Saturday, April 21, 2012

DR. NO - "Three Blind Mice" (1962)

Tonight marks the 1400th time we've done this, and movie's like "Dr. No" are virtually impossible to find anything new to say about, so tonight's Saturday Night Special is just more of a reminder for you, that it might be a good time to check it out again, if you haven't seen it in a while! "Dr. No" was the first of the James Bond series, and one of the best!

Ian Fleming's "Dr. No" was released in 1962, and the iconic theme was written by Monty Norman! The same theme has been used in every James Bond movie ever made! The Bond character has changed many, many times, but the theme has always stayed the same! What an awesome achievement when you think about it. To show you where he was coming from, Monty only had a couple of credits before "Dr. No," and those included "Expresso Bongo" in 1959 where he wrote the music along with David Heneker for a song called "Nausea," he was the composer of the music in 1960 for the movie "The Two Faces of Dr. Jekyll,' and he wrote the 'Beatnik' music in the 1961 film titled "The Day the Earth Caught Fire!" Go get yourself a shaken, not stirred martini, and we'll give a toast to Monty! Yessirree Buddy! Thank you, and ...Cheers!

"Dr No" starts off with a cool calypso version of "Three Blind Mice," that if you'll remember was also used as "The Three Stooges" theme!! There's nothing funny about these three though, that's for sure!

You know we're whatever is older than Olde Skool, so, in my book, there's really only one James Bond, and that's Sean Connery!!! All the movies after that might as well have had Ray Danton, Glenn Saxson, Tony Kendall, or Brad Harris in them as Bond, because it really didn't matter who it was if it wasn't Sean Connery!!

I started to only show pictures of all the boss cars in this film, and this '57 Chevy convertible was at the top of the heap!!

This is a really rude way to treat cases of  "Red Stripe" beer, probably one of the top 10 beers in the world!

There's lots of weird shenanigans happening over on the private island of "Dr. No," and a lot of it is radioactive, just for good measure!

This is a gorgeous shot......"Dr. No's" interrogation room!

........And this is a gorgeous shot too!! The exotic Zena Marshall is the treacherous Miss Taro, and no matter how she's served, roasted, baked, or boiled, her natural sugars give a sweet, nutty flavour!!

For all of you under the age of 30, this is what was commonly referred to as a record player, and James Bond is about to play a 7" 45 Revolution Per Minute single song, kind of like pushing the play button on your iPhone!

How stupid do you have to be to try and sneak up on James Bond?

This shot really makes me want to get up off my ass and go somewhere!!

The ravishing Ursula (Slave Of The Cannibal God) Andress is Honeychile "Honey" Ryder trespassing on "Dr. No's" private beach! How dare SHE, what a beach!

The dragon that scares off all the locals is nothing more than an amphibious tank and flame thrower!

Terence Young was the director of "Dr. No," and the killer cinematography was the result of the talents of  Ted Moore! Terence Young also directed Bond's "From Russia With Love," and "Thunderball!" Ted Moore  worked on those two and more Bond, and also was directory of photography on "The Gamma People," and "Day Of The Triffids!"

The all powerful and mysterious Dr. Julius No was played by a Canadian, Joseph Wiseman! The same year as "Dr. No," Joseph was in the "Twilight Zone" episode titled "One More Pallbearer!" Joseph continued to work until 1996, and just passed away in 2009 at the age of 91!

The Doctor's underwater pad is the ginchiest! Spellcheck isn't hip enough to know what I'm talkin' about, and wants to know if I mean Munchies, Winchester, Gilchrist, or Ginkoes!

James Bond stages a daring escape through the vent system on the island!

This is the big red "GO" button that Tabonga is always talking about!!

Blogger has really thrown us a curve ball with their new and better technology, bear with us til we get all the wrinkles ironed out! So that's it, and what a fantastic shot to end it all with! Maybe I'll use this shot when we ever get around to The End of this journey!

Friday, April 20, 2012

BELL FROM HELL / Hesperia Films S.A. - 1973

Welcome to Friday Night Drive-In with Tabonga, here at The Dungeon!.. Tonite's offering is a Spanish flick about a young man released from an asylum and returns home for revenge on his aunt and three cousins, who had him declared insane in order to get his inheritance.

Here's our young man, John, making a plaster cast of his face in his room at the asylum... Why, you ask!

Today's the day John gets to leave the asylum... Shades of PSYCHO and TWISTED NERVE.

For what was available, Eegah!! sure made a swell soundclip from this obscure little Euro horror, sooo, wif'aus further adieu and adulations, you can push the big red 'GO' button located there adjacent from the DNA flask, now, Rufus The Gnat! Here's some noise from a BELL FROM HELL!

John rides his motorcycle all the way home and is greeted by his Aunt Marta and lovely cousins, Esther, Teresa and Maria. Please don't ask me to figure out who's who, der!.. Anyway, an estrogen enriched greeting...

Since it's Euro '73, it gots some gratuitous nudie photography goin' on, natcherly, of course, what else, hello, etc...

The possessed Bell is being installed in the bell tower at the local cathedral fixer-upper! It makes you wonder... Is John being controlled by the Bell or is he just plain nuts?.. That is the ringing question!

John freaks out one cousin by pretending to pull his eyeballs out of their sockets in front of her! He then tries to show her that it was just a harmless prank, but, she tells him to go to freakin' Hell!

At one point, he fakes an injury where he wears all the accessories associated with such discomfiture. That dude he hates there has to help him go! Lousy damn job!

And, by the way, there's an elaborate control panel in the house for all sorts of entertainment!

Aunt Marta's one hot old dame when she wants to be!

One thing the control panel can do is show their old photographs on the wall...

Another thing it can do is help John be a total pervert!

Back at the cathedral, the Bell has been installed and the bell ringers do their thang, clang in some Hell on Earth!.. I guess, it's hard to follow the story a lot.

The Bell causes this pathetic old dude to go bananas, I think.

He thinks he sees John (who's now dead) playing the harpsicord, so, drowns himself in the fish tank! Or, maybe he was bobbing for electric eels and swallowed one!

Here's what that plaster cast was for, from the start of the movie. Don't ask me! If you want to try and figure all this stuff out, go watch the movie! This one's off a 'Chilling Classics' 50-Movie Collection disc.

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

HOUSE ON SKULL MOUNTAIN - "Soulful Skullduggery" (1974)

Let's set the record straight! In my humble opinion, there probably hasn't been a great voodoo movie made since "The Dead One" in 1961!

That being said, "House On Skull Mountain" doesn't stand a ghost of a chance! One thing though, I don't know how much money they spent on this awesome opening shot, but they got their money's worth, and it sure as Hell is my new wallpaper!

I love this roadside attraction shot! Skull Mountain is a pretty swell place, "Having A Great Time, Wish You Were Here!"

And now for a word from one of my best friends, Squeaky Doorknocker! "Velcome!"

- Voodoo Stuff, circa 1974 -

This is Mike Evans as Phillippe Wilette, I'll introduce him first, because he's the first to go! Mike made quite a name for himself on TV after he got this film out of his system. Not only did he have the forever recurring role as Lionel Jefferson in both "All In The Family" and "The Jeffersons," he was also the creator and writer of the TV series "Good Times!" Needless to say, his smart aleck persona doesn't work that well outside of the TV sitcom! Michael passed away back in 2006 at 57!

The family's motto is the same as that of the New York Police Department, "Faithful Until Death!"

There was a lot of thinking going on in this film, and here's an interesting tip of the hat to famed American illustrator Charles Allan Gilbert and his artwork entitled "All Is Vanity!"

Here's the whole basic cast left to right, Lloyd Nelson as The Sheriff, who came up through the Jerry Warren Skool of film making, with roles in "The Incredible Petrified World," "Creature Of The Walking Dead," and "The Wide World Of Batwoman! Victor (Highway To Heaven) French as cousin Dr. Andrew Cunningham, the only white guy in the family, Janee (Scream, Blacula, Scream) Michelle as cousin Lorena Christophe, Xernona (Trumpet Awards) Clayton as cousin Harriet Johnson, Jean (Voodoo) Durand as the evil Thomas Pettione, and Ella Woods as the housekeeper Louette in her only role ever!

There is plenty of voodoo drum music in "House On Skull Mountain," and I'm a big fan of percussion, but some of these scenes go on forever, then right in the middle they throw in a love song called "Love Has Gently Come This Morning" when the only two cousins left are out on the town! While this might have been the only movie Etta Woods was in, she was also the one singing this song!

The fare is $5.00, where do you want to go Lady? Hell??

The balance of the music was created by the extraordinaire Jerrold Immel in his first outing, who is responsible for among other achievements, composing the theme to some timeless TV classics like "Dallas," "Knot's Landing," and "Walker, Texas Ranger!"

I thought Louette was on the dark side, but Thomas turned the tide against her! Thomas had some real issues that are unclear, except that he was just inherently evil!

The locals are so caught up in the voodoo that they don't even notice Dr. Cunningham sneaking into the scene!

Bring on the machete, one of the great equalizers of the world, but it isn't enough!

What a banquet of beauties, and except for Janee Michelle in the middle, I don't even know their names!

At the beginning of the movie, in her only role ever, Mary J. Todd McKenzie as Voodoo Queen and Grandma Pauline Christophe dies, and she had sent out letters for all the cousins to come to Skull Mountain! You never got the feeling that she had summoned them to be murdered, so when Thomas brings her back from the grave........

.....Well, let's just say this is the last finger in the world you'd want to pull!!!

Evil Thomas is blown out a second story window, and crashes to death down on the hard cold concrete veranda!

Grandma takes the taxi back to Hell, and the happy cousins couple have a lot of soul searching to do!! A Lot!!!

R.I.P. Dick Clark!

Monster Music

Monster Music
AAARRGGHHH!!!! Ya'll Come On Back Now, Y'Hear??