Monday, January 18, 2010

Il MULINO DELLE DONNE DI PIETRA (Mill Of The Stone Women) - Carlo Innocenzi - "Everybody Must Get Stoned" (1960)

"Mill Of The Stone Women" is another one of those great movies to look at and you really think, "this is going to be good," and it WAS pretty damn good for 1960, but, when's it's over, you wonder why you didn't take a nap instead!!

It's freaky-arty-farty right out of the box, but not that stoned!!

It's also another one of those family movies that didn't quite make the Disney mark despite being a story about a very strong love of a father for his daughter, very similar to the classic "Eyes Without A Face" and other family laugh riots!!

This is Pierre Brice as the man whose name is a mouthful, Hans von Arnim! Pierre started his career as a singer, and continues to work in film today!

The honourable Wolfgang Preiss is one evil sumbitch as Dr. Loren Bohlem! I've been writing a bit to an old friend and film buff auf Deutschland, Lord Litter by name, and it reminded me I had this cut by Heinz Kuppers that I used on a V/A comp tape back in the day. You'll understand when you click on Wolfgang! Is that the coolest name ever! Wolfgang's been in a bunch of Dr. Mabuse and Edgar Wallace films and always does a killer job of looking totally menacing!!

Just a little bit weirder than your neighborhood 'run of the mill' mill!!

I'm sure a lot of the heavy handed atmospheric conditions are attributable to cinematographer Pier Ludovico Pavoni, a man who went on to do a haunted forest full of sword and sandal flicks!!

So, everybody having a good time? Then, grab a pretzel and a stein of beer, and join in the party!!

Because amid all this doom and gloom, tonight we have Liana Orfei, as Annelore the lovely bar maid, to dance and sing for us!!!

Okay, okay, hey you over there, get offa your butt, cause it's time to get down and POLKA!!!! Okay, okay, speaking of polka, should you ever get a chance to be fortunate enough to have an opportunity to see the San Francisco hardcore polka band 'Polkacide', do whatever it takes, and you have my own personal guarantee, you won't regret it!!!

Oops!! Party's over!!!

After he drains their blood to give to his daughter, twisted freakbag Wolfgang gets rid of the young lady's corpses by turning them into historical passengers on his waxen carousel from Hell!!

41-23-36 Scilla Gabel as Elfie reassures the next victim that she's doing it for a good cause!!

"You're gonna get caught, just you wait and see.......

Why's everybody always pickin' on me?"

Speaking of San Francisco, I'll be back next Friday with the truly bizarre tale of a really stoned woman, Lila!!!!

Saturday, January 16, 2010

END OF THE WORLD / Charles Band - 1977

Welcome to Saturday Low-Budget Matinee at the Dungeon with you host, Tabonga of the Baobab...

Today' feature not everbloody' favorite, and, for many reason! Chris Lee was totally duped by his agent to come to LA and appear in it, so, already have big-time curse!

Here is good place to start, at beginning!.. ding, ding, clang, ping!

Discotek not very high-tek any more! Good thing, too!

Father Pergado bust in, acting all weird and sweating!

Cup of coffee mysteriously blow up in actor Simmy Bow' face!

Then!.. WTF!!!

Tabonga like music in today' soundclip, dated, but cool in own way! Music composed by Andrew Belling, who also work for Disney! A few other thing he work on: WIZARDS, DRACULA'S DOG, HANGAR 18 and STARCHASER, The Origin Of Orin.

Font style on title card very 1977!

Tabonga' pet Gnat, Piff, say he all ready to push big red 'GO' button to start show rolling up hill! Piff so small he have to get flying start from across the room. He off!.. And!.. He hit it, way to go Piff!! Enjoy... END OF THE WORLD, Seventies Style!

Tagline say... "There is everything to look forward to...Except tommorow!"

Ho-hum, here is Professor Andrew Boran working hard at 'boran' us!!

He have very tough job of watching computer screen! Hmmm, wonder if something wrong here?

Maybe he better go tell Dean Jagger, head of place where he work. Dean star in one of Tabonga' very favorite flick, X-THE UNKNOWN!!

Finally, the good part!

Next day they have to go to church and repent! Not really, strange signal coming from this place.


OH, JEEZ!!..

Really, Nun know how to run spaceship?!

When Chris want to change between Father Pergado and Invading Space Dude, Zindar, he use this red pyramid effect!

I don't wanna be a Space Nun!

But hun, you'll look hot!! Do it for me, please!!

So, they run away...

Almost get blowed up!..

Get real lost...

And, go in big circle, ending up back where they start... Man, total waste of time!

Professor come up with plan to destroy thing Zindar need to carry out evil plans.

Wha' hoppin?..

Zindar leave the world with plenty of disasters before they head into space. Guess Zindar not need that thing the Professor blowed up after all!

Tabonga like this shot of exploding volcano!

Professor and wifey get to join Zindar and Nuns for long space voyage...

And, Zindar have one last surprise for Earth.

What you know?!.. Really was... END OF THE WORLD!

Monster Music

Monster Music
AAARRGGHHH!!!! Ya'll Come On Back Now, Y'Hear??