Monday, February 11, 2008

THE LITTLE SHOP OF HORRORS - Fred Katz - "The My Name Is Seymour Suite" (1960)

Here's about 5 minutes of joy that I threw together a couple of months ago. It's been fermenting about long enough and I think it's ready to be unleashed. Here's some of "The Little Shop Of Horrors" musical and comedy segments filtered through my mind into one massive mini-mix I call "The My Name Is Seymour Suite."
 For years I thought Dodie Drake was Mitzi McCall for some reason! 
What can you say about the cop scene? "Lost one!" 
Meri Welles as Leonora Clyde is another character never to be duplicated! 
One of the greatest chase scenes of all time!

Sunday, February 10, 2008

ROCKETSHIP X-M - Ferde Grofé Sr. - "Walkin Around On Mars" (1950)

The only movie we've been able to find from the year 1950 that had any music that wasn't strictly orchestral is "Rocketship X-M", but if there's only going to be one, at least it's a really good one!! Classic composer Ferde Grofé Sr. used the talents of the number one 'go to guy' when you needed the spooky sound, Dr. Samuel Hoffman on the theremin quite nicely! Together they made this walk on Mars a lot more than just interesting! Mind-boggling Podiatrist, Dr. Hoffman established the sound everyone to this day associates with a scary or spacey scene, and will dwell in the "Dwrayger Dungeon" Hall Of Fame for eternity for his contributions to cool horror sounds! Dr. Samuel Hoffman, we salute you!!! 
So, Okay, just try and imagine, it's 1950, do you think anything could look cooler than this? I seriously doubt it! 
You just automatically can tell it's Mars by the color! 
Here's some of that classic "Space Theremin"!!

Saturday, February 9, 2008

MAD MONSTER PARTY? - Maury Laws - "The Opening" (1969)

Just barely making it under the wire on numerous levels, the animated "Mad Monster Party?" had some incredible talent working on it, like Boris Karloff, Mad magazine's Harvey Kurtzman and Jack Davis, and the musical genius of Maury Laws, and I can't quite put my finger on it, but something's missing, actually a lot of something's missing! 
Quite interesting from a historical perspective, this movie, and the soundtrack are still readily available today to rent or buy, so we'll leave all the 'real' songs behind, and just whet your appetite with this jazzy taste from the opening sequence. Is it really a "Mad Monster Party?"
 I guess you'll just have to find out on your own!!!

Friday, February 8, 2008

KONG ISLAND (Eva, La Venere Selvaggia) - Roberto Pregadio - "In The Bar" (1968)

Blood Island, Kong Island, who cares, as long as it's in the Pacific somewhere! 
Here we got "Bullethole" Brad Harris in the bar, first with Ursula played by Adrianna Alben..... 
........then danicng with Diana played by Ursula Davis! 
then spotting Turk, and getting saved by a man who is not his type! You might need to rent the movie to figure it all out! The jammin' Super Suave Island Sounds continue by Roberto Pregadio!

Thursday, February 7, 2008

BRIDES OF BLOOD - Romero/de Leon - "Tribal Love Sacrifice" (1968)

Okay! This is my favorite title card yet, and it's a good thing, because here's what happened! It's Unbelievable!! I send Tabonga out to get us some Filipino food cause I'm hungry and I'm needing some adobo, some garlic chicken and some balamiki real bad, and he brings back this movie about women being sacrificed to a monster in the Philippines. I'm thinking we've got some kind of commuication breakdown here! I might have to club him with one of his own branches soon! Well, at least, it was a pretty cool movie and this is a four minute synopsis jam of the whole film. Killer directors Gerardo de Leon and Eddie Romero didn't find a need to let us know who composed the music, so you're on your own for this one! If someone asks, tell 'em Tabonga did it! 
They're already starting to get weird and the movie just started! 
This movie has it all!! You get some extra classic screaming from Beverly Powers as Beverly Hills! 
"What's going on? I don't know and I don't know if I want to!" 
The monster is pretty dang ugly, and kinda stupid looking but he runs real fast at the camera and it's really pretty amazing that they have to tie up some girl for him, seems like he could catch one on his own pretty easy! 
Great lighting throughout this film! Get 'em John!! 
So John did a pretty good job of disposing of that big monster, and he gets his big reward right about here... 
and here!!!!! 
I do believe he looks like it was all worth it!! So here you go........"Brides Of Blood" Go get some!!

Wednesday, February 6, 2008

THE LOST CONTINENT - Paul Dunlap - "Buddies" (1951)

I do believe this is only the second movie we've been able to dredge up from 1951, so even though it's a very small piece it's an interesting one. You got yer basic two buddies, just like Eegah! and Tabonga, thrown back together for another adventure scenario, this time with Cesar Romero and Chick Chandler as the pals. Paul Dunlap once again provides the swingin' sounds. 
There's one lttle scene where Cesar is trying to score with Hillary Brooke, and gets the call right after he puts on a record, but right before that he's getting just a little flustercated! 
Then we go straight to a scene where Chick is just getting ready to step out on the town for his first night on leave, when he gets a knock on his door too. 
The amazing number of Cesar and Chick's combined acting credits for TV and the movies is over 350 appearances. Two very active guys for 4 decades or so! "Lost Continent" Buddies

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

TERROR FROM THE YEAR 5000 - Richard DuPage - "Theme & Swing" (1958)

Another vision from exactly 50 years ago, "Terror From The Year 5000" might not be the most exciting movie in the world, but it did have a world class soundtrack by composer of note, Richard DuPage, and it was 50 years ago! Composer and arranger, masetro DuPage also conducted the Sperry(Gyroscope)Symphony. I have no idea what that is, but it sure sounds cool! The theme for this film is very dramatic with that extra special narration, and the swing is great, albeit short, in the bar scene! It's a bit of a mix from......."Terror In The Year 5000"!! 
Pretty much just basically looking for trouble here! 
Screw Victor! The first episode of "Bonanza" in color just came on the TV Set! 
There's a bit of confusion at this point between scary and just plain ugly. Ok, I get it, the future is going to be ugly, but what about those giant sequin things all over her body, is the future doomed to be nothing more than oil on velvet? 
You gotta like the good old fashioned way of dealing with the future! Just shoot it!!

Monster Music

Monster Music
AAARRGGHHH!!!! Ya'll Come On Back Now, Y'Hear??