Monday, September 3, 2018

THE OUTER LIMITS: The Hundred Days Of The Dragon / Season 1 Episode 2 - 1963

During the presidential campaign in the USA, the candidate William Lyons Selby is projected to be the probable winner. Asian dictator Li-Chin Sung has his scientists develop a technique to shape the face and the fingerprints of any man. Selby is murdered and replaced by a skilled spy, he wins the election and the impostor becomes the American President! Li-Chin Sung plots to replace others prominent American leaders by infiltrating Asian spies to take over America.

This classic episode stars Sidney Blackmer as William Lyons Selby, Phillip Pine as Ted Pearson, Mark Roberts as Bob Conner, Aki Aleong as Dr. Sui-Lin, Richard Loo as Li-Chin Sung and Joan Camden as Ann Pearson.

Somewhere in Asia, Dr. Sui-Lin has invented a way for a human to change his appearance and even change his fingerprints. But, for what purpose?..

Well, maybe to impersonate an American presidential candidate, namely, William Selby. The trial run on the face press yields a positive result on his plant.

Selby and his VP running mate, Ted Pearson, are ahead in the polls and are projected to win the election...

So, it's time to use the old face press again!

The impersonator breaks into Selby's home and finds the candidate in his bedroom. After killing Selby, the impersonator gets his fingerprints, the job is done.

So, Selby and Pearson win the election and move into the White House, Li-Chin Sung now has his man in a position to do his bidding. Ted notices that something isn't quite right with the president...

Then, Ted is attacked in his home, he's next on Li-Chin Sung's list. Ted tells his friend Bob that the person looked exactly like him so they do some research and find out that Russia has been working on appearance changing technology!

After another attempt is made to replace Ted, the plot fails and the impersonator is captured and brought to a White House event to confront Selby.

Officials take Selby into custody and Ted has something to show everyone...

Ted then shoots Selby up with the altering drug.

He shows the people there how a face becomes putty before using a face press to mold the looks of an impostor. The crowd reacts in horror!

Ted Pearson is now president and has saved America from the foreign adversaries... Hooray!! Okay then, that's it, tune in Wednesday when Eegah!! returns from the void!

Saturday, September 1, 2018

ITALIAN SPIDERMAN - "Actione, Terrore, Suspenso... SPIDER!" (2007)

 I had no idea what to expect when I sat down to watch "Italian Spiderman," and I wasn't really expecting much, because this is obviously a silly and stupid movie, but I was quite surprised to find myself laughing out loud, because this movie is actually quite funny!
Welcome to the Saturday Night Special Dungeon style!

 There are no rules to "Italian Spiderman!" It's kind of hard to even know what side of the law he's on because he is such a politically incorrect jerkoff, but this guy cracks me up! He's absolutely and positively hilarious!!

 "Italian Spiderman" is nothing it pretends to be! It pretends to be an Italian movie, but it was made in Australia. Pretty funny when "Hmm" has to be translated, but that's the kind of thing that "Italian Spiderman" is about! As far as having anything to do with the "Spiderman" comics, there is none!

 "Italian Spiderman's" blackjack is a real blow to his opponent!

 "Italian Spiderman" is not in shape or good looking, or even Italian, but he has a way with women because, well, because he's Italian as far as the movie is concerned!
"Italian Spiderman" was written by and played by David Ashby, who along with Dario Russo who directed it, are responsible for an Australian TV series that ran for four years called "Danger 5" that I know absolutely nothing about at all, but from what I see here, it's probably ridiculously funny!
 Hopefully, Paul from Oz will let us know!

 Another element that makes this show so good is that the music is also brilliant! There is no person named Enzo Bontempi! The music is created by Dario Russo, Will Spartalis, and Josh Van Looy. The credits are so cool, I could have showed you just those shots and it would have been fine!

 "Italian Spiderman" smokes his way through the whole movie, and this was his brand of choice, an "Extra Quiet" rooster!

 A crocodile has broken into his pad!

 "Italian Spiderman" is a womanizer, but he's always telling other people to "Respect Women," then he smacks them in the face!

 Here's how the perv respects women himself!

 "Italian Spiderman's nemesis is Captain Maximum!

 Here's a shot from the wild green screen chase scene!

"Italian Spiderman" gets fed some psychedelic drugs, and ends up washed up on a beach on some remote island only to find Captain Maximum there waiting for him? After the offer of the Mojito, Captain Maximum challenges "Italian Spiderman" to a Surf Off.

 More green screen lunacy!

 Then when Captain Maximum's girls start getting the best of "Italian Spiderman," he calls on this special power! Penguins start flying all over the place and knocking people out!

 Despite a lot of sexual situations, there's no nudity, very little bad language, and the violence is too funny to even comment on! "Italian Spiderman" could almost be a perverse Disney movie!

 This Captain Maximum henchman has got "Italian Spiderman" in his sights!

 "Italian Spiderman" turns the tables and takes out the sniveling sniper!

 "Italian Spiderman" is ready for anything!

 Just when we thought Captain Maximum was dead, he takes some drugs and now is a Godzilla-like Gargantuan!

"Italian Spiderman" is just too good in so many ways. There's no contrived ending because there doesn't need to be one, because the story is just one big joke anyway. One of my biggest complaints is that movies go on too long. "Italian Spiderman" clocks in at 40 minutes, the actual perfect amount of time to keep my attention! It's idiotic but smart, and they don't waste time! It's really kind of sad that it wasn't continued!

Friday, August 31, 2018

MERRY MELODIES - Goofy Groceries - 1941

It's the end of the month and I swear we all need a good laugh or two... Here's a classic WB cartoon for you, I have the Looney Tunes Golden Collection that consists of freakin' 24 discs of tunes! So, look for more great WB cartoons in the future...

When I see this beautiful artwork, well, it makes me want to spit on the crap we call 'Art' nowadays, it just has no soul for me...

It starts with some contented and discontented moo cows swooning over the Fulla Bull bull.

I had to show the cigarette pipe organ, come on kids, light 'em up if you got 'em!

Then, the barker (ha-ha) shows us some of the talented acts in the grocery store.

There's the wiggling Wiggly Gum dancing girlie...

Under the U-Know Biscuits display the little water nymphs play gleefully in the water!

And, we gots the Cab Can Girls doing their thing, something we all (can) enjoy.

Then, a mean old gorilla tears his way out of the Animal Crackers box, ready to cause a bunch o' trouble for all the other groceries!

That's exactly what he does, too, he seems to be fascinated by one little Can Can Girl.

Jack Bunny joins in and rides his Horse Radish steed to save the Can Can Girl.

The turtle tanks come off their Turtle Soup cans and hit the big ape with a barrage of bullets!

But, he finds a box of fireworks in the corner and lights up a roman candle. Jack Bunny loses his steed when it takes a direct hit from the candle.

Jack grabs a hatchet and runs toward the ape! By the time he gets there though, his hatchet takes so many hits from the candle that he only has a toy cheese slicer!

Then, Superguy shows up to save the day, but, he turns into a baby and starts crying after he's scared straight at the sight of the hulk!!

He lights a big fire cracker and is ready to hand it to Jack when he hears his name being called. Well, mom is mad as Hell, she grabs his ear and drags him back into the damaged box, saving the day at the grocery store.

Jack is holding the fire cracker as it blows up in his face! Welp, there you go, check in tomorrow when Eegah!! brings on the... urr... whatever!!

Monster Music

Monster Music
AAARRGGHHH!!!! Ya'll Come On Back Now, Y'Hear??