Wednesday, March 27, 2019

PERRY GRANT AGENTE DI FERRO - "The Big Blackout" (1966)

Tonight's Wild Wednesday feature is a film made in 1966, a year that many people, including myself, consider to be one of THE greatest years in the history of Pop Culture!
 It's also a movie that proves that Wednesdays can be Special too!

The title is "Perry Grant Agent Di Ferro," and was released in English as
"The Big Blackout!"

Peter Holden is Perry Grant! Peter is a tough guy to find out much information on! On the IMDB website, there are no less that 13 Peter Holden's listed, and this one probably has the least amount of information written about him! They don't even have a birth date for him!
 All I can really tell you about Peter is that he apparently only made two movies, this one and another Italian film, a weird cowboy movie titled "Giurò... E Li Uccise Ad Uno Ad Uno... Piluk Il Timido" or "Piluk, The Timid One!"

Here's my favorite part of "The Big Blackout!" It's a club scene where a band called The Planets are playing! Now I don't know about you, but I never had heard of The Planets before, but fortunately, there's a Helluva lot more information about them to be found than there is about Peter Holden!

You never really know if the bands in these 1960's Italian movies are real bands or actors, and there's no credits for them, but since they had their name and logo on the drums I started digging around and found out a few interesting things!

The Planets were indeed a real band from Italy that existed from 1964 to 1968!
They were also in a 1966 Lina Wertmüller film called "Rita La Zanzara," starring Rita Pavone, who they became the backup band for, and"Colpo Maestro Al Servizio Di Sua Maestà Britannica," or
"Master Stroke" in 1967.

If you want to read more about them, The Planets' Wikipedia page is entirely in Italian!
In 1968 The Planets morphed into a group called The Others and Pataxo!

They even had time for a drum solo!

The Planets released one self-titled album in 1967. 
There are only three copies of the original album available on Discogs. They're all in Italy, and the cheapest one is $674.16.

There have been many bands called The Planets over the years, and around the world!
Here's a very interesting album cover of just one of them!
There was also a 60's Australian surf band, and a late 70's new wave band called The Planets just to name a couple more.

 If you crossed a Fiat with a Smart Car, you'd probably get a Fart Car, and this car looks so tiny, I'm sure it was a real Gasser!!

I really thought "Perry Grant Agente Di Ferro" was an interesting enough movie with shots like these!

Perry Grants gets himself into and out of quite a few pickles in 96 minutes!

I could never look cool in a peppermint striped robe like this, but Peter Holden can pull it off, and he does, along with his shirt, a number of times!

Marilù (Amazzone, Olympia, Princess Ate, Velida, Galienus' Daughter) Tolo is one of the gal's that drives Perry crazy!

Perry is one of the smarter secret agents I've seen! Before going where he knows he's going to get shot at, he covers himself, including his elbows, with bulletproof material, and gives him yet another chance to take off his shirt!

Now this is just a cool 'secret agent at work' shot!

This is the handheld version of the blackout device that works as a sonic disruptor of sorts!

This larger version is going to enable the takeover of the whole world, but Perry Grant has other ideas!

Perry Grant is not the kind of guy you really want to F with!
Luckily for all of us, he was on the job! 

Monday, March 25, 2019

ALIEN 3 / Start Running... Again. The Bitch Is Back! - 1992

In this third installment, Ripley is the only survivor when she crash lands on Fiorina 161, a bleak wasteland inhabited by former inmates of the planet's maximum security prison. Once again, Ripley must face skepticism and the alien as it hunts down the prisoners and guards. Without weapons or modern technology of any kind, Ripley leads the men into battle against the creature from Hell.

It stars Sigourney Weaver, Charles S. Dutton, Charles Dance, Paul McGann, Brian Glover, Ralph Brown, Danny Webb, with an appearance by Lance Henriksen

Ripley's taken from the crashed ship, she's barely alive...

The inmates on Fiorina 161 don't like having a woman there, so, Ripley decides to cut her hair to look more butch for the boys...

In the meantime though, the dude cleaning the giant fan housing when he hears some noise below, he takes a look, and, gets a face full of acid! Then, he falls back into the freakin' fan!!

Hmmm, me wondereth iffith there be an Alien in the house?!

The guy in the bed's face sends out a spoiler alert!.. Blood!!

Crazy things (involving blood and slime) start happening around their living quarters.

Then, it happens... Horror of Horrors... Ripley discovers she has a baby Alien in her!

Here's what it looks like for the Alien as it chases down a potential victim!..

This shot reminds me of some of the landscapes I've envisioned about the future.

Cool shot of Ripley and Dillon as the try and track down the hideous creature.

Ripley drops cold water on the Alien after it was dropped in a vat of super hot liquid. It blows the Hell up!

Bishop II, the robot from ALIEN (what gets conked in the head by a metal bar in the scene), shows up to beg Ripley to turn over the Alien in her for study, it's a magnificent specimen!

But, our girl has other plans... She falls back into vat of death as the Alien baby pops out of her gut... Tune in Wednesday as we crawl along the dusty old Dungeon trail.

Saturday, March 23, 2019

NIGHTWING - "The Night Is Theirs" (1979)

Tonight's Saturday Night Special is a weird flick from 1979 titled

Nightwing" has a mystical vibe from the start right to the end!
There's no games and not much fun, but I think this movie is better than it is worser!

"Nightwing" is about an Indian Shaman guy named Abner. 
Abner is pissed, and has decided to end the world, and apparently, he has the right!

Nick (Night Magic, Night Of Terror) Mancuso is Youngman Duran.

Stephen (Memories Of Midnight, One Hot Summer Night) Macht is Walker Chee! 
Being from different tribes, Duran and Chee don't really like each other than much and have different ideas on how the Indian lands should be exploited or not exploited! 

George Clutesi is Abner Tasupi! 
Unlike Nick and Stephen, George is actually of Native American heritage. Abner raised Duran, and now confides in him that he will end the world tonight and then die!

Abner has opened up the circle, and the end of the world as enforced by plague-infested vampire bats begins!

The always incredible actor and amazing voice over artist David Warner is Phillip Payne,
The Vampire Hunter!

"Nightwing" is full of mesmerizing shots of the desert!

Some of the footage is so beautiful, it sometimes looks more like a National Geographic documentary than a hokey movie!

The bats first victims are this group of self-righteous Christians!

Now this is a real Batmobile!

Duran has a unique way of dealing with pressure, he eats a bunch of Datura root, also known as Jimson Weed, a very strong hallucinogenic, that can be very toxic, and will kill you if you eat too much! 

Besides seeing everything all wongo, Duran also sees and talks to Abner!

The killer bat footage is decent enough.....

......And this bat cave is pretty cool!

Duran is able to close the circle back up and burn up all the bats.....

....despite the fact that he's hallucinating like crazy!

For some reason, after watching "Nightwing" I had one of the wildest dreams I've had in a long time, and I'm pretty sure I was trying to save the world! 
I love the difference between the top poster and this one, it's almost like Heaven and Hell, just like the movie!

Monster Music

Monster Music
AAARRGGHHH!!!! Ya'll Come On Back Now, Y'Hear??