Friday, January 2, 2009

THE INCREDIBLE SHRINKING MAN - Ray Anthony - "That's Incredible" (1957)

Director Jack Arnold is one of the all-time best, period!! His titles speak for themselves!! Besides, SOUNDCLIP NO LONGER AVAILABLE he is also responsible for "It Came From Outer Space", "Creature From The Black Lagoon", and "Tarantula" just as a couple of examples, not to mention another 30 years of directing prime time TV shows!

But, since we are here to talk mostly about the music, I gotta tell you that they missed a very golden opportunity here. Somebody was real smart and used trumpet player Ray Anthony as a soloist during the theme music, and it is quite beautiful, rich and you're really going to dig it! Here's my problem, why only during the theme? There are very long parts of this movie with no dialogue when teeny tiny Robert Scott Carey is trapped in the basement, and has the adventure of his life, and all the music is totally orchestrated, and loses all it's character! Supposedly stellar names like Irving Gertz, Elliot Lawrence, Hans J. Salter, and Herman Stein are responsible, but as you can see on the credits, it's only music supervision by Joseph Gershenson.

A fantastic duo, Grant Williams as Scott Carey, and the enchanting Randy Stuart as Mrs. Louise Carey! Life is perfect!! But then........

Here it comes, whatever it is! This story was written by another Sci-Fi master, Richard Matheson, and combined with a great cast, you've got yourself one real classic monster movie!! Another great film where there is no need to explain anything, weird stuff just happens and you deal with it!!

Right here's where the good music and the good times stop! Reality for Scott and Lou is a thing of the past, and it's all down hill from here!!! The movie just got started and you've already got the moral of the story! Get your own beer!!

You know what's causing the shrinking, but you will never know why! So what the heck was in that fog anyway? Pixie dust? Space Debris? No, just regular shrinkin' stuff!!!

They throw a real midget, the ultra famous face of Billy Curtis, into the act, for a quick bit just to legitimize things! See Mildred, I told you they was midgets!!

Maybe after they built all those killer sets, they didn't have enough money to pay Ray Anthony to blow throughout the whole film! Don't get me wrong, it's a great movie, it just could have been that much better!!!

This film doesn't exactly have a happy ending, here Louise gets ready to drive off in a very nice Chrysler with Scott's brother, never to return!

This movie never ends, it just keeps getting smaller!!

Thursday, January 1, 2009

THE HAUNTED PALACE / AIP - 1963 / Music by Ronald Stein

Well, here is first posting in this new year 2009... Tabonga bring you flick with story by two greats, H. P. Lovecraft and Edgar Allen Poe!! Look at actor lineup... Vincent Price, Debra Paget, Lon Chaney Jr., Leo Gordon, Elisha Cook, Jr., Barboura Morris, Bruno VeSota, Frank Maxwell and more!

Dungeon favorite Ronald Stein back again, this time he makin' some thematic strains! Do Dungeon search on Ron and hear all other many postings he have! WOW!!!.. Okay, so, here is... ONE HAUNTED PALACE!!

Vinnie' relative was bad boy who play around wif' supernatural, so villagers burn him up, and what else, he put big curse on ever,bloody! You see Leo there, he write THE WASP WOMAN!

Back to present, Vinnie and Debra come to live in inherited palace where bad ancestor live. Now, ever'bloody hate them!!.. Whoa!! Bartender Bruno star in DEMENTIA!

Barboura play wife of Leo. Remember, she was hip chick in A BUCKET OF BLOOD.

Result of curse!!

Lon play Vinnie' helper, Simon... A simple dude.

Elisha just not havin' fun! Elisha had great part in HOUSE ON HAUNTED HILL!

Here is creepy Lovecraft monster that live in palace hell-hole!

Villagers burn up Vinnie' palace!

He supposed to be exorcised, but Vinnie give you 'the look!'

Wednesday, December 31, 2008


That's right folks, two nights running with the Maestro Gustavo César Carrión! It just don't get much better than that, and since we're rolling into yet another year, I've chose to do the same thing, because quite frankensteinly, tonight's film has everything you need to get you going again, so, from barely out of the 60's, here is "Santo El Enmascarado De Plata y Blue Demon Contra Los Monstruos"!!! Happy New Year and Feliz Año Nuevo, Aiiee, Aiiee, Aieee!!!

This film absolutely has it all!! Just to start off, you've got Wrasslin' Women!!

Santo gives his seal of approval!!

In this movie they have re-created every conceivable classic monster there was in a battle between what is arguably the two greatest Mexican wrasslers of all time El Santo and The Blue Demon with the help of chica newcomer Hedy Blue!!!

The Cazadores Blanco is starting to kick in now, but let me see if I can try and explain just a little bit of what the Hell is going on here! Awful mad scientist Otto Halder is brought back to life by his little buddy and sidekick Waldo, and then together they revive The Mummy, Frankenstein, Dracula, The Cyclops, The Wolfman and some vampire chicks to help them kick Santo's butt, because Otto has a particular vendetta against El Santo because his nice neice Hedy Blue is Santo's girlfriend which really fries his eggs!! Hedy and Santo can make out even with that mask on, that's how strong their love is!!

That's the meat and potatoes, everything else is just gravy!!

Just being an evil dwarf wasn't enuf for the character of Waldo portrayed by the legendary Santanón, they also had to make him a hunchback, you know, the two birds with one stone theory!

Otto and Waldo and their henchmen capture Blue Demon, and turn him into a bad guy!!

By the way, I did tell you this was a musical, didn't I? If all that action, intrigue, and adventure wasn't enuf for your solemn soul, in this movie, there is also one fantastic dance routine featuring one of Mexico's finest, Adalberto Martínez, or as he is more commonly known, "Resortes"! I'm sorry, but Resortes was doing pop-lock hip-hop dancing a good 20 years before it's time, and he's just one of the reasons this movie is a must see!!

So the gang's just chillin', watching Resortes act, and all these monsters decide to join the act!!

La Momia does a 9.5 off of the high board, and wins the silver medal!!

The DDPMFTMM 2008 WTF Award goes to these guys for their oufits alone!! Huevos grande!!

Otto & Waldo revive all the monsters and wreak havoc, then Santo gets involved & gets Blue Demon back to normal!

As Santo and Blue Demon kick all the monsters hind ends, the ever sinister Otto and Waldo show how tough they really are!!

All that ends well, ends well, except we have to say sweet dreams to the last loss of many loved ones in 2008, R.I.P. Pookie!!! We'll miss you!!!

Monday, December 29, 2008

CURSE OF THE VOODOO - "The Bobby Breen Quintet" - "Night Club Music" (1965)

I'm not a big fan of second party mayhem, preferring a more hands on approach, so it's no wonder that voodoo movies are not my favorite of the horror genre, but voodoo movies are pretty consistent in the cool music department!! "The Dead One" is a perfect example and so is "Curse Of The Voodoo"! Now, I will admit, you're almost 99.9% sure of getting some bongo or other percussive persuasions in any voodoo, jungle, or island flick, so I like to let Tabonga handle those, since native girls are usually also involved, but tonight's a different story.

"Projected Man" Bryant Haliday, on the right plays big game hunter Mike Stacey, a terribly misunderstood man!!! Real quick, the idiot with the rifle wounds a lion, and Mike has to go into Simba territory to finish it off, and because he was trying to take care of business correctly, he is cursed.

What's cluckin' at the Chicken House??

"Curse Of The Voodoo" not only has some cool jazz, but check this out, they actually gave the cat some credit as "night club music by The Bobby Breen Quintet," but now, as fate would have it, you can't find out anything about Bobby at all!!!

The Major explains things to his blah, blah, blah, as Mike makes his entrance!!

There is a vocalist born in 1927 with the same name of Bobby Breen, who was so popular as a child singer and actor, that he was one of the faces on the cover of The Beatles' "Sergeant Pepper" album, and whose last film credit was in 1942, but this is a jazz group with no singer!! Is it possible Bobby is the fair skinned fellah playing the piano??

This dance number featuring Beryl Cunningham goes on for about three minutes uninterrupted with some of the finer pure music you're likely to hear in a monster movie or any other 60's film for that matter, kind of a cross between "Watermelon Man" and a slowed down "Soul Makossa!" Sweet!!! Will the real Bobby Breen please stand up? Thanx!!!

The "Tusk"-like less interesting music in the film is provided by Brian Fahey, who you can find out all kinds of information about!!!

So Mike tries desperately to get back with his wife, and asks her to meet him at this bar back in London, so they can talk things out!! She never shows up, so as he innocently waits, this gal played by Valli Newby tries to pick up on him!

Valli doesn't want to be alone, so Mike goes back to her place with her!

But he passes out, because he really just wants his family back!!

Next thing Mike knows is, everywhere he goes, he sees this guy, the wound he incurred while going after that lion is getting infected, and his whole life is going in the crapper unless he goes back to Africa to undo the curse real fast!!!

Monster Music

Monster Music
AAARRGGHHH!!!! Ya'll Come On Back Now, Y'Hear??