Wednesday, August 2, 2017

MY SCIENCE PROJECT - "We Must Not Destroy The World" (Good Idea!) (1985)

I don't know what the budget was for tonight's Weird Wednesday feature, but I think they should have just fed a bunch of homeless people instead! The money would have been a lot better spent! Some people love this movie, but I just don't happen to be one of them!

So here it is, "My Science Project!" Let me know what grade you would give it!

Dennis Hopper is Bob Roberts, you know, kind of like Dick Peters!

When most high school kids need a quick fix science project, I've heard that a great majority of them seek out abandoned military equipment graveyards!

Backyard mechanics and alien technology make for strange bedfellows!

Wow, a Neo-Spectometer, I haven't seen one of those in like never!

Bob's an olde druggie, so he digs the juice!!

Then it gets really out of hand...

...And a timewarp portal opens!

 "My Science Project" was also released as "Time Busters!"

The real honest fact of the matter is, I used my own portable time machine to fast forward through the last 20 or 30 minutes!

I started to feel like this when I realized I wasn't a teenager any more!

Any movie playback device whether it be streaming, a DVD or even a VHS tape, enables you to manipulate time forward or backwards like a time machine, the only difference is, even if you go backward you don't regain the time you spent going forward, or as The Firesign Theatre so succinctly stated, "How can you be in two places at once when you're not anywhere at all?"

If you're really in the mood to watch a teen movie from 1985, I think "Weird Science" with Kelly LeBrock, and a soundtrack that includes music by Oingo Boingo and Wall Of Voodoo is a better choice! I'm not usually like this, but I give this science project an F!

Monday, July 31, 2017

PINK ANGELS / Plateau Productions - 1972

We'll end July with this wild 'n' weird biker flick, it's all about a group of transvestite bikers that wheel their way to Los Angeles, making for a lot'sa rubbernecking. Filmed at Sierra Hwy & Soledad Canyon, Santa Clarita, CA.

This thing stars John (HANNAH, QUEEN OF THE VAMPIRES) Alderman, Henry (METEOR) Olek, Bruce THE THING WITH TWO HEADS) Kimball, Michael (THE BABY) Pataki and Dan (GRIZZLY ADAMS) Haggerty.

What better way to start a flick than a bunch of arty shots of giant concrete pipes... Right?!

Wow, my favorite place to go in the late fifties! Gimme a Papa Burger, onion rings and an ice cold A&W Root Beer! They served root beer and orange soda, you could order a Mad Dog, which was half root beer, half orange!

Anyway, the Pink Angels roll into town, first, dude runs over the "A&W Loves You" sign and totally clobbers the guy in the side car on the head, and, he's not even wearing a freakin' helmet!! Then, they have an epic food fight before they all cool off...

I had to show this pic because those diesel engines going through town were such a common sight back then.

As in so many biker flicks back then, our guys like to party just outside the city limits... Love those candles on the table!

Man, their threads are really eye catching, their personal sign of individualism!

Well, the wild girls from town show up and a sex party ensues! Even the girls' madam joins in on all the drunken fun!

Here's a great shot of Dan, a proud member of the Pink Angels!..

Things get even weirder when these two bikers get some therapy from this petite nudie-cutie gal... Hey, that's something I never owned, red long johns!!

The gay guys in the Pink Angels go shopping for some new clothes to strut around in. Here, they entertain the shoe guy who sells them some high heels!

Wait a minute now... Something doesn't seem quite right here!!!..

So, the military's interested in the Pink Angels for some goddamn reason, and, they capture one of the girls at a party and interrogate her...

The General gets his simple little mind blown when the 'girl' takes his wig off!!

To fix the problem, the General has everyone hanged outside his office, bringing this thing to an abrupt end! Go figure... So, Eegah!! will be back Wednesday for our first post in August, a month that will have even more cool junk for us!

Saturday, July 29, 2017

IT! - "Curse Of The Golem" (1967)

Tonight's Saturday Night Special is one of the few monster movies from the 60's that we haven't done yet, so let's just check it out, because although it's kind of silly, it's really not too bad!

It's called "It!" and/or sometimes, "Curse Of The Golem!"

The star of the show is Dungeon perennial favourite Roddy (Planet Of The Apes) McDowall!

So just what is a Golem anyway? In Jewish folklore, a Golem is an animated anthropomorphic
being that is magically created entirely from inanimate matter like clay or mud! In this film, it is a sculpture!

This Golem appears to be having his way with this guy, and although he can move his arms and legs, this time he just fell straight down and crushed the guy under the weight of his 3000 pounds!

I love London's swingin' sixties neon lights!!

This is Roddy's wishshewas girlfriend as played by Jill (Horror House) Haworth in this dream sequence!

Roddy manages to take the Golem out for a destructive walk! I guess everybody was too stoned to notice!!

This shot is the epitome of non-hippie 1967 in my less than humble opinion!

Roddy can't take any more of the mayhem and murder and commands the Golem to go away and not come back, and when that doesn't work, he tries to set him on fire!!

Next thing he knows, the Golem is back in the museum!

Great shot of Roddy's pad!

The Golem is a lost and lonely soul! He was just doing what was asked of him!

The Golem is one tough customer! First they try and take him out with a bazooka blast, and then a tank, and when that doesn't work...........

...............They go completely mind-boggling insane.......and...

......Hit the Golem with a nuclear bomb!! WTF?!!

And even that doesn't stop the thing!!!

In the end, the only thing that can destroy the Golem, is the Golem himself, and that's what he chooses to do, and he walks off into the ocean and away from all the destruction caused by man that was far worse than anything he had done!! Talk about a story about misunderstanding! Wow!!

Monster Music

Monster Music
AAARRGGHHH!!!! Ya'll Come On Back Now, Y'Hear??