Here's about 5 minutes of joy that I threw together a couple of months ago. It's been fermenting about long enough and I think it's ready to be unleashed. Here's some of "The Little Shop Of Horrors" musical and comedy segments filtered through my mind into one massive mini-mix I call
"The My Name Is Seymour Suite." 
For years I thought Dodie Drake was Mitzi McCall for some reason!

What can you say about the cop scene? "Lost one!"

Meri Welles as Leonora Clyde is another character never to be duplicated!

One of the greatest chase scenes of all time!
When Me and Eegah see this movie together at theater back in day, well, we like best when they ran on tires! Then, we roll down the aisles (when used to be legal!)
What about Jack Nicholson in the dentist office reading PAIN magazine?
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