Saturday, October 10, 2015

BOO MOON - Casper The Friendly Ghost (1953)

Well, in about one hour and seventeen minutes from now, I should be watching Neil Young in concert "live," and I'm looking forward to it!
But in the meantime, let's keep the Hallowe'en silly scary going with some more from our little pal, one of the most misunderstood characters of all time, right up there with Ozzie Nelson and Dobie Gillis, and one of the nicest dead guys you'll ever meet....................

.......Casper The Friendly Ghost in a tall tale that was originally released in 1953 in 3D titled:
"Boo Moon!"
Here's Casper's theme music, but it's haunted or something. The rest of the sound on this cartoon was fine, but this has got some kind of hellacious echo on it I can't explain! Maybe it actually made it a little more interesting! Honestly, I didn't tamper with it, that's really the way it sounded!

Casper accidentally scares the crap out of a huckster selling visions of the moon at the high price of 10 cents!

Looking through the vacated telescope, Casper finally sees the face of somebody who is not scared of him, the Man in the Moon!!!

Casper senses a kindred spirit and decides to check it out for himself!

Let's give Harvey Films some credit here! Where else in 1953 could you be exposed to elements of ghostly horror, comedy, sci-fi, and 3D all in a matter of just a few measly minutes?
Here's some of the cool Space Lounge Muzik and a little bit more created by Winston Sharples as Casper soars off to the moon! Trick or Treat this, Winston Sharples composed the music for over 700 cartoons! I was going to list them all, but then I temporarily regained my sanity!

Aw, as he gets closer, Casper discovers that it's not a face on the moon at all!

To Casper's disbelief, the Moon is nothing but a bunch of craters with no life at all! 

Casper is tired, so he decides to take a nap, and then it all starts happening!

What the Heck!? The next thing you know it's the story of Gulliver's Travels, with Casper as Gulliver!

The little Moon King is so cute, but he thinks Casper is a monster!

Then it gets real serious! This Tree Men monster troupe swoops down on all the little moon men!

This still is just to give you a little example of what we have to deal with down in The Dungeon sometimes! This is what the first free version I downloaded off of the Internet Archive looked like! I would have had to post it like this had I not found this other version on YouTube!

The Moon Men fight back ferociously with flaming arrows that do a lot of damage to The Tree Men!

It was all pretty realistic up to this point, but then The Tree Men find a crater full of water, and use it to squirt out all the flames! C'mon, everybody knows there's no water on the moon! 

When you see a giant gate like this, you can't help but think of "King Kong!"

The evil Tree Men bust down the gates!

They capture the King, which finally pisses Casper off enough that he gets out of his cage!

Casper renders the Tree Men's legs useless by going underneath the surface and tying their legs in knots! Tree Men with their legs pulled down like roots, very interesting!

Now Casper is the hero of the day! He replanted the Tree Men, and life on the Moon can go on as usual!

Maybe there is life on the Moon after all!

Friday, October 9, 2015


The fun never ends, last night I sat down to get my sound clip and stills for today's post and my DVD player decided to quit working, and, I had to come up with Plan 9... So, here are some movies Eegah!! and I saw at the theater back in the early sixties, what lucky little monsters we were!!.. Jealous much?

ANGRY RED PLANET was one of the first flicks we saw together after we became pals in the 6th grade in 1959. We loved it a lot, it had all the elements that tickled our sci-fi horror bones. Although, we did think the rotating eyeball on the amoeba was hokey.

13 GHOSTS was another cool William Castle flick we definitely liked and saved our 3-D Ghost Viewer glasses for years before selling them on eBay...

We thought ATTACK OF THE GIANT LEECHES was a pretty good Corman experience, Eegah!! and I both got to hang out with director Bernie Kowalski a little.

All in all, we thought REPTILICUS was pretty bad, loved the acid spit though. I actually read the paperback novel before the movie was released, it had sex in it!

We thought THE BRAIN THAT WOULDN'T DIE was pure schlock, in fact, I wrote a review and sent it to the editors of FAMOUS MONSTERS that was published in FM #22 where I pointed out that the guy on the operating table at the beginning of the movie HAS NO SKULL!! Check it out.


Wednesday, October 7, 2015

IT'S "YOUR PARTY!" Hallowe'en Countdown 2015

Well, here's what I like the most about the Hallowe'en Countdown! It gives me a chance to do something a little different!

 So first off, here's some Hallowe'en Countdown 2015 Dungeon wallpaper for you as a tribute to Shawn and John and all the good folks who make this whole thing happen!

You want to talk about monster kids? Here's a shot of Tabonga from about 1965! I don't think my parents ever found out that he got into their freezer! 
And here's a short little tune that I made by mistake one night when I had two songs playing on my computer at once. The two elements are a song by The Kinks, and a bit of Edgar Allen Poe's "The Raven" being read from a movie titled "The Shadow Of The Cat!"  It worked out surprisingly well!

And last but not least, let's keep this Halloween party going with some tuneage from our long lost contributor Zillagord, and some friends of his, and the band Jenny Sizzler, because a lot of you have been asking what happened to him!

It's "Your Party!" Thanx for showing up!!

Monday, October 5, 2015

I DRINK YOUR BLOOD / Jerry Gross Productions - 1970

Here's a grindhouse classic from 1970 that every horror fan needs to see. It's all about a band of hippies that show up at a town and begin terrorizing the locals. They rape a local girl and give her grandpa some LSD, this deeply bothers the grandson so he gives them meat pies infected with the blood from a rabid dog. They go mad, then begin killing and infecting everyone they can get their hands on!.. Freakin' awesome poster!!

I have a sound clip for your approval, sooooo, you can push the big red 'GO' button located there by our big old bucket of blood, NOW, Ralphie The Tarantula!.. Here's a little sample from... I DRINK YOUR BLOOD!

Here are the hippie Satanists after they crash their van and hike to the small town there. They eventually find a run down empty cabin and make it their own.

After the hippies cause a ton of trouble, our little buddy here decides to get revenge by injecting rabid dog blood into the meat pies they serve them!

You can dig the slurping noises the heathens make as they wolf down the tasty meat pies for us in the sound clip!

It's not long before the infection kicks in, turning the regular jerks into blooming lunatics!

An interesting guy, a dancer, Bhaskar Roy Chowdhury plays the leader of the hippie crew. It's great to see him get it because he's such a creep!

One horny hippie chick leaves their place and finds her way to the cabin of the road crew and infects the Hell out of them!

Just wanted to show this shot because the sign is lots of fun to read!

This fool is in full possession of that axe but not his senses... Luckily, our heroes are walking in water and the crazy one is freaked out by it!

Welp, the hippies start fighting amongst themselves and it gets pretty gruesome!

The guys from the road crew show up and there is one real good defense... AGUA!!

Oh, and... BULLETS! The coppers finally show up and gun down anything that moves. Be back on Wednesday when we continue with Halloween Countdown at The Dungeon!!

Monster Music

Monster Music
AAARRGGHHH!!!! Ya'll Come On Back Now, Y'Hear??