Sunday, March 1, 2009

WHEN WORLDS COLLIDE / George Pal - 1951 / Music by Leith Stevens

Given such an epic title as WHEN WORLDS COLLIDE, well, it almost has to take on a Biblical feel. And, if you don't believe me, check out our audio piece tonight from the awesome Mr. Stevens, who was also featured last Sunday.


Something bad is going on out there, you know, in outer space!.. Damn, Hayden Rourke looks pretty cool with a goatee!

The bad news is, another planet is on a collision course with Earth. Richard Derr is part of the team planning to build and fly a rocket to a planet named Zyra, and repopulate the human race there.

Earthquakes and floods are common occurances when another planet comes too close to Earth, according to George Pal and the History Channel.

This is exactly why Richard is in charge... He can run faster than the other guys!

Exquisite annihilation!!

A lottery drawing was used to select the 44 people for the journey. Mob rule came close to taking over, but everyone made it safely onboard... Whew!.. Goodbye!!

John Hoyt play a rich weasel who gets to go, but will not give the ticket to Barbara Rush, who will then be left behind and cannot have children with Richard Derr on Zyra! Get it?!.. A real ass!! His assistant takes the ticket and gives it to Barbara, because, its the right thing to do!!

When the ship starts it's motors, John quickly jumps up, out of the wheelchair. He'd been faking everything, for sympathy! Gee, sounds like another rich weasel in a wheelchair lately, trying to get some fake sympathy.

That would really make a cool ride at Magic Mountain!

Barbara and the others watch the monitor as the Earth takes it right in the mush!!

Left turn signal on...

You're now entering Zyra's atmosphere!.. Please, fasten your seat belts!


Welcome to Zyra!.. The production ran out of money just about right here. Although the background looks decent, Chesley Bonnestell said in OUTRE magazine that what you see there is the underpainting, in other words, its not finished!!

But, what the hell, who cares, they made it!!

Let's just hope that the radiation didn't make them sterile!

Saturday, February 28, 2009

SHE-DEVILS ON WHEELS - Herschell Gordon Lewis/The Faded Blue/Larry Wellington - "The Maneaters" (1968)

What more do you want? This movie hasn't even started yet, and you've got all the elements you need, the female posterior and a classic Chevy! You already got your 25 cents worth, so just sit back, relax and enjoy the show!!! And I'm sure that's the way Herschell saw it!!

Just look at how many different ways there are to demonize the goddess that we all adore, Tequila!!!

What I really meant was the female of the species we call human; we've had the "She-Creature", "She-Demons", "She-Freak", "She-Beast" and back in 1957 the "She-Devil", but this is the first time any of them have become mobile, and once those Hell Cats got motorcycles, the game changed, and it all came to a head in Herschell Gordon Lewis' "She-Devils On Wheels"!

These girls are dangerous with a capital D!!

Here's The Maneaters and Get off the Road!!!

I just know all you people are just flashing on the past right about now to a time when helmets and a whole lotta other crap wasn't required!

No, this isn't quite 13!!

No, I don't really think this guy is gay!!

This is my new wallpaper, The Maneater's clubhouse, and that's just plenty weird enuf for awhile!! Love that one leg in, one leg out look!!

The Maneaters!!!!!

Party time 1968 style, when you could be incredibly stupid and still have fun, and yet somehow a lot of us managed to live through it all!

Oh, Yeah, we were having a little too much fun, and forgot about that dude that really pissed off The Maneaters! Does the term "clothesline" have any meaning to you?? I warned you they played rough!!

What's the moral of the story? The End!!

Friday, February 27, 2009

WEREWOLVES ON WHEELS - Don Gere - "Woof Woof" (1971)

Well, I guess there ain't no stopping us now, so before we get to 666, in honour of Hog and Indian lovers and owners everywhere, let's just finish this month off with biker movies from Hell! Tonight, we've got a special big treat with the 1971 classic "Werewolves On Wheels"!!! I actually saw this flick at a drive-in in Anchorage, Alaska, and in retrospect, considering what was possibly ingested, it might just explain a few things!
Just to start with, one of the strangest things about this movie is, it doesn't have a title card, what you see here is from a trailer! During the movie, the credits just run! Weirdsville!

The music by composer Don Gere is the best thing to come along since the theme from "Eegah!!" and has a bit of debt to pay to "Village Of The Giants!" If only Jack Nietzsche had produced this soundtrack to give it a bit more huevos, it would probably have been the best ever, as it is, it's still fantastic in a weird surreal kind of mix between a Sandy Bull raga with the distorted guitar of Canned Heat's Sunflower, and some Hermanos Guzanos thrown in for good measure! There's so much music in this movie, I've surprised there wasn't a fully choreographed werewolf dance number! Don did another soundtrack for "Sweet Sugar," another Michel Levesque directed film in 1973, and that was it! Too bad, because it seems like the guy was a natural!! You know, a good percentage of the time after I put one of these sound clips together, I think it's my new favorite! This one really is my new favorite, at least this week!! Turn it up, hold on tight and don't let go!!!

The basic gang consists of leader Adam, played by Steve (Peyton Place) Oliver, and Tarot, played by Deuce Berry AKA Gene Shane, with Billy (Father Knows Best) Gray as Pill, and Barry (Eve Of Destruction) McGuire as Scarf! Ted and I also actually saw Barry McGuire perform in a live free Christian concert to about 25 people two years later in the Strongbow Stadium wrestling ring. He'd really put on some weight too! I'm not positive, but I'm not really sure this film helped his career!!

This is a portrait of Shirley, every man's dream, loose and free, played by Anna Lynn Brown! As hot as she is in here, it's still not real hard to envision her in her next role eleven years later as a DMV clerk!!!!!!

Tarot deals the Death card!!

If you're out in the boondocks somewhere, you can usually count on the fact that there's going to be a black hooded Satanic cult nearby! It's like taken for granted, and you can really chuckle and make fun of them when they break out the big stupid loaf of bread that looks like a giant cracker, but when they start dipping it in blood, it really starts getting creepy!!

Now what in The Hell is going on? They said they were going to the desert, but the freakin' SAHARA desert?? I did notice the magazines back at the gas station all had covers in what looked like Italian! Krazy, like when did this turn into some kind of National Geographic pictorial?!?

Adam and Tarot are at peace with the universe through their different methods, but then before you know it, all Hell breaks loose, and there's freakin' werewolves everywhere!!!!

So, it turns out, that the out of control, stoned out, drunken biker freaks, "The Devil's Advocates" aren't the bad guys in this film at all, but....

Tomorrow we'll follow up with more great biker action from 1968, with some really mean characters brought to you by Herschell Gordon Lewis, the "She-Devils On Wheels!" Woof, Woof!!

Thursday, February 26, 2009

THE CABINET OF CALIGARI / Associated Producers - 1962 / Music by Gerald Fried

Here is flick that you not see everyday. Weird lil' diddy written by Robert Bloch! Star Glynis Johns, who start acting in 1938 and finally get her own TV series, GLYNIS, in 1963!

Gerald Fried have music honor tonight and do fine job as usual. In case you not familiar with Mr. Fried, here are other flick he knock out... THE VAMPIRE, THE FLAME BARRIER, THE RETURN OF DRACULA, MACHINE-GUN KELLY, THE CRY BABY KILLER, CURSE OF THE FACELESS MAN, HIGH SCHOOL BIG SHOT, THE LOST MISSILE, ONE SPY TOO MANY, and on TV... GILLIGAN'S ISLAND, IT'S ABOUT TIME, THE MAN FROM U.N.C.L.E., LOST IN SPACE, STAR TREK, MISSION: IMPOSSIBLE, MANNIX, ROOTS and beyond!.. Not too bad!

CALIGARI!.. Get out of the cabinet, you wino! Company's here!!

Glynis' sports car just stop, so she start to walk down road. She wander to old dark house and knock on door, and who open it?..

Not really know, hard to tell!..

WOW!.. J. Pat O'Malley, play Perkins in "The Further Adventures of Spin and Marty" and have 212 acting credit!! Then, Estelle Winwood, she play Enchantra in BEWITCHED, play Aunt Hilda in BATMAN and have total of 63 acting credit! And, awesome Constance Ford, she play Bubbles on ANOTHER WORLD 1964-92 with 79 acting credit!

Even though Glynis not really sure what going on, she take time to look extra hot!

Oh, that why she look great, she take nice relaxing bath!.. So soothing! Mmmmm...

Wait a..

What hell??

Caligari and Tabonga think Glynis absolutely smokin' here!!

Here is lame-o attempt to modernize old Caligari motif... Wif' rotating door!!.. Wow.

Okay, Tabonga give credit where due! Pretty creepy thing happen...

Not know why this is creepy, just know it is!

Now, when you have big guy toasting baby in basement, well...

Coo coo! Coo coo! Coo coo!.. Oh, and you hear air raid siren go off like in cartoon too!

If you can identify this image, you're cured!

So, Glynis finally get to leave Nut Central. Hey, how come she all old?!

Monster Music

Monster Music
AAARRGGHHH!!!! Ya'll Come On Back Now, Y'Hear??