Saturday, October 17, 2015

SPONGEBOB SQUAREPANTS - Season One, Episode 13 - "Scaredy Pants" (1999)

I was going to start off with the fact that I don't usually do modern shows, and then it dawned on me that 1999 was already 16 years ago! This IS the distant past already!

One of both Eegah!! and Tabonga's favourite TV shows is and was "SpongeBob SquarePants!
A lot of weird stuff has been said about SpongeBob over the years, but don't believe any of it!
SpongeBob is the perfect innocent, he means well, but he's just really bad at it! The artwork and writing are superlative! Some people just don't get SpongeBob, but I just don't get why!

So this was the 13th episode of season number one, and it was split into two tales of terror, this one titled "Scaredy Pants," and the second part was titled "I Was A Teenage Gary," which I hope to get around to sometime too!

Here's a short soundclip to get you in the mood!

It's Hallowe'en, and SpongeBob decides to be a scary ghost!

But it turns out that his costume isn't scary at all!

Patrick finds this hand puppet to be much scarier than SpongeBob!

Which causes SpongeBob to realize that the whole scary problem is the shape of his head!

So he enlists Patrick to trim him up, and round off his head!

What do you know? It worked and everybody is scared now! The reason that SpongeBob is wearing clogs is because he is pretending to be the ghost of The Flying Dutchman!

It's imagery like this of SpongeBob scaring Mr. Krabs that puts SpongeBob cartoons in a league of their own in my book!

SpongeBob's friend Sandy's costume is a fish in a fishbowl!
Squidward is also decked out as The Flying Dutchman!

You've gotta have imagination working overtime to figure out something like an underwater moon!

While SpongeBob is trying t o scare all the folks at "The Krusty Krab," the real ghost of The Flying Dutchman shows up!

SpongeBob is in deep doodoo now!

Then suddenly, the ghost of The Flying Dutchman gets scared and flees the scene after pulling the pillowcase off of SpongeBob's head!

As it turns out, Patrick gave SpongeBob a shave that was just maybe a little too close, and it scares the lovin' bejesus out of everybody! Having no clue how hideous he looks, SpongeBob sez, "Don't worry, it grows back!!"

Friday, October 16, 2015

EEGAH!! & TABONGA! AT THE MOVIES 2 / The Early Sixties

Welcome back! Here are some more cool movies Eegah!! and I got to see together some fifty years ago, so, enjoy the ride...

BATTLE BEYOND THE SUN was pretty weird for us, the Euro looking dudes were odd and the totally insane monsters were like, WTF! One thing I remember vividly was the name patch they put over the Russian symbols on the spaceship moved around a bit, making it a little hokey.

Like father, like son!!.. William Castle was one out there guy, he kept us entertained, that's for sure. Here's a strange little coincidence.. Eegah!! informed me last night that he'd finally found his Punishment Poll after looking for it for years and I've included the movie in my post today.

BLACK SABBATH was another movie we liked, although Boris was one terrifying vampire, we liked the lead in segment with the dead lady on the bed the best!

Here's a wild little comedy we saw, script was written by Jonathan Haze (real last name is Hayes). One thing that was appealing to us were the ample packages of Dr. Tanga and Professor Puna. We liked this segment where the girls scan the minds of our moronic heroes.

But, another WTF! moment. These male space creatures have got to be one of the most god awful monster designs in Hollywood history... EVER!!!

Dick Miller is one of our all time favorite actors, watch him give his speech at the UN in WAR OF THE SATELLITES, the guy could act!! He is so perfect as Walter Paisley and makes this one a ton of fun to watch. Even getting to see this model's bare back was really exciting for us! Be back tomorrow as we continue down the old bloody Halloween Countdown trail!

Wednesday, October 14, 2015

THE BOOGIE WOOGIEMAN - The Brian Sisters (1942)

Well, we're just about half way through the Countdown, and it just doesn't get much better than this!
This is actually the perfect Halloween song!
The funny thing is that when they sing it, they say "Boogie Woogie Boogie Man!"

There were actually five Brian Sisters, but only these three performed! I think that is Gwen in the middle, Betty on the left, and Doris on the right! Gwen passed away in 1990, Betty just left us this year, and Doris is still kicking!
For all things Brian, head on over to the Brian Sisters website! It's packed with information!

I found this video right here on YouTube! It's a little less than two minutes long!

The sisters sing the song and look generally scared!

It gets a little bit scarier when the jack-o-lanterns start flying around!

And the song ends with these cool witch silhouettes!

That's it kids, I hope you enjoyed it as much as I did! Come back on Saturday when I promise I've got something even scarier, if you can believe that!

Monday, October 12, 2015

RE-ANIMATOR / Empire Pictures, Re-Animator Productions - 1985

Here's a super weirdie I saw when it came out, it's a H. P. Lovecraft story all about a medical student that becomes involved in a bizarre experiment in the science of reanimating the dead. What happens next is a rollie coaster ride of laffs blended with lots of splattered blood. BEYOND RE-ANIMATOR, BRIDE OF RE-ANIMATOR and FROM BEYOND are to follow...

I have a sound clip for your approval, sooooo, you can push the big red 'GO' button located there by our dead head on a tray, NOW, Ralphie The Tarantula!.. Here's a little sample from... RE-ANIMATOR!

Jeffrey Combs plays medical student Herbert West, he has a fascination with the idea of bringing the dead back to life. Here is the serum he believes is the secret to re-animated life.

This is his little workshop of horrors, welcome to the eighties!!

Well, there are some pretty bad side affects but what the Hell, who doesn't like to watch people's heads explode!!

Herbert's nemesis is Dr. Hill, played by David Gale. Welp, Herbert whacks him in the head with a shovel, then goes on to decapitate him and put his head in a tray. Then, the horny old dude decides he needs a cute chick to slobber on!

Jeez, all I did was take a pill to quit smoking!!

I love this shot, wow!.. What really makes it cool is the position of his feets.

Herbert tries to fight this guy off but the damn thing just doesn't play fair!


Monster Music

Monster Music
AAARRGGHHH!!!! Ya'll Come On Back Now, Y'Hear??