First off, it's Agent 077, stop the presses, what else do you need to know? The whole seven thing as a sales pitch absolutely floors me, and you'd be shocked to see how many more of them I've got planned for you! It's truly astounding!
The second big G in this film is GIRLS!! Just like the real 007, agent 077 is a chick magnet! Take a second look, that's two women, not one!
More weird GUYS, like 077's pain in the culo sidekick, Jesús Puente as Wilson! Dichotomies abound!
The third big G is for GAMES! Don't try and get cagey and think you can play with 077!
Next up, what else are you more likely to find in a 60's spy flick? Freakin' GADGETS!!!
Gaia only has 21 credits to her name, but more than a couple are worth seeking out, like "Hercules In The Haunted World," "Your Turn Darling," "Castle Of The Living Dead," "OSS 77-Operazione Fior Di Lloto,"and "Mr. X!"
Here's equal towel time for agent 077, who by the way is named either Mike Murphy or Lemmy Logan depending on who you talk to!
What 60's Eurospy movie is replete without a GODDESS like Dungeon hot list fave Janine (Kiss Me Monster) Reynaud in it? Personally, I don't really think the blonde coiffeur really suits here, but to each their own!! That's what makes freedom great!!
It's tests my credibility a bit to realize that the guys who are Hell bent on taking over the world are driving a funky station wagon like this!!
Meanwhile, out in the middle of the stinkin' African desert somewhere, a huge rocket base has been built without detection! See, that is what so cool about the 60's; something like this could go undetected, these days, it would have to be completely underground!
Anyway, while Gaia is busy channeling Audrey Hepburn in "Breakfast At Tiffany's," it gives me a great opportunity to tell you the krazy title and ending credits were created by Nico Fidenco, a cat with arguably the credits for more weird movies than anyone, and here's what I'm talkin' about: "The Texican," "John The Bastard," "Supermen Against the Orient," "Zombie Holocaust," and if that ain't enuf, "Porno Holocaust!!" What a GUY!!
I really like this 'through the candles' shot!
There's absolutely nothing that says 60's Eurospy flicks like making out in a strip club! Go Murphy!!
By this time agent 077 has just about had his daily minimum requirement of bullshit!
What other G could possibly exist in a spy movie? GUNS! That's what!!
In what appears to almost be a Disney moment, I'll leave you with this parting shot of Gaia Germani and this little antennae watching over all of us for eternity!