Friday, May 3, 2019

LAS LUCHADORAS CONTRA EL ROBOT ASESINO / Wrestling Women vs. The Robot Assassin - 1969

I have a backlog of Mexican Monster Movies, so, for the month of May, all of my posts will be exactly that... Mexican Monster Movies! Hold onto your pesos, here we go with round one!..

In this wild tale, a lady wrestler with her wrestling partner, her boyfriend and his partner, both policeman, battle a mad scientist who has developed a murderous killer robot and uses it to kidnap wealthy people for blackmail.

It stars Joaquín (LA LOBA) Cordero, beautiful Regina (MADAME DEATH) Torné, Héctor (AGENTE 00 SEXY) Lechuga, Malú (LAS GOLFAS) Reyes and Carlos (DOCTOR SATAN) Agostí.

Welp, we're back in the lab of the infamous Dr. Orlak, this time he has a big imposing robot that kidnaps people with its big strangly hands. Orlak also has the NIGHT OF THE BLOODY APES character seen in other vintage Mexicano flicks, there to do his bidding...

Orlak has special discs that have the knowledge of certain people that he loads into his robot.

Here's a photo I was able to get of Regina and Malú taking a shower while I hid behind a locker!

Hey, I want to ride this thing, but, where in the Hell is the freakin' coin slot?!

Anyway, the robot goes haywire and kills Orlak's assistant to start with...

Wow, I think I had this guitar effects pedal back in the eighties!

So, Regina stomps the unit and everything goes BOOM!! The robot catches fire and melts down... Alles ist kaput!

Here's a classic radio from 1969, this shot looks like it's from a commercial.

Okay, Orlak's robot is out of commission, so, he goes back to the cellar where he has the Bloody Ape dude caged. Time for plan B, send him out to kidnap a woman so that he can turn her into a wrestling robot in order to take care of Regina and Malú for screwing up his plans...

The Robot Wrestling Woman is ready to take on Regina, Doctor Orlak is in the audience using a controller to direct his killer...

Sure enough, Regina and Malú are down for the count! Found out, Orlak and his robot try to escape by climbing to the top of the building...

Orlak and the robot are trapped, no place to run, no place to hide. After some scuffles, the robot falls to the ring below. Héctor has had it with Orlak and shoots him a few times!

So, our tale comes to an end, just like Orlak and his big plans!.. Tune in tomorrow when we turn the controls over to Eegah!! and hope he don't crash the boat!

Wednesday, May 1, 2019

THE FIRESIGN THEATRE - "Volkswagen Mummy Fools"

 Welcome to yet another Wacky Wednesday in The Dungeon!
Our guests tonight are The Firesign Theatre!

The Firesign Theatre have been our comedic heroes for many, many years and we're referenced them many times in these pages before, as this Search Link will attest to.
I spend a lot of time rummaging around on the Internet Archive, and am always surprised what turns up at the end of the day. Lately, it's been The Firesign Theatre, so here's a couple of tidbits to tickle your funny bone in these dark times.

 First off, here is an actual TV commercial for a Los Angeles Volkswagen dealership that was made in 1969 that starts off with Peter Bergman at the helm!

 This would be about the same time that the boys came out with their classic LP,
"How Can You Be In Two Places At Once When You're Not Anywhere At All?"

It's poetic justice that Jack Poet Volkswagen would be the dealer giving these four bozos some air time!
This is Phil Proctor, one of the only two surviving members some 50 years later!

 Philip Austin was also the incredible genius behind "Roller Maidens From Outer Space!"

 David Ossman is the only other member still around today!!
Here's a YouTube link so you can watch this incredible thing for yourself.
Don't be fooled, the beginning is a commercial for the game "Battleship."

This really interesting 14 minute video that you can watch right here, shows the guys at work doing their thing in an impromptu radio podcast titled "Fools In Space" from 2002!

 Sadly, Peter Bergman on the right, left us in 2012 at the age of 72, and Phil Austin joined him in 2015 at the age of 74!

You can also watch this fun overdubbed 20 minute version of "The Mummy's Tomb" that was done by three of the Firesigns watching this movie on TV, telling radio listeners to turn to the TV channel and turn the sound down, and listen to the broadcast they were doing instead. You can also find links to other Firesign Theatre artifacts there, so what are you waiting for? Start Digging!

Monday, April 29, 2019

THE OUTER LIMITS: "The Human Factor" / Season 1 Episode 8 - 1963

In today's story, at an isolated military installation in Greenland, Major Brothers has allowed one of his men to die after falling in a crevasse. Suffering from hallucinations, he goes to Dr. Hamilton, who has invented a device that allows him to read the thoughts of another person. Hamilton and Brothers connect via the device, but then a power surge causes the minds of the two men to switch bodies! Major Brothers, in Hamilton's body, is bent on destroying the whole base because of his feelings of guilt and his terrifying hallucinations.

This one stars Gary Merrill, Harry Guardino, Joe De Santis, Ivan Dixon, Shirley O'Hara and John Newton...

It all starts when soldiers take a radio active device into a storage facility, there's an earthquake that causes a huge crevasse that swallows up a man. Also, Major Brothers falls down and bumps his head on the device they just brought in...

Then, Brothers sees a ghost-like figure that seems to be attracted to him. Brothers runs away and ends up in the the psychiatric ward after the incident.

Across the hall, Dr. Hamilton is working on an experiment where two people can meld their minds together. He asks his associate, Dr. Soldini, to participate in the test.

Their minds meld and each can understand the other's feelings now. It's found out, unexpectedly, that Dr. Soldini is in love with Dr. Hamilton.

Then, Major Brothers is sent over to talk with Dr. Hamilton about his hallucinations. Brothers is convinced that the thing he saw was coming to destroy the outpost...

So, Hamilton hooks up Brothers to his equipment to see if he can help. Dr. Hamilton senses a lot of darkness in Brothers...

After an electrical outage and the lights come back on, well, their minds have been transferred into each other's bodies. Dr. Hamilton, now Brothers, has the MPs take Brothers, now Hamilton, away to the psycho ward!

Dr. Soldini tries to speak with Hamilton but he seems to be freaked out by something.

Then, he treats her like shit and yells at her to get out of his room after she tells him where a gun is hidden.

Something is wrong, so, she reads the doctor's notes from his mind meld with Brothers. Dr. Soldini goes to the ward where Brothers is being held and requests to speak with him.

After speaking with Brothers for a minute, she realizes that it's Dr. Hamilton, not Brothers! He asks her to find the keys to let him out, which she does.

Hamilton and Brothers meet in the lab and duke it out, and, Hamilton (Brothers) shoots Brothers (Hamilton) in the gut. Dr. Soldini hooks up the men and turns the equipment on.

Just before the switch back, the ghost shows up to confront Brothers (Hamilton) one last time.

As it turns out, the transfer is complete, and, Major Brother dies from actually shooting himself!.. Tune in Wednesday when Eegah!! will lead us into the Merry Month of May!

Saturday, April 27, 2019

HEIL HONEY I'M HOME! - "A Really Bad Idea" (1990)

This is a Saturday Night Special I'm not real fond of, but in a effort to document weirdness over the years in film and TV, it has to be included, so here you go, really bad taste at it's wurst!
"Heil Honey I'm Home!" was a 1990 British sitcom that only lasted for one episode, even though they actually shot eight, because after the pilot was aired, the reactions of the people who saw it, made them decide to drop the project, which was the smartest thing they could ever have done, besides not having started it to begin with.

The whole damn thing is set up to be a clone of an "I Love Lucy" show, and Lucy and Ricky are replaced by Adolph Hitler and Eva Braun!
Neil (Billy The Kid and the Green Baize Vampire) McCaul plays Adolph, and Denica (Venus Wars) Fairman is Eva!
 Somehow this show didn't kill their careers!

You know what, some things in history like "The Holocaust" should never ever be trvialized.

And even though the performers are very good........

..........This was a really tasteless and ill-advised project that I can't believe that anybody could have possibly thought was a good idea, or funny!

 The fact that they aired even this one episode before it was decided that maybe it wasn't such a very good idea is beyond my comprehension.

Neil McCaul's approach to his comedic delivery is very similar to Robin Williams in my opinion.

The living room and kitchen of Adolph and Eva's apartment are almost identical to the ones on "I Love Lucy."

To make it even worse, the neighbors who have the Fred and Ethel Mertz roles are a madcap Jewish couple named Arny and Rosa Goldenstein as played by Gareth Marks, and Caroline Gruber.

The writers had some major comedy creds. Geoff Atkinson went on to be the writer on 58 episodes of the wild British puppet show "Spitting Image."

This was the end of the line for writer Paul Wayne, but what a powerhouse of laughs proceeded this mess, working on comedy shows by The Smothers Brothers, Pat Paulsen, and Sonny and Cher. He was also a writer on "Bewitched" and "Three's Company!"

"Heil Honey I'm Home!" was ill-conceived at best, but when over six million Jewish people were murdered a mere 45 years earlier, then guess what?? It ain't funny!
Yeah, I know all about parody and satire, but this P.O.S. is an embarrassment to mankind, and should have never seen the light of day!

Monster Music

Monster Music
AAARRGGHHH!!!! Ya'll Come On Back Now, Y'Hear??