Friday, February 17, 2017

WILLIE WHOPPER in 'Hell's Fire' / A Famous Fairytale Cartoon - 1934

It's time for another Willie Whopper cartoon, in color! In this story, flames grab and take Willie and his dog down a volcano into the bowels of Hell! There, he meets many historical figures and fictional characters, including Napoleon, Nero, Rasputin, Cleopatra, Simon Legree, Dr. Jekyll and others. One denizen among the damned souls (a personification of Prohibition!) tries to escape. Willie, determined to help the Devil keep the guy where he belongs, gives chase. Then, he and the would-be escapee are racing through the hottest place in Hell, the boiler room!! HELL'S FIRE is an alternate title.

Willie and his little pal make their way to the top of a volcano and are thrilled at their accomplishment, until...

Hands of fire reach up, grab them and pull them down, down, down!

Now in Hell, Willie watches as the special guests make their entrance, including sexy Cleopatra and slimy Simon Legree!

Everyone seems to be having a great time hanging out with the Devil, I mean, it looks pretty fun, with cool looking characters and all.

The Drunk is confronted by the Hell Hound, so, he takes off running.

And, the Devil yells... "Stop him!"

The Drunk is slowed down for a moment by getting an electrified drill in the ass!!

Willie and his pooch chase the tipsy runner to the boiler room where one of the Devil's workers is stoking the giant furnace!

The furnace temperature goes all the way to 'WOW!' and things are getting ready to blow!

And, within a few seconds, the furnace does exactly that, it blows sky high!

Like I said, Willie, his dog and the Drunk are blown high into the air! Now what?!..

They all fall into an eagle's nest! Then, the eagle drops the Drunk dude back into the volcano where he belongs, I guess. Anyway, Eegah!! is back tomorrow with something special for us!!

Wednesday, February 15, 2017

GRADUATION DAY - Grant Loud - "Graduation Day Blues" (1981)

Well, we never intended to do so many movies from the 80's, but then I never really meant to do any movies from the 80's, and I think tonight's Wacky Wednesday offering is a pretty good example as to why, but since we're on a quest to document every Monster/Weird/Hot Rod//Horror/Sci-Fi/Giallo/Rock and Roll/Biker/Spy movie ever made, we really don't have much choice!

It was made in 1981, and it's called "Graduation Day!" Honestly, I didn't think I was going to be able to make it all the way through after the first 20 or 30 minutes, but like an over matched boxer in a three round fight, I hung in there, and I'm actually kind of glad I did for a couple of reasons!

I never was a big slasher movie fan, and I didn't really care for Giallo movies either when I was first introduced to them, but I learned to like Giallo because they are usually quite intelligent with an intriguing storyline, but American slasher movies are not quite as smart, being content with just lining up one victim after another trying to find a new and different way to get each dirty job done!

I was very surprised that something in this sign wasn't misspelled!!

Wow! Do you think the killer might live in this normal looking household?

Nice gams!!

Weird! The school looks like it's melting!

Christopher (Rat Patrol, The Immortal) George plays the bastard track coach who is just weird enough that you might think he was the killer, except for the fact that he doesn't live in that freaky house! Bummer! Christopher died of a heart attack at the age of 52!

Scream Queen Linnea Quigley is the slut trying to get the music teacher to give her a passing grade, and you can't really blame her, since she was 23 years old and still in high school!

Golden Gloves boxing champion Virgil (Queen Of Blood, Hells Angels On Wheel, Easy Rider, Nightmare In Wax) Frye is the rent a cop security guard getting high on the job at the school!

Whoever is killing all the members of the track team is timing them all!

I did a little bit of reading about this movie, and it seemed like a lot of people didn't like the music. Personally, it was the music that kept me awake and got me to the end, and is probably the best part of the movie! 
Grant (Shakespeare's Plan 12 From Outer Space) Loud performs "Graduation Day Blues!"
This is the kind of stuff that this blog was founded on, and raised my opinion of "Graduation Day" from an F- to an A+!

Then the pretty damn good L.A. new wave band Felony performs at the graduation party! Felony's hit song "Fanatic" was used in the movie "Valley Girl!"

The lead singer of Felony is wearing black gloves! Could he possibly be the killer?
You never know, because anything goes in this movie now!

Felony plays "Gangster Rock" for about 10 minutes and all the happy kids in the graduating class roller skate in circles around them! I thought it was a pretty cool party! Probably better than my graduation if I could remember it after that six pack of 16 oz Colt 45's!

E.J. (Hello Dolly) Peaker as Blondie, and Michael (Grave Of The Vampire, Dracula's Dog, Jailbait Babysitter) Pataki as Principal Guglione provide the much needed comic relief!
He doesn't want to be bothered and she just keeps giving him phone calls! It's really pretty funny!

Vanna (Wheel Of Fortune) White is the 24 year old high school girl Doris!

One of the more creative killings was that of the pole vaulter who after a successful jump lands on a bunch of spikes!

"Graduation Day" is not the best or the worst movie I've ever seen! As a historical document, and if you like slasher movies with cool 80's music, then it's awesome, but if you don't like those two things, then don't even bother!

Monday, February 13, 2017

BIOHAZARD / Viking Films, Fred Olen Ray - 1985

Okay, here we go with another Fred Olen Ray monster abomination... The story line is simple, probably as simple as writing it down on a napkin at Denny's in North Hollywood. It goes like this... An alien monster uses a psychic to try to take over the Earth!

But, this damn thing stars two Dungeon Faves, Angelique (MAD DOCTOR OF BLOOD ISLAND) Pettyjohn and Aldo (THE POWER) Ray. And, get this... The monster is played by Fred's 5 year old son, Christopher!!

The best way to make it seem like there's a biohazard emergency is to get a biohazard suit and geiger counter, then walk around in the hills outside LA, that's it!

Government officials and a General watch as beautiful psychic Lisa Martyn gets in touch with an alien being... From another mundo yet! Don't look too closely at what a piece of crap Lisa's helmet is!!

The Professor at the facility tries to program the keyboard in the key of C- during a break!

Wow, Aldo is freakin' drunk on his ass as he tries to delivery his silly lines, sad!

Here you go, the first victim of the creature's little razor sharp claw!

Lisa is attracted to Mitchell Carter, played by William (DEEP SPACE) Fair, I simply can't show you what happens after the kiss, but, hubba, hubba, hubba!! After that, they become a team to hunt down the alien. If you can't tell, that's a wig on Lisa.

Here's this dude working away, doing, well... something! He gets it of course. Those boxes in the background caught my eye, I'm pretty damn sure those boxes are full of Fred's DVDs from his movies since Eegah!! and I have some of those from our movie, THE CREEP!!

This nice looking shot reminds me of a park scene from our unfinished masterpiece, VIRUS MAN!.. Hey Yo, Greg!! Oh yeah, those bums get deaded...

Then, this shot reminds me of our great little movie, SILVER ANGEL vs THE DEATH ZOMBIES because it starts with a dumpster at night. Love night shots!

They would be remiss to not include egg laying parasites!.. Right?! 1985, Baby!!


Then, Fred pulls the switch and electrocutes his own son! Well, you gots'ta do whatever it takes to get this freakin' thing in the can!!

I'll end with a little homage to our Dungeon Gal Pal, Angelique Pettyjohn, she gets the last word. Tune in again on Wednesday when we continue down the old musty monster trail...

Monster Music

Monster Music
AAARRGGHHH!!!! Ya'll Come On Back Now, Y'Hear??