Friday, August 26, 2022

MERRIE MELODIES / "Hollywood Canine Canteen" - 1946

Here's a Merrie Melodies cartoon that came out a year after WWII and it's all about the many doggie war veterans needing some well earned Hollywood entertainment.

Here are all the head doggies brain storming how to pay their veteran canines back for their service in winning the war. Edward G. Robinson is the president and comes up with the idea of a canine canteen located where else, in Hollywood!

And now it's open! Notice the full moon, just made for howling poochies.

Carmen Miranda does her thing to everyone's delight, and gets some of those howls from the over stimulated audience.

Hey, hey, hey, Abbott and Costello do their routine for some laughs..

Blondie and Dagwood are running the snack bar where they're selling Dogwood sandwiches, simply bones layered between 10 slices of bread!

Laurel and Hardy are on kitchen duty where Ollie washes and Stan dries. Problem is, Stan lays the dried plate on the ramp and Ollie just keeps rewashing the same plate.

Leopold Stokowski leads the band with some classical music and at a certain moment, the tuba blurts out a big sour note!

Joe Besser is responsible, he points to his music to signify, 'that's what it says.'

Joe brings the music down, shows it to Leopold, a fly buzzes off the paper, and Joe gets a slap on his head.

Then we gots Kay Kyser who cracks the crowd up with his crazy antics.

This lady wants to know why the poor doggie is crying... Bad news from home? He responds.. No. She asks a few more questions with the same response.

It was simple, she was just standing on his foot!!

Harry James and other big band leaders entertain the troops...

There's trombone licks from Tommy Dorsey.

Lionel Hampton plays his bones on his Bonophone.

And last but not least, we have that wild dog, Jimmy Durante! I'm sure most people have no idea who any of these celebrities are anymore.

Wednesday, August 24, 2022


It's another Weird Wednesday in The Dungeon, so here's a little story for you told in splash cards from old movie trailers. The story is pretty much every monster/sci-fi movie you've ever seen, all rolled up into one!

Once up upon a time "In the shock shattering struggle......."

And "In a new battle of the century........"

"Searching for a defense against the dread Atomic-bomb....."

There was a "New and Thrilling Adventure!"

There are "Wondrous Sights..."

...."From the Uncharted Paths of the Seven Seas..."

....And "Rock 'N' Rollers at their Wildest!"

"From Three Hundred Million Miles Away..."

It's "Unusual!"

"It's Unbelievable!"

You know "It's Fantastic but Possible!"

And it could happen today, or "It Could Happen Tomorrow!"

I just want to know "Why?"


Monday, August 22, 2022

NIGHT GALLERY / "Phantom Of What Opera?" - 1971

Here's a short from Night Gallery, it stars Leslie Nielsen as the Phantom and Mary Ann Beck as the Beautiful Prisoner in a tale with a twist... 

It starts with The Phantom bringing his captured beauty into his underground domain as she cries out in terror.

The masked man lays her on a sofa and hints at the evil things he has in mind for her and that she is his prisoner in his lair.

Of course she's frightened to her core by the mysterious man as he rambles on about who he is and what his plans are for her.

Then, he sets the stage for some organ music for his imprisoned beauty.

He starts playing horrific music to impress on her what his intentions are, pure evil!

As he plays, the beauty slowly walks towards him.

And she pulls off his mask!


I swear, Leslie Nielsen totally cracks me up with that smile on his face! He doesn't look that evil when you think about it.

Now she's done it, he runs over and starts choking her, and in the heat of the moment...

He pulls her hair and off it comes, along with a mask! The Phantom doesn't know what to think, he's perplexed.

And then he cowers in horror from the sight!

Oh.. My.. God!!.. What the HELL!

Then the Phantom sees that she's distraught with her looks and it hurts her so.

And what better ending, two lost souls finding comfort in their hearts! There you have it, a silly little fun episode starring our hero, Leslie Nielsen!

Monster Music

Monster Music
AAARRGGHHH!!!! Ya'll Come On Back Now, Y'Hear??