Friday, August 22, 2008

THE EYE CREATURES - Baxter/Stein - "Crazy Kids" (1965)

Roll Film!!!! We've written just about all we can about "The Eye Creatures" already, and you can read more about the merry misadventures of Larry Buchanan and friends by following one of the links below:

The Eye Creatures - "When You Start Talking Turkey"

"The Eye Creatures - "Recycled Rock"

But one little bit we forgot to include is the ending where some very sleazelounge music competes with that oh so famous voice of the 31 year old John Ashley saying, "After all, we're just a couple of "Crazy Kids"!

Thursday, August 21, 2008

THE LAND UNKNOWN / Universal International - 1957 / Music by Mancini, Roemheld, Salter + Stein

Finally we get to this great flick from 1957. Universal always superior!.. King of '50s US monster flicks, no doubt!!

But, funny thing! Universal music not big favorite here at Dungeon... Kinda dull when comparing with others. They use geniuses mostly for stock music? What gives?! Uncredited composers are Henry Mancini, Heinz Roemheld, Hans J. Salter + Herman Stein.

Shawn Smith get to go for ride in helicopter with Navy dude name Jock... in Antarctica!!

So, they flying along and it get foggy! Then, big stupid bird come along and smack into helicopter and have to make emergency landing in volcano!

Universal rules! Rex just got tummy sliced by helicopter blade!!

They run across this weird dude. He got lost in there before them, and, he want Shawn, bad!!

Creepy plant monster!

Awesome dinosaur!

Of course, everything work out at end. They fix helicopter and fly back to ship. Then, run out of gas and crash in ocean 2 second before landing!.. Sheesh!!

But, somehow, all worth it!

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

MOSURA TAI GOJIRA (Godzilla Vs. Mothra) - The Peanuts - "Mosura" (1964)

Last November we shared the theme from this great film, "Mosura tai Gojira!"

The ever present kitsch film authority Greg Goodsell was at least one person who wondered why The Peanuts were left behind! Alas, it was just a matter of time!

The natives of the island affected by nuclear tests were not happy campers, as we all should not be, considering the circumstances!

Do you happen to remember that bit about "beware of false idols?" The "Big shots" still don't get it!!!

So it's taken awhile, but here's a medley from Emi Ito and Yûmi Ito, also known as "The Peanuts" and it's all about getting Mosura, Mothra or whatever you want to call The Thing, all fired up and ready to go out and kick some butt in the name of oppressed peoples everywhere!

It might only be a moth, but, it's a really big moth!!!!

We like to refer to this as "The Godzilla Effect!" Very similar to terms of yesteryear like "Crapping In Your Pants!"

Just when you think Mothra is finished, Bam!! Metamorphosis!!!! Now you got to deal with the Ugly Twins!! Sorry Godzilla, now it's a tag team match, and you ain't got no partner!! Oh, Yeah, and they spit!!!

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

SHOCK CORRIDOR / Leon Fromkess-Sam Firks Productions - 1963 / Music by Paul Dunlap

Tabonga basically hate and love this stupid flick!.. Mostly hate though!! Last stupid flick to rattle my knotholes like this was BACK FROM THE DEAD. Great stills though!..

Okay, so Mr. Paul (HOW TO MAKE A MONSTER, FRANKENSTEIN 1970) Dunlap does great even if flick is so stupid! So to keep stupid-ball rolling, here is... Cathy Singing and Stripping.

Peter (THE CRAWLING HAND) Breck want to be hot-shot reporter and solve murder in nut-house. Constance (THE OUTER LIMITS) Towers think he out of freakin' mind. She have to pretend she Peter sister and sex partner... for Peter to get into nut-house and solve murder... See, STUPID!

Here some things Tabonga love about flick!

Peter pretend he big pervert when talk to nut-house doctor Paul (ATOMIC SUBMARINE) Dubov!

But Peter forget that doctors not really like perverts that much!

Here good example of 'psychotronic' element!

Now, Tabonga ready to throw blows!! James (THE KILLER SHREWS) Best as overacting Confederate General nut job...

Right James, show us those chops!!!.. Great acting dude!!

Then, flick take weird turn... Peter go through door for no reason and find himself in... NYMPHO HELL!! Or, as Tabonga say, 'Nympho Heaven'~

Help!!.... Help me!!... (Man, what the hell wrong with Peter?)

Little baby has to bring in Gestapo to get gurlz off!!!

Hari (THE LOST MISSILE) Rhodes has right idea!!

Embarrassing!.. Gene (THE GIANT BEHEMOTH) Evans play nut-brained atomic scientist turned imp! Here he playing hide and seek with Peter and Peter sitting right there!.. STUPID!!

SUPER EMBARRASSING!!! Peter figure a way to not be seen with lard-ass Pavarotti jerk dude!.. Look at that spread!!!



Anyways, Peter finally solve mystery, big scary male nurse was murderer!! Great news is!.. Peter really go nuts!!! Yay!.. Flick have happy ending!

Monday, August 18, 2008

VALLEY OF THE DRAGONS - Ruby Raskin - "Big 'Uns" (1961)

I almost forgot how many BIG monster movies were made way back when, but we've sure run into a slew of them lately!

Tonight's feature was directed by another Dungeon fave, Edward Bernds, and the only thing this movie is missing, is "The Stooges" themselves. Was there ever a giant spider in a "Three Stooges" episode? You tell me!! Thrilling, immediate, and intense, yes, but is that what Ed was shooting for, or just Jules Verne tongue in cheek?

Finally we are offered a glimpse at the ultra rare missing link between Man and Tabonga!! As you can obviously see, this guy has a stick growing out of his back!! Or, is that his tail??

I remember seeing a photo in a 1950's National Geographic magazine of a painting of some cave men up on a bluff fighting a dinosaur below with torches. It just proves the true historical accuracy of this film! Great shot!!

Tell me this guy doesn't have it made, "Hey, come on over here and let me have another hit off of that toucan!"

Sorry buddy, but I don't want to dance, I don't know how to explain it to you, but I dig chicks!! OK? Don't take it so hard!!

In 1967, genius composer Ruby Raskin won a technical achievement Academy Award for the production of a Composers Manual for Motion Picture Music Synchronization!!! Besides his work in film, he has worked on lots of TV shows from "The Muppets" to "The Undersea World Of Jacques Cousteau.

Inquiring minds just want to know, Where's Curly?"

Monster Music

Monster Music
AAARRGGHHH!!!! Ya'll Come On Back Now, Y'Hear??