This was the best print that Tabonga could get by trading his recently vacated toilet seat to some fool, so the stills are few! This title card reflects the German title! It was released in the U.S.A. as

Pretty dang suave-a-voo club, with some stylish entertainment including Guy Ballet!!

The main act is none other than Massimo Serato as Georg von Cramer! I love this part, Massimo also acted under the handle of John Barracuda, and I don't know why, but that's funny to me!

Dummies are never funny, just like ugly ceramic dolls!!!! Nothing but evil and creepy!!

What cool music for such a horrid scene is what struck me first at the beginning of this Italian film! Here's what happens, back in his dressing room, Georg gets robbed and knocked out, and when his buddy Erik finds him, instead of helping him, he decides it's the perfect opportunity to beat Georg's brains in, and blame it on some somebody else, since he wants his woman! Erik pretty much defines the term, 'best friend!'

There was so much neat music throughout the whole film, it was almost impossible to trim it down to this short 6 minute piece, and that's probably because "Ipnosi" as it is known in Italy had three composers, Francesco De Masi, Angelo Francesco Lavagnino, and Roman Vlad working on the music, who, between the three of them had like 380 movie credits! These guys knew how to work all the genres, and they were used here to full effect!!

The dummy's eyes tell the rest of the story!!! Find a copy if you can!!
Kewl! I used to watch obscure horror movies in languages I didn't understand as well! I saw some kewl Arabic horror flicks awhile back ------
The dummy looks too much like Judge Judy. Creepy!
I don't like that movie..
Considering the source, that's really funny!!
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