That's right folks, two nights running with the Maestro Gustavo César Carrión! It just don't get much better than that, and since we're rolling into yet another year, I've chose to do the same thing, because quite frankensteinly, tonight's film has everything you need to get you going again, so, from barely out of the 60's, here is
"Santo El Enmascarado De Plata y Blue Demon Contra Los Monstruos"!!! Happy New Year and Feliz Año Nuevo, Aiiee, Aiiee, Aieee!!!

This film absolutely has it all!! Just to start off, you've got Wrasslin' Women!!

Santo gives his seal of approval!!

In this movie they have re-created every conceivable classic monster there was in a battle between what is arguably the two greatest Mexican wrasslers of all time El Santo and The Blue Demon with the help of chica newcomer Hedy Blue!!!

The Cazadores Blanco is starting to kick in now, but let me see if I can try and explain just a little bit of what the Hell is going on here! Awful mad scientist Otto Halder is brought back to life by his little buddy and sidekick Waldo, and then together they revive The Mummy, Frankenstein, Dracula, The Cyclops, The Wolfman and some vampire chicks to help them kick Santo's butt, because Otto has a particular vendetta against El Santo because his nice neice Hedy Blue is Santo's girlfriend which really fries his eggs!! Hedy and Santo can make out even with that mask on, that's how strong their love is!!
That's the meat and potatoes, everything else is just gravy!!

Just being an evil dwarf wasn't enuf for the character of Waldo portrayed by the legendary Santanón, they also had to make him a hunchback, you know, the two birds with one stone theory!

Otto and Waldo and their henchmen capture Blue Demon, and turn him into a bad guy!!

By the way, I
did tell you this was a musical, didn't I? If all that action, intrigue, and adventure wasn't enuf for your solemn soul, in this movie, there is also one fantastic dance routine featuring one of Mexico's finest, Adalberto Martínez, or as he is more commonly known,
"Resortes"! I'm sorry, but Resortes was doing pop-lock hip-hop dancing a good 20 years before it's time, and he's just
one of the reasons this movie is a must see!!

So the gang's just chillin', watching Resortes act, and all these monsters decide to join the act!!

La Momia does a 9.5 off of the high board, and wins the silver medal!!

The DDPMFTMM 2008 WTF Award goes to these guys for their oufits alone!! Huevos grande!!

Otto & Waldo revive all the monsters and wreak havoc, then Santo gets involved & gets Blue Demon back to normal!

As Santo and Blue Demon kick all the monsters hind ends, the ever sinister Otto and Waldo show how tough they really are!!

All that ends well, ends well, except we have to say sweet dreams to the last loss of many loved ones in 2008, R.I.P. Pookie!!! We'll miss you!!!