi, and "Forbidden Planet!"  Here's a minute and a half to get you going!

This time he's got his whole crew along for the ride!!
Whether you want to call them The Champions Of Justice or The Avenging Champions doesn't matter! They might not have any super powers, but these guys would punch and kick some mutant ass to the very end!!

Blue Demon is the Captain of the gang because he has fought every conceivable enemy known to man including Satan, Zombies, Vampires, Wolfmen, Frankensteins, Mummies, attacks from outer space, and he has retained his championship each and every time!

Mil Máscaras is the third member of the Mexican wrasslin' royalty trilogy that also includes Santo, and Blue Demon! Mil has probably spent more time in the ring that a lot of people have even spent on the earth!

El Médico Asesino literally translates to "Medical Murderer" but I always thought his intended name was Dr. Death!

6' 3" and 240 pounds qualified as a giant back in 1971! Popular wrassler Tinieblas added some bulk to the team! Tinieblas traslates directly to "Darkness!"

The last member of the team is La Sombra Vengadora, or
The Avenging Shadow!

David (The Brainiac) Silva is the evil Mano Negro (The Black Hand)!
What a crybaby! "Blue Demon ruined my plans, whaa, whaa, whaa!"

Black hand has a few regular guys working for him like Black Shadow(not to be confused with good guy The Avenging Shadow), but most of his minions are a bunch of dwarfs! Black Hand has created ways to make the little guys as strong as ten men, so when the little shits gang up on Blue Demon and his pals, they really give them a hard time! Of course, it looks ridiculous as Hell, but what did you expect? They also never seem to get rich! He treats them like crap!

There's a beauty contest that includes all of the Champions beautiful God Daughters!

This guy looks totally batshit crazy as Hell!!

That diabolical cad Black Hand has kidnapped all the girls, freeze dried them and packed them in wooden crates to be shipped off somewhere for future use!
The little guys would like to try a frozen treat but Black Hand says no!

Black Hand has an amazing video monitoring system for 1971!

I thought the M stood for midget, but now that I think about it more, it's probably for the egocentric Mano Negro!!

Now if I was a police officer, and I stopped these guys, I might think that they looked a little suspicious, or is that just wrassler profiling?!

And I'll bet she couldn't live without that pool tile either! Wow!!

The Avenging Shadow wasn't a regular feature in these kinds of movies like Santo, Blue Demon, and Mils Mascaras!!! In fact he was only in one other movie! Maybe it has something to do with how totally stupid his mask can look at times and angles like this! Imbecile is right!

Classic shot of Mils Mascaras and Blue Demon in the men's room! 
"Dude, scoot over a little bit, you're pissing on my boot!"

No matter whether they are eating, sleeping, making love, or fighting, these guys are either wearing a suit and tie, or their tights, and they never take off  the masks!

This was the point where I had to back it up and watch this scene three or four times! Demon and the boys are having another long battle with the dwarfs, this time in Professor Black Hand's lab. I couldn't get a good shot of it, but they toss one of the little guys up and across the room head first into that electrical panel you see on fire! Totally toasted his ornery little ass! Unbelievable and hilarious!

To the victors go the spoils, and the girls are all returned to their families, because, after all this IS a family movie!!

If you ever want to have a party with nothing but lots of action and cool music on in the background, then "Los Campeones Justicieros" is the perfect movie for you! If they took out all the fight and chase scenes, this movie would be about 15 minutes long instead of almost an hour and a half! I found this copy at the Internet Archive, but if it's still there or not, your guess is as good as mine. Those things seem to come and go as fast as yesterday and tomorrow!

Friday, January 27, 2017

BOOGIE VISION / James Bryan Productions - 1977

So, here's a whacked out flick about a struggling independent hippie filmmaker who gets his big break after he finds out that his girlfriend's father is a movie producer. Unknown to the filmmaker is that the father only specializes in porno pictures! So, he cranks out a crappy science fiction stinker in three days but daddy demands countless changes and cannot figure out how to distribute the damn thing.

The best thing about this movie is showing what LA looked like in 1977, so, I'm just going to show some interesting shots rather than try and piece together the dumb ass story...

First of all, there's a lot of amateurish artwork shown throughout the movie...

A nice shot of this biker strutting his stuff, probably at Venice Beach!

To me, this shot of a desperate nude girl in her room really reminds me of 1977.

And, a typical looking dude on the good old Six O'Clock News.

I love everything about this picture!!

Another great shot! Eegah!! had one of the very first skateboards back in I think, 1961, one with the old small metal roller skate wheels. Back then, your worst enemy was a little pebble on the sidewalk!

Then, this!.. It's a pyramid (pyramids were very popular at that time) cooker oven!!

I just love the seediness of this building, brings back memories.

HEEEY!!.. I used to build model balsa wood airplanes like that when I was a kid!

Looks like this damn bottle of coke is somewhere on Mars!

You figure out what's going on here... What a weird mixture of 1977.

Man, that's what I call a beautiful night shot!

I'm going to have to edit the crap outta this thing!

This art dude is working on his project, he's apparently attaching painted objects to a nude with a staple gun! That's what I call good art!

Nudes attack the Dragon Lady!!

Look at the shit they could get away with in 1977!

Then, the nudes try to figure out how to use this robot to their advantage.

A shot of some beautiful vintage syrup and sugar dispenser collectibles!

The perspective is so bad on this drawing, that, we'll just end here! Check in tomorrow for something special, here, at The Dungeon!!

Wednesday, January 25, 2017

HARD ROCK ZOMBIES - Paul Sabu - "Shake It Out!" (1985)

For once, we get an honest poster, because "Hard Rock Zombies" the movie, is just as shitty as this poster! Welcome back to The Dungeon!

 Paul Sabu is the guy responsible for the music! Paul is the son of the legendary jungle boy Sabu known for his roles in "The Jungle Book," and "The Thief Of Baghdad," etc.
Paul also wrote the music for the classics "Ghoulies II," and "Meatballs 4!"

 This is E.J. Curse as Jessie, the bass player and lead vocalist for the band! E.J. had his own hair band called Silent Rage!! He comes across as a cross between Freddie Mercury and Freddie Prinze!

 As far as I can tell, the fictional band in the movie doesn't even have a name, they're just a hardworking, hard rock band! This club they're playing in holds about 40 people, and the song they're playing is probably the best one in the movie. Here's an abbreviated version of "Shake It Out!" It's 9000% better than anything KISS ever did!

 And out of that 40, half of them are groupies!!

 On the road again, what could possibly go wrong?

Well, it was 1985, so they had to make a stupid video! It was mandatory!

 Speaking of bad videos, here's a YouTube video from an MTV Headbanger's Ball that featured a band called Silent Rage. doing a song called "Rebel With A Cause!" The quality of the video is so bad, I can't tell if it's the same band or not! The song is bad enough, so it must be! Lots and lots of hair, that's for sure!

You can see for yourself, that their career is not going so well!

 Then they meet these Nazi midget guys, and their whole life goes to Hell real quick! (But not really quick enough for me!!)

 The Nazi midgets make sure the band puts on an electrifying performance!

 Then why not? Hitler himself shows up!

 And it just gets weirder and weirder!

 Time to get up close and personal with Grandma!!

 Yeah, this family has some real issues that go back a few generations!!

Nice record collection rivals my own!!

The moral of this story with no morals is:
Never, Ever Pick Up Hitchhikers!!

I admit I had to bail at the end, but the only decent version I could find to watch for free was in what else, but German? Interesting! I also found another version to watch but it was going at about time and a half, so everybody and all the songs sounded like they were on helium, but when DVD's are going for $19.80 and $17.99 on Amazon and eBay, and you want to see a classic 80's hot mess like this, you take what you can get!

Monster Music

Monster Music
AAARRGGHHH!!!! Ya'll Come On Back Now, Y'Hear??