Wednesday, October 4, 2017

ALONE IN THE DARK - The Sick F*cks - "Chop Up Your Mother" (1982)

 I'm gonna get my first part of this Halloween Countdown started with some scary 80's shit called,

"Alone In The Dark" is a weirdass movie that comes across as a violent TV movie that includes nudity and cussing! Three of the main characters are a trilogy of incomparable talent, which makes it even more confusing! I started working on this post last week before the shootings in Las Vegas, otherwise I would have picked out something less violent. Violence in the movies is one thing, an escape, but when reality becomes so repugnantly ugly, senselessly savage and innocent people are killed or injured, it's a different story. I think it's time to try and go back to the 60's, you know, "C'Mon people now, smile on your brother, everybody get together, try to love one another,
right now!" - The Youngbloods

This initial dream sequence is pretty surreal, and every bit as good as a lot of David Lynch's best work!

Clutter is okay as long as it's organized!

This is a beautiful looking place, but if you're not rich, upkeep would be a nightmare unto itself!

One of the main cast members is the always amazing and entertaining Donald Pleasence as the pot smoking Doctor who thinks there's good in everybody, even blood thirsty psycho-maniacs! He's going to have to learn a lesson, and find out the truth, the hard way!

About 80% of 80's horror movies are garbage, but there is usually some kind of saving grace that makes it all worthwhile, and for me, tonight's feature is no exception! The new Doctor on the job who the patients don't like because they think he killed their old Doctor, who really just got a better job, has a sister who comes to town as played by Lee (Pulsebeat, Stargate, TekWar) Taylor-Allan. She's younger, and looking like she just stepped off the set of "Get Crazy," so it's time to go out to a club!!

And they end up in a club where the notorious New York punk band The Sick Fucks, also known as The Sick F*cks, are playing a sweet and sentimental ode to Mom!

My audio software is  screwing up, so thanks to all the people who put up clips like this on Youtube! I'm not quite sure why they made this clip so long, so just cut to the 4:50 mark to get to the good stuff!

No kidding, the two female singers in the band, Tish and Snooky, now own a very successful cosmetics and hair dye business in New York that is still going strong today!
Chop, Chop, I guess!!

The Psychotic Four Horsemen Of The Apocalypse!

Then there were three! That's Martin Landau on the left, and Jack Palance on the right with Erland (The Running Man) van Lidth stuck in the middle! I can only hope that you know who both Martin Landau and Jack Palance are. These two guys have done it all! The 6'6" Erland is less known, only because he died at the age of 34. Just for the record, Erland was also an accomplished opera singer!

35 years later, and the world is no better off!

Martin (Mission Impossible) Landau won an Oscar for his role as Bela Lugosi in the 1995 movie "Ed Wood." He was also nominated for two other Oscars, won three Golden Globes, and was nominated for six Emmys. He was a unique personality!

"Alone In The Dark" is pretty brutal at times!!

Martin Landau does a damn fine job at being bat shit krazy!

Carol Levy as Bunky the babysitter found out that it was safer and she could make a lot more money selling real estate in New York!
Now you know where the image on that poster came from!

This is the cover of one of my favourite paperbacks! I've had it for over 50 years and I need to read it again before it disintegrates, so I thought I'd share it before it's gone forever! The bottom line here is that if you're "Alone By Night," or "Alone In The Dark," neither is a good place to be on Halloween!
So just find somebody to hold your hand, and everything will work out right!

Monday, October 2, 2017


Welcome to Halloween Countdown 2017, here, at the Dungeon!.. We're going to try and give you a pile of wild 'n' weird movies and junk for you to enjoy, so, I'll start the show with 10 more movies Tabonga! loves to watch again!

I love THE CRAWLING EYE, it's a unique flick that's always fun to watch again! The monsters are super weird, they like to creep around in freezing radio-active clouds and then rip the heads off puny unsuspecting humans!!

This Howard Hawk production is one of the very best sci-fi movies... Ever!! It is basically flawless in its representation of a Martian super-carrot!

My dad took me to see THE MONOLITH MONSTERS when it came out, can't quite remember the movie is was billed with. Man, what a cool flick this is, the Universal special effects team nailed it! And, this is the only movie monster to be a purely chemical process!

I love to watch IT CAME FROM OUTER SPACE every now and then, there is just something special about this movie that makes it so watchable, like, the amazing Xenomorph creatures!

Eegah!! and I saw THE MANSTER when it came out. This flick is so damn insane, it kept us on the edge of our seats the whole time, and, seeing the split at the end was simple indescribable! We loved the Hell out of this one!

THE CRAWLING HAND is so out there, it's freakin' crazy! It stars Peter Breck, Kent Taylor, Rod Lauren, Alan Hale Jr., Allison Hayes, Sirry Steffen, Arline Judge, Richard Arlen, Tristram Coffin and Ross Elliott!!.. Daaamn!

Boy, do I remember seeing ATTACK OF THE MUSHROOM PEOPLE on TV in the early sixties. This is definitely a movie you will never forget seeing for the first time, super creepy and always fun to watch again!

When I'm in the mood for a good laugh, I put THE GIANT CLAW on! This was supposed to be a top shelf production, but when the producers watched the final product, they contemplated suicide!! But, ended up a fan favorite!!

DEVIL GIRL FROM MARS is another movie I like to put on when I'm working on my own monsters. Love Nyah in her sexy space uniform, Chani, the wild looking refrigerator robot and her flying saucer that looks like a child's toy top!

Last on the list is SHE DEMONS, it stars Irish McCalla, who I had a crush on, Tod Griffin, Gene Roth and Rudolph Anders. I think the creepiest part of the movie is when they show the face of Colonel Osler's wife! She was in an atomic lab accident... YOW!!

Tune in on Wednesday when we'll be here with more Dungeon Halloween Cargo!

Saturday, September 30, 2017

MOONRAKER - "007" (1979)

Tonight's Saturday Night Special is Roger Moore's fourth appearance as James Bond in the 1979 film

My upfront and honest opinion of "Moonraker" is that it's not even close to being my favourite James Bond movie, but then I think they should have stopped making James Bond movies after Sean Connery!

Roger Moore was absolutely great as "The Saint," but as James Bond, I just never did get it!

In fact, the only thing that makes "Moonraker" worth watching is there's lots of footage of Dungeon Superstar Hero "Richard (EEGAH!!) Kiel as the very large bad guy Jaws!

"Moonraker" is so far-fetched, I'm pretty sure it could be classified as a comedy!

Lois "Hot" Chiles is the lovely Holy Goodhead! Lois is very classy in the role even with a name like that!

This absurd tale meanders from Venice to Rio just for starters!

The Carnival in Rio has been used as a backdrop in many, many films, most notably in my book, "Black Orpheus!"

OF COURSE, it was the menacing 7' 2" Richard Kiel in that big clown outfit!

Probably one of the best things in this film is to see Roger Moore give a big grin back to Jaws! He does it a couple of times!

I think this might be my first experience with musicians in animal costumes since "The Banana Splits!"

Just to prove how serious Jaws is, he bites through some one inch aircraft cable!

And that sets up the whole ludicrous 'Gondolas Gone Wild' scene!

Which in turn, sets up the whole Jaws crash and fall in love scene!

Meanwhile, Roger Moore takes a turn at looking like Clint Eastwood!

IF it hadn't already been done in 1975, I'll bet the Producers would have loved to have called this movie "JAWS!"

Now James Bond finds himself in a huge jungle cave populated by beautiful young women! Pretty lucky guy except for the monstrous snake in that pond!

And guess who else is there too!!

They've been everywhere on earth, so now for the "Moonraker" ending, it's time to blast off into space!

My brain is not secured, so I'll stop right here.
Tabonga's next post will be in October and the first of our annual contributions to the Halloween Countdown, so get ready, and be wary of the scary, Larry!

Monster Music

Monster Music
AAARRGGHHH!!!! Ya'll Come On Back Now, Y'Hear??