Wednesday, May 8, 2019

BATMAN - "Minerva, Mayhem, and Millionaires" (1968)

It's the eighth day of The Month of Mayhem, so what better way to celebrate than with the series finale of the "Batman" TV show from 1968!

So what the heck can I say about Batman that hasn't been said a million times before?
This was the last episode of the 60's TV series, and it was titled as you can see, "Minerva, Mayhem And Millionaires."

These people were crazy! The first season had 34 episodes, and in the second season, they cranked out 60 episodes in about seven months! Season three ended here after 26 more episodes! They might have been just a little burned out!

We were raised on Superman and Batman comic books, so when this TV show came on, we were more than ready. It was corny as Hell, but you just had to love it!

I think the Batman TV series was the premiere example of campy crap!
This was Pop Culture at it's finest hour!

This series finale featured a spa where the customers not only got their hair washed, they get their brains washed too, and for free!

Minerva was played by the timeless Goddess Zsa Zsa Gabor. She affixes this gizmo to the customer's head and then they spill the beans as to how to get to their hidden monies!

All she has to do is turn it on, and ask them a question and they will tell her everything she needs to know to be able to easily rob them later!

Don't you love it that this cat still has his shoes and socks on! He deserves to lose all his money to Minerva!

Dungeon Queen and iconic Hungarian beauty Zsa Zsa Gabor passed away at the age of 99 a couple of years back in 2016! From Orson Welles' "Touch Of Evil" to the 1958 classic "Queen Of Outer Space," Zsa Zsa always added something special to the mix! She will never be replaced!

Adam West was Batman, and boy was he good at it!
Most actors can't act like this and get away with it, except maybe The Shat! Adam also passed away not that long ago at the age of 88 in 2017. What a guy!

Minerva's guards and henchmen were William (Grave of the Vampire) Smith as Adonis, Al (Dracula's Dog) Ferrara as Atlas, and Mark (Doomsday Machine) Bailey as Apollo! Yvonne (her only role ever) Arnett is Aphrodite, and the guy in the middle is Jacques (Gigi) Bergerac as Freddie the Fence!

Minerva even lures Bruce Wayne into her lair so she can extract his secrets too!

Great shot! Batman and Robin look like they're going to a Toga party!

What the Holy Hell Batman? They put them in a pressure cooker!

Alfred and Bat Girl get there just in time to save the boys from getting cooked alive like a couple of lobsters!

Well we all know what happened to Batman after this!
The legend and the stories have continued in film on a regular basis for fifty years now, and honestly, I don't think they will ever stop making Batman something or another for the rest of eternity! 
Unless one of these evil thugs finally does him in for good, Batman will outlive us all, and maybe even the roaches too!

Monday, May 6, 2019

LOS VAMPIROS DE COYOACAN / Midget Wrasslin' Vampires! - 1974

Here we go with round two of our Mexican Monster Rumbles in May, this time, Mil Máscaras and Superzan have to deal with a vampire by the name of Baron Bradock, who has turned some their previous opponents into vampires!

It stars Germán (EL VAMPIRO) Robles, Mil (THE MUMMIES OF SAN ANGEL) Máscaras, Superzan (THE MANSION OF THE 7 MUMMIES), Sasha (SANTO CONTRA LOS ASESINOS DE OTROS MUNDOS) Montenegro, Carlos (MUSEO DEL HORROR) López Moctezuma and Nathanael (HELLISH SPIDERS) León.

The movies starts with like a freakin' half hour of wrestling matches. Mil and Superzan get beat up pretty good but come back to win the match. Then, Franquestein himself ends up killing his opponent from a blow!

Back in a room at the arena, these lil' vampires keep guard as a bat turns into a vampire and bites the wrestler, turning him into a blood sucker.

This shot is surreal to me, two big wrestlers in their masks and wild costumes, sitting and chatting in a regular living room setting. Mil and Superzan are in Coyoacán to help friends deal with a vampire invasion.

This hot gal is out looking for some easy pesos but gives the come on to the wrong guy!

Here's the head vampire, Baron Bradock, in full bloom! Decent makeup...

Great shot of Mil doing some classic midget vampire tossing!

Back at the ranch, the little critters smoke bomb the place and put Mil and Dr. Wells out for the count, face down on the floor!

Then, they attack!!..

Baron Bradock kidnaps Dr. Wells girlfriend Nora and is ready to make her into a full fledged vampire so that she can cause a big pile of trouble!

You know, once you get addicted to something, it's hard to stop!

So, Mil and Dr. Wells find the vampire coffin room, they pile them up and set them on fire! Nora shows up and jumps into the fire! The Baron and his gang also show up and the fight is on!

In the meantime Superzan brings the coppers in on the fun. They all duke it out, until, the damn vampires simply disappear, like...Poof!, just like what I'm fixin' to do. Tune in Wednesday where Eegah!! will try to entertain us with another wild 'n' weird post!

Saturday, May 4, 2019

SLIDERS - "Pilot" (1995)

 How can a TV show be on for five years, and you don't even know about it until some twenty years later, a friend in Germany (Lord Litter) tells you about it?
It's a Saturday Night Special in The Dungeon, that's how!

This is what smart guys do in the classroom!

 This is what smart guys do at home!

 From what I've seen so far, "Sliders" looks to be a fairly unique production, and from what Lord Litter has told me, it just gets better!

 Jerry O'Connell is Quinn Mallory! He's come a long way since "Stand By Me!"
Quinn has created/discovered a portal to other dimensions. Not merely a time traveling device, this thing can transport him to worlds unheard of, and it does!

The greatest thing about this show is there are virtually no limitations!
They can get away with anything, and they do!

 Whooaooahhh! Help Mr. Wizard!!
Quinn is joined by his female friend Wade Welles (Sabrina Lloyd), and his Professor, Maximilian Arturo (John Rhys-Davies) on his journeys

 Cleavant (Off Beat) Derricks is the washed up lead singer Rembrandt Brown, of the soul group "The Spinning Tops." Known as "The Crying Man,"
 Rembrandt just got sucked up into the whole trip by mistake!

 There is just way too much going on in this story for me to detail places and characters.
This dimension is completely frozen over, and not much fun!

 The gang think they finally make it back home to San Francisco, but this statue of Lincoln is now Lenin, so it doesn't take long to figure out something ain't right!

Wade tries to make a phone call from this phone booth, and the next thing she knows, the authorities are after her!

  This Kalifornia Über Alles dimension is dark and dismal, and "The Crying Man" has no idea what the Hell is going on!

 The writers seem to have a lot of wit and imagination, especially when they do things like write Judge Wapner of "The People's Court" fame into this otherworldly scene!

 Joseph Wapner was on "The People's Court" from 1981 to 1993. He just passed away a couple of years ago at the age of 97! What a guy!

 I think they call it "Sliders" because when they are moving from one dimension to another, it's like being on a big psychedelic water slide! 

 And just in time, they miraculously pop out back home again!

The celebratory wine glass gets thrown against the wall when it's discovered that even though it looked like they were exactly where they came from, there are some aspects they finally notice that are just not the same, and they realize it's not over!
Of course not, they've got four more seasons to go! 
Now to find the time!

Monster Music

Monster Music
AAARRGGHHH!!!! Ya'll Come On Back Now, Y'Hear??