Wednesday, January 13, 2016


Tonight's Wild Wednesday The 13th feature is a simple tale from 1936 with the classic title,
 "The House Of Secrets!"
And, as original as that sounds......

........This version is actually a remake of the same title, same story, that was made it 1929, of which copies no longer exist! The names weren't even changed to protect the innocent!

Whether it's "House Of Secrets" or "The House Of Secrets," it's a phrase that has gotten plenty of mileage in different forms over the years, and there's still more to come!

These two covers from "The House of Secrets" DC comic are pretty dang weird!

There's a comic book store in Burbank, California by the name of "House Of Secrets!"

By 2013 "House Of Secrets" wasn't good enough any more! These people went full blown with "House Of Forbidden Secrets!"

The booze and the movie are both black and white!
And don't forget, "Guinness is good for you!"

The setting is jolly olde London!

A young American fellah has inherited this estate called "The Hawks Nest" or what will also be referred to as "The House Of Secrets!"

Back in town, it's all happening at "The Swan Inn!"

Half of what appears to be a treasure map is discovered!

When both pieces are finally put together, it's still a puzzle! A scene where one of the crooks is reading the message is pretty funny as he proceeds to pronounce all the olde English E's at the end of all the words!

Ominous message, and even more so because it's not in Barry Wilding's handwriting!

Here's a nice cast ensemble shot from the end of the movie! The thug on the right is about to release the poison gas!!

And what else? There's a happier than happy ending!
If you'd like to just watch it, or download a pretty nice copy for free to watch at your leisure, then you can find it right here at the Internet Archive! I just recently tossed them a couple of bucks donation! It's a good cause if you've got nothing else to do with your money or even if you do!

Monday, January 11, 2016

20 MILLION MILES TO EARTH In Color / Columbia Studios - 1957

So, here's a colorized version of this classic that I saw in 1957 with my neighbors. Ray Harryhausen authorized the colorization of this one, IT CAME FROM BENEATH THE SEA and EARTH vs. THE FLYING SAUCERS, which we've already done.

I have a sound clip for your approval, sooooo, you can push the big red 'GO' button located there by our Ymir egg, NOW, Ralphie The Tarantula!.. Here's a little sample from... 20 MILLION MILES TO EARTH!

It all starts with one of the fifties coolest spaceships crashing into the ocean off the coast of Sicily. A small fishing boat makes its way to the ship and the men rescue two crew members before the metal hulk sinks to the bottom of the sea.

Let's see now, the Moon goes around the Earth... Check... Okay then, Venus goes around Pluto?!.. Wait, something seems a little weird here...

Yo, General!!.. I could use a little help over here!..

Little Pepe finds a large canister with something very strange inside.

He takes the cannister and sells it to Dr. Leonardo (for the price of a cowboy hat) and the thing breaks out of its casing only to confound the doctor and his daughter, Marisa. Later, the Ymir has grown to human size and grabs Marisa while she was tying down the tarp.

This scene has him eating out of a bag of sulfur, a staple for its race on Venus.

After the creature is caught, they try to figure out what to do with it. What would you do?!

Anyway, it escapes and immediately has to wrassle with a Republican! Ymir kicks its ass!

Okay, you little shits are really starting to Piss Me Off!!!..

Just threw in this composite shot because it's so well composed.

Poor Ymir, a stranger in a strange land to be sure... Check in Wednesday because Eegah!! will have something interesting to share with us, I'm sure...

~ A Sad Day, Dungeon Hero David Bowie dies today at age 69 ~

Saturday, January 9, 2016

DER MÖRDERCLUB VON BROOKLYN - Peter Thomas - "The Body In Central Park" (1967)

Welcome to The Saturday Night Special in The Dungeon 2016 style!
Woe be the day we run out of Jerry Cotton movies! I think we only have two left after this, but let us rejoice since we still have those two to look forward to, which is a small light in an otherwise dark and somber world! 
(This is a great poster by the way, I love that abstract painting in the background! It literally screams 1967!!)

Personally, I think that the literal "The Murderers Club Of Brooklyn" is a much more descriptive title!

Just like every other Jerry Cotton film I've seen so far, this film is whack! For instance it starts off with this scene of a bunch of gangsters waiting inside Jerry Cotton's apartment in New York to ambush him! They're playing with his slot cars on his home slot car track! Slot cars were the rage back in the sixties. Mine was a little hot rod painted purple and chartreuse! It flew off of many a quality track!

Once the credits start, the movie turns to colour!
As you will see, cinematographer Franz X. Lederle had a penchant for these kind of peek a boo shots! Sometimes what's going on in the background is more fun and interesting than what's in the foreground!

"Aw Shit! We kidnapped the wrong girl!"

So you want a million dollars or you'll kill my daughter?
What do you think it will be, "okay or go fuck yourself?"

This shot is the epitome of a degenerate 1967! Cigarettes, candy, horse racing, and a screwdriver!

How about this shot?

Normally the green screen in these Jerry Cotton movies is beyond reproach! This is the first one I've seen where they slacked off and allowed shots like this!

I'm pretty sure every scene that has a window in the background was green screened too!

Bauhaus New York!

As Jerry makes his way across the dance floor, it's as good a time as any to tell you that one of my favourite composers Peter Thomas is once again responsible for the music in the "Murderers Club Of Brooklyn!" Here's a short sample for your enjoyment!

In 1967 a shot like this was probably considered avant garde, but in 2016, it would just be called a photo bomb!


"Don't know where I been, cause I been drinkin' Gordon's Gin!"

Kind of self explanatory!

Here's a decent shot of Jerry's cool red Jaguar!

Here's another scene where they flubbed the green screen!

Here's yet another one of those wunderbar shots!

 Suave Jerry Cotton, bikini babes and a space background!
It just doesn't get much better than that!

Here's a nice definitive shot of George Nader as Jerry Cotton!
Mucho danke schöns to my olde pal Lord Litter in Berlin for turning me on to the whole Jerry Cotton Phenomena! You can check out his wild and weird genius RIGHT HERE!
You can find Jerry Cotton films at Sinister Cinema for pretty much a steal, just in case you want to treat yourself to an awesome late Xmas present!

Monster Music

Monster Music
AAARRGGHHH!!!! Ya'll Come On Back Now, Y'Hear??