I'm feeling kind of impulsive on this fine Friday night, so here it is, a film I'm not really too sure anybody wants you to know about except maybe Professor Grewbeard and us! So, break out the "Cabrito" cause it's Huckleberry Cadillacs tonight!! And away we go.........

Starring.....Like you've never seen him before, Captain Kirk, aka The Shatman himself as Matt Stone!! Bim, Bam, Boom, Shit, Shat, Shot!

Gigolo Matt Stone's money train is about ready to make it's last stop in Oldtown and get derailed once and forever! He got caught swapping spit with Paula Dimitrouleas the belly dancer!

"I'm not about to waste my time on some cheap, over the hill broad!"

And indeed he's not!!

Chillin' with Bill, and does it make a difference that he's a ruthless sadistic murderer this time out? Probably not, if you're a fan!! Besides, her name wasn't Ruth anyway!!

The prefect single parent family is about to be disrupted for the last time! Jennifer Bishop as the mother in curlers Ann Moy, and Kim Nicholas aka Kim as the blonde and creepy little girl Tina Moy! Jennifer Bishop has been in a fine array of good/bad flicks like "Blood Of Dracula's Castle" and "Horror Of The Blood Monsters" and Kim Nicholas played The Donkey Girl in "Santa And The Ice Cream Bunny" and rounded out her career in films like "Salty" and "Limbo!" Looks like that's exactly where her career ended up!

The title "Impulse" has been used at least 10 different times starting in 1913 and right on up to 2010!!!

William Shatner's wife of 21 years, Marcy Lafferty, turns in an awesome performance as the hotel clerk!! Bill is ringin' her buzzer, if you know what I mean!!

Amazingly, the quite rightly and brilliant music was composed by assistant producer Lewis Perles in his solo musical outing!

You might have noticed that in almost every scene, William Shatner has on a different extremely garish outfit, and I'd guess the blame for that goes out to costume designer Nancy Selby in her lone film credit! I'm surprised they didn't burn her at the stake! Ruth Roman as Julia Marstow really digs that swell tie!!

How in the Hell could I ever not use a picture like this?

Right on Pimp Daddy William! How bad do you have to be to look good in an outfit like that?

It never quits! It just gets more disturbing!!

"I don't know what's the matter with Tina. Maybe she's sick. She doesn't have a fever. She seems afraid of something. Oh, Yeah?"

One of the best sick movies I've ever seen, right up there with Arch Hall's "The Sadist!" Once again, Thank Professor Grewbeard that you ever got to know about it! I'm just the medium!!
aHAHAHAhaha!!! you hit all the selling points!
isn't this the most 70s movie you've ever seen?...
One of my favorites!! I'd be a psycho too if I caught a glimpse of myself in those clothes!!
Fantastic shots here, EEGAH!!
Truly the nadir of Bill's career, a bigger piece of Shat than "Kingdom of the Spiders." God I love this....
Your career is dead, Jim!
Shatner, Odd Job, William Grefe, the incredible car wash chase scene, some of the worst day for night I've ever seen, the "fashion" ... It just doesn't get any better than this.
Couldn't agree more Cliff!
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