Wednesday, May 29, 2019

DIE TREPPE - Lutz Mommartz (1967)

It's a short film by German avant-garde filmmaker Lutz Mommartz called "Die Treppe" or "The Stairs," and it was made in 1967, which is something to keep in mind when you are watching it, because if it was made in 2019, you'd probably think it was made by your twelve year old nephew, but it's not!

I'm sure Lutz would appreciate this version of the title card better than the other one!

Is that Mickey Mouse?

"Die Treppe" is a little over six minutes long and follows Lutz as he walks around in the first person, doing something, or sometimes nothing, like flicking the lights off and on!

He pours himself a glass and drinks it!

He checks the light reading in the bathroom!

He lifts the lid off a pot of boiling water and sticks the end of his finger in it. 
Ouch, that's hot!

He gets a thumbtack!

He doesn't like Communism!

Remember the stairs in the title?

The stairs go on for a while! He must live on the third or fourth floor!!

I'm thinking this is all pretty cool, and there's chopped up sixties music in the background, and then we find out that Lutz was headed to the bathroom the whole time because he needed to piss, and that's where he lost me, when he does a closeup of his schlong peeing in the toilet! I'm sure he was making some kind of wonderful statement in 1967, but I really didn't need to see it!

Way to go Lutz!
Good time to change the subject!
For the record, Lutz Mommartz is still alive and kickin' today, and here's where you can find him!
The Lutz Mommartz Official Website

The film ends at this party, and lots of footage of all the revelers! 
I have no idea why, but it's fun to watch!

It's really funny how somebody can look perfectly normal, but if you can catch them at just the right moment......they can look like that bald guy, or this woman in the background!

If you don't believe any of that, and you want to see it for yourself. That's easy! You can watch or download "Die Treppe" and more of the work of Lutz Mommartz for free at the Internet Archive!
Any kisses or complaints can by sent to Lord Litter!

Monday, May 27, 2019

SANTO en ANONIMO MORTAL / Anonymous Death Threat - 1975

Our tale begins when men start getting assassinated in Mexico city under strange circumstances with no clear motive, and, anonymous notes are sent informing them of the date of their death! A friend of Santo comes to him for help, fearing for his life as he has also received a note threatening his life, and, announcing the date of his death in the same way a previous victim was murdered.

Santo visits his friend in need and they try and figure out what the Freakin' Hell's going on in Mexico City and why was he targeted for death...

There's also a karate gal friend that helps the good guys out along the way.

Just wanted to throw in this fine portrait of our dapper hero in his silver mask!

Here are two shots from one wrestling match that's inserted between the action scenes so we get to watch Santo do what he does in real life.

Santo is guest to the evil mistress who's part of a secret Nazi plan to assassinate citizens. She wants to find out what Santo knows about the murders...

Love this shot. Santo talks with his pals at their office, great wall paper!

Here are the leader of the Nazi club and his helper, a weasely little ass bite. They only know one thing, how to be total perverts on every level!

Santo's pal decides to turn the heat up on dudes they think might know something about the murders and the people involved.

Santo kicks it up a notch... He smacks this guy around a bit to start with, but, when he won't cooperate, Santo hooks him up to a car battery and turns up the juice until the little baby starts crying!

Karate gal is kidnapped and forced to give Santo incorrect info about their plan.

Wow, another cool shot of our hero, creeping around at night!

Of course, Santo is captured immediately and is brought before the Nazi leader, After Santo verbally flips them off, they take him away...

After being locked in a room, tied up, Santo breaks loose and hides behind the door. You only get one guess as to who kicks ass and walks out with his friends in tow. One guess!..

Anyway, Santo is on his way to mop the floor with the evil clan. And, the message is loud and clear to the Nazis, scatter like rats!!!

So, Santo is nearly shot while chasing down the worst member of the gang, who, because he's a Brainiac you know, well, he locks himself in the gas room and gasses himself! What a gasser!!.. Tune again Wednesday when we'll have even more precious Dungeon Cargo for you!.. Watch out for that crate!!

Saturday, May 25, 2019

THE TRYGON FACTOR - "Edgar Wallace Strikes Again" (1966)

Well, the fun never stops down here in The Dungeon, and tonight's Saturday Night Special is no exception!

"The Trygon Factor" was made in 1966, and is yet another tale based on an Edgar Wallace novel. I think it's pretty funny that Edgar's name is plastered all over the posters, but he is not even credited in the actual movie! Instead, the opening credits say "Based on an original story by Derry Quinn." I think that's kind of weird!

First rule: Don't go creeping around places where nuns are spying on your every move, even if you're a police officer!

Or you just might end up getting baptized to death!

What can I say? He's even creepier when he's not wearing the mask!

Next tip off that something ain't right: That nun has got on some pretty fancy undergarments!

Stewart (Target For Killing) Granger and Sophie (Der Hexer) Hardy are a strange pairing at best, being as there is 31 years difference in their real ages, it makes it kind of difficult.
Stewart is Superintendent Cooper-Smith, and he's the one in charge of investigating this sordid affair!
Sophie is a receptionist at his hotel.

Sophie was also in a spy movie with Eddie Constantine called "Jeff Gordon, Secret Agent," or it's original title, "Des Frissons Partout!"

The nuns also frown on it when one of their flock decides to do something else!

I think this is the first movie I've seen where funny guy Eddi Arent wasn't in a comic role. It was good to see him play it straight for a change!

It was also good to see the always great Robert (A Study in Terror) Morely in this film!

So just what the Heck are these nuns up to anyway?

They're robbing banks, that's what they're doing!

Spunky Cathleen Nesbitt is the one running the whole nasty business behind her front of being a nice old kindly rich woman! At this point in her career, Cathleen had been acting for 47 years! She lived to be 93.

This is the job that Eddi Arent signed on for! He's the best in his field!

Once the girls get in the bank and gas everybody, he puts on this suit of armor and sets up this Gatling type gun and blasts the crap out of the vault door!

To the victors go the spoils!

Before I forget, the music in "The Trygon Factor" is by the always amazing Peter Thomas time after time after time! And where's the best place to get Peter Thomas music for yourself?
BSC Music, of course!

Oh, don't worry, Sophie and Stewart have it all under control!

But then again, maybe not!

Aw, just kidding! Despite all odds, they got it all figured out after all!

"The Trygon Factor" is a fun movie to watch!
 It's an Edgar Wallace story, that's it! Not much else matters!

Monster Music

Monster Music
AAARRGGHHH!!!! Ya'll Come On Back Now, Y'Hear??