Saturday, September 28, 2019

LAS MOMIAS DE GUANAJUATO - "The Mummies Of Guanajuato" (1972)

 This Saturday Night Special will be my last Mummy post for a while (Oh, Yeah, there is still more), because now it's time to focus on the Countdown To Halloween!

Tonight's feature is called "Las Momias De Guanajuato" and shouldn't be confused with "El Robo De Las Momias De Guanajuato," or "El Castillo De Las Momias De Guanajuato," which were all made in the early 1970's.

These people are on a tour of a real place called "El Museo de las Momias" or "The Museum Of The Mummies" which is in where else but Guanajuato, Mexico where 59 out of 111 Mummies are on display. Their tour guide is a short gentleman named Jorge Pinguino, or The Penguin!

 The real Mummies of Guanajuatto are a number of naturally mummified bodies caused by a cholera outbreak in 1833.

 The Mummies in the story of this movie are a completely different breed!
The big guy in the middle is a wrestler named Satan, and the whole story revolves around a 100 year old feud between him and Santo!

 Satan is a bad sport and a sore loser, and holds a grudge for a long time!
Satan is played by Manuel Leal, and is supposedly 7' 2" but I doubt it!

 Santo is only in this film for a very limited time. The real stars are two other very popular masked wrestlers, Mil Máscaras and Blue Demon! I read that it pissed off Blue Demon that Santo got the top billing for this movie, while he and Mil did all the work, something he never did get over!

 Satan is now back, and he's got all his other dead Mummy amigos to help him out!

 In this flashback scene, you get a good chance to see what they really looked like!

 These two are definitely good buddies, and Blue Demon drives an MG and Mil Máscaras drives what looks like a dune buggie!

 Just to prove how mean he is, Satan murders the Penguin!

 All Hell breaks out and this is the first of many Mummy Battle Royales!

 You can shoot them, and they don't die, and this Mummy was tossed out a second story window, and still manages to get back up! It's difficult to kill things that are already dead!

 Satan unmasks and strips Blue Demon of his mask and outfit, and gives it to one of his dead fiends so he can kill people and the authorities will think it's Blue Demon who is doing it.

 Although Satan and his gang have plenty of opportunities to kill Blue Demon and Mil Máscaras, they instead choose to kill their friends like Penguin, and gal pals like Patricia (La Venganza De Las Mujeres Vampiro, Santo Contra La Mafia Del Vicio)Ferrer as Alicia!

 Santo finally comes rolling into town just because he needs a place to sleep after his last big match!

 Santo finds the whole town is full of  Mummies, running amok and killing the local townspeople! 
Blue Demon and Mil Máscaras are there too, so there's one last big fight before Santo finally says, "Go get the guns in my car!" (Now we already know bullets can't hurt the Mummies any more than sticks and stones, so what's the deal?

 These guns shoot fire!

 It's pretty difficult to remain a formidable opponent when you are literally toast!
The End comes quick after this!

I've seen better, and I've seen worse, but for the most part, "Las Momias De Guanajuato" is just a silly, stupid, but fun movie, and was interesting enough that I'd watch it again! You know it just feels good to know that there are people out there like Blue Demon, Mil Máscaras, and Santo watching out for all of us!

Friday, September 27, 2019

THE BLUE DEATH STRIKES! / Bruce Tinkel: Monster Kid Home Movies - 1964

So, looks like it's time to check out another Monster Kid Home Movie from those crazy kids with their 8mm Kodak cameras with no sound, back from the past. This one is about a kid that can change from pretty good to evil death dealer with a ghoulish mask... Oh yeah, he wears blue!!

Here's the kid before he changes into... Drum roll please!

Ta da!!.. The freaking Blue Death hisself!!.. Better watch out all you stupid kids!!

Read all about it!.. Read all about it!.. The Blue Death is loose and on the prowl!..

Now, that's what you call cheap-ass!!

Stupid Kid!!

He gots what he deserved!

This one's about four and a half minutes long, so, you can believe that there's plenty of kid tossing for some cheap thrills. I can imagine what all the kids were talking about when they watched it for the first time, I'd bet that they liked these the best, there's quite a few of them!

The Blue Death is out roaming around, looking for unsuspecting victims, but, loses power and faints, when he wakes up, he's just a regular guy! Yet another Jekyll/Hyde character.

Guess what his favorite method of mayhem is, what else, choking them damn kids to death!!

In part 2, yes, there are two parts! Anyway, The Blue Death now has some Halloween hands with claws to help him kill those kids!


Well kiddies, there you have it, a fun one goes into the old Dungeon Vault! I'm hoping Eegah!! has something special for us tomorrow, join us, here, at The Dwrayger Dungeon!! 875 Followers strong!

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

ULTRAMAN - "Cry Of The Mummy" (1966)

This week it's a Miira No Sakebî Wednesday in The Dungeon, aka "Ultraman - Cry Of The Mummy."............

.......So do whatever you have to do to relax, because this might be a bit difficult to fathom, even though it happened over 50 years ago!

Dodongo is also one of the bosses in The Legend Of Zelda video game, a reptilian monster usually found in caves and volcanic environments.
Gee, I wonder where they got that idea from! 

This artwork is pretty cool!

After unearthing this Mummy, one of the guys says something like, "So this is what humans looked like 7000 years ago?"

The scientist geniuses shoot the Mummy full of electricity, which turns out to not be such a good idea!

Sometimes you just gotta wonder why they need sub-titles!
 This shot, and ................

 ............This shot, just scream Universal Horror to me!!

Mummy gonna get you!

 How Cool! The Science Patrol guys drive a Corvair!

Oh, Boy! This ain't some normal Mummy stumbling around, this guy has got some extra zap power to worry about!

They put the Mummy out of commission, but that causes this Dodongo character to bust out of the side of a mountain! I hope I don't hurt anybody's feelings, but this is a seriously goofy looking monster!

I like this shot a lot!

The Science Patrol tries the quadruple zap theory!

They disposed of the Mummy easily enough, but dealing with a big monster like Dodongo means they need to summon Ultraman onto the scene!

Ultraman and Dodongo duke it out, and that's what the rest of the show is, a Japanese version of the Hokey Pokey! That's what it's all about!

Monster Music

Monster Music
AAARRGGHHH!!!! Ya'll Come On Back Now, Y'Hear??