I can only hope there are classes in institutions of higher knowledge about the historical significance of characters like SpongeBob SquarePants and The Three Stooges!
If not, then society is obviously doomed for eternity!
It's damn near Hallowe'en, and what better time for a spooky but stoogey tale!?
I bought a Three Stooges DVD at Albertsons a few years ago that had "Shivering Sherlocks," "Spook Louder," and "The Ghost Talks on it! Somehow after two features, it mysteriously vanished never to be seen again! Lucky for me and you, stuff like this is readily available on the internet today for free!
In some ways, life has never been sweeter!
How much simpler can you get than three 50 year old guys who act like pre-pubescent juveniles crammed into a garbage can?
You either love The Three Stooges or you hate them! There is no middle ground!
In this tall tale titled "Shivering Sherlocks," The Stooges are accused of robbing an armored car, a ridiculous proposition at best!
Here's a great shot of some awesome high tech equipment from the 1940's!
The boys need to help out there gal pal Christine McIntyre as Gladys Harmon! Christine was in almost as many Three Stooges episodes as the stooges themselves!
When's the last time you had a good fifteen cent muzzle?
Wow! What you used to be able to get away with in the name of comedy! Shemp pours some boiling water through a chicken carcass to make some instant chicken soup!
Salmonella City! Gross!!
This shot of Moe losing the battle to his clam chowder is for Paul from down under!!
This shot of Moe losing the battle to his clam chowder is for Paul from down under!!
They've obviously identified the wrong guys, but I like this shot!
Man, here's a couple of sleazy weasels for you!
As a kid, I always preferred slapstick Curly to Shemp, but I think as you get older, you gain more appreciation for Shemp's performances! He's still an idiot, but just a little more suave!
Charles Everest Sinsabaugh AKA stunt man Duke York has the role of the monster hunchback dude named Angel! Pretty creepy, really!
Now this looks like a shot from a classic pre-code comic, and that's difficult to pull off!
The rest of the show is the guys going in circles with Angel in not always such hot pursuit! Most of the time they don't even know he's there until he is directly in their faces!
Classic Stooges!!!
It's really crazy how much enjoyment The Three Stooges have brought to the public over decades while at the same time, a lot of the people who participated in the making of these films didn't have such happy lives at all! Duke York is a perfect example! Sadly, after some 172 acting credits, Duke committed suicide in 1952 with a gunshot wound to the head!
Yingie Yangie! What goes up, must come around!
If you'd like to read a whole sordid list of people associated with The Stooges who either committed suicide or died way before their time by stabbing or health problems, then by all means Check out this list! It's quite informative, but it's not exactly uplifting, that's for sure!
And stop running red lights, you're really starting to piss me off!
And stop running red lights, you're really starting to piss me off!