Saturday, July 3, 2021

SE TUTTE LE DONNE DEL MONDO... (OPERAZIONE PARADISO) - "Kiss The Girls And Make Them Die" (1966)

This is an especially cool Saturday Night Special because this movie is whack, almost as whack as this poster!

"Kiss The Girls And Make Them Die" is a Dino De Laurentiis Production, so even though it's a quasi-comedy, it's still serious!

Talk about serious, how much do you think it cost to be able to film at the site of one the world's most famous landmarks, the Christ the Redeemer statue high above Rio de Janeiro that was created in 1932?
Mike (Mannix) Connors is a C.I.A. agent named Kelly! In some movies like "Voodoo Woman," Mike was credited as Touch Connors. Born in Fresno, California, Mike just passed away a few years ago at the age of 91.
I got acrophobia just from watching this, and this was just the opening sequence!

The rest of the movie is filled with beautiful women because the perverted freak who wants to take over the world needs them. He has a plan to make the whole world sterile, and then re-populate it with a bunch of women impregnated by himself! This dude is a real pig!

One by one, a bevy of beauties just keep disappearing! 

Then Dorothy (The Roaring 20's) Provine shows up as Susan Fleming and steals the show!

Raf (The Godfather: Part III) Vallone is the dirty dog creepmeister Mr. Ardonian, and he's really good at it!

Ardonian has hidden cameras all over the place so he can monitor his girls without their knowledge! The list of the gorgeous gals includes names like Margaret Lee, Nicholetta Machiavelli, Marilù Tolo, Seyna Seyn, and Beverly Adams,

Shake it, don't break it!

Rich and famous.............................

..................Mr. Ardonian..................

..................Is a bonifide creepy-ass nut case!

In the meantime, Agent Kelly is outfoxing Ardonian at every turn!

Luckily Kelly likes bananas, because along with cigarettes, they are basically his whole diet!

Great shot of Terry-Thomas, Mike Connors, and Dorothy Provine! One thing I really enjoyed about this film was that even though it's an adventure/comedy, they gave Terry-Thomas a fairly straight role for a change. The character he plays is still odd, but not totally obnoxious and stupid like he is so often cast!

Ardonian has all the girls preserved in these tubes, and on hold until he needs them!

Looking back, I'd say "Kiss The Girls And Make Them Die" is no James Bond film by any means, but it really isn't half bad either. I got this film from Cult Action years ago, who I just found out is no longer in business, so after I'm done here, I'll have to remove their link, since it, just like a lot of the characters in this movie, is dead, but at least you can still watch the trailer if you want to, at the 

Friday, July 2, 2021


Today we gots a crazy little adventure from those super wacky guys at Jay Ward Studios, it's a continued story about a special rocket fuel developed by Bullwinkle but he didn't write down the formula and they're trying to replicate it...

Our pals have just got back from the Moon visiting Gidney and Cloyd, and it seems like they are missing an ingredient, a pinch of Mooseberry juice!

So, they charter a flight on the Flying Casket out of Frostbite Falls to go searching for the all important illusive berry.

And guess who the pilot is?.. Ace Rickenboris, who looks a lot like Boris Badenov!

Natasha is the stewardess who tells Rocky and Bullwinkle to fasten their seat belts, they're getting ready to take off.

Natasha helps them fasten their special 'one way' seat belts!

And what would a flight be like without drinks?!

Ace hits an air pocket and our guys spill their drinks onto the floor, which eats a big hole in the exit door, that's locked even!

In the meantime, in another part of the story, these guys under the command of Fearless Leader are planning to blow up a ship in a port. But when they check their calculations, one has a 1 degree higher temperature than the other one does, they look at each other, and...

They go. BOOM!

And they blow up the whole dang port!

Showed this character just because he's funny!

Boris and Natasha both have parachutes because their plan is to sabotage the plane with our heroes strapped to their seats! Boris tells Natasha to go ahead and jump, he'll be along as soon as he does a little more damage...

Bullwinkle tells Rocky that he just saw the stewardess jump out of the plane with a parachute on! And as they try to get out of their restraints...

Boris is putting the final touches on his handy-work. When he's ready to jump, the plane's engine conks out, Boris and the boys are going Down!

You'll have to tune next week to see wha' hoppin'. Well, just a little more fun from the past, get some while you can!

Wednesday, June 30, 2021

LIGHTS FANTASTIC - "The Night Lights Of New York City" (1942)

Tonight's Wacky Wednesday feature is a Warner Brothers Merrie Melodies cartoon titled "Lights Fantastic." I like this style of cartoon that is nothing but a series of one liners, sight gags, and plays on words about one particular subject all thrown together with music!
In this case, the signs reflecting the night life in New York City circa 1942 are the subject!

Some things haven't changed in 79 years, Yahoo is still a 'No Nothing' place!

Most of the gags are very dated, and some of the jokes are more obvious than others.

A popular song of the day titled "My Wild Irish Rose," that was written by Irish American Chauncey Olcott, is lampooned by The Four Noses, and their version called "My High Polished Nose." Chauncey Olcott also wrote "When Irish Eyes Are Smiling." The actual singers were a group who went on to be known as The Mellomen (Sometimes known at The Mellowmen), who sang some famous Disney songs. They also sang backup for Elvis for a while. They are also the voices of the graveyard busts at Disney's 'Haunted Mansion', and are the ones singing "Yo Ho (A Pirate's Life For Me)" on the "Pirates of the Caribbean" ride.

Then this guy sings one verse of "My High Polished Nose" to advertise Dinkleheimer's Nose Drops.
Remember good ole "Clown Cookies & Cakes?" Yeah, me neither!

This Clown sings the song "Laugh, Clown, Laugh," and is credited as The Clown.

The coffee brand 'Chase & Sanborn' is lampooned as 'Face & Sunburn."

And of course the coffee cans perform the 'Can-Can.'

They do this very elaborate animation just to highlight a very simple sales pitch!

I'm not sure about the connection, or what the joke behind 'Stucco House' coffee vs. 
'Maxwell House' coffee is, but I'm sure there is one. There's music throughout the whole cartoon, and this segment features a snappy number called "Anabella" penned by Mexican composer Eduardo Durant. The dripping coffee cup gets it started.

"Anabella" continues and the Mr. Peanut guys are the shakers!
I guess 'Planters' didn't mind, they got free advertising!

The 'Darnation' instead of 'Carnation' cow adds the cowbell.

And The Cod and his friend do 'The Conga.'
Cod, Conga, I guess that's close!

The 'Dutch Girl' cleanser gals join in on the Conga Line.

The characters on the "Egyptian Cigarettes" package also join the Conga Line, and add even further levity with the old hotfoot trick!

Oops! Among all the images, there's one of a pinup girl that gets slipped in, and then.......
It's the end, and Light's Out!

Monster Music

Monster Music
AAARRGGHHH!!!! Ya'll Come On Back Now, Y'Hear??