Friday, June 13, 2014

THE SUPER ROBOT RED BARON / Nippon Gendai, Senkousha - Series from 1973-74

It's Fightin' Giant Robot Friday the 13th with Tabonga, here at The Dungeon!.. This series has a young man piloting the Red Baron robot, rather than a robot controlled by a small device. Here is episode 5 from the first season titled, "Smash The Mysterious Rocket Operation!" It's about the SSI (Secret Science Investigation) Team who find out the reason behind their enemy's artificial rain experiments. The 'poster' here is actually a Polydor 45 record sleeve of the theme.

Eegah!! sent over a cool lil' soundclip of the theme and more for our earjoyment, sooooo, you can push the big red 'GO' button next to the giant robot boot (it's all we could afford), NOW, Rufus The Gnat! Here's a taste of... THE SUPER ROBOT RED BARON!

Warning!!.. Don't mess with our hero, Super Robot Red Baron... Red Baron!

Here's their formidible opponents, the Iron Mask Party with its array of giant metal monsters and is led by the evil President Deviler.

This is the headquarters of the SSI Team. I swear, the head dude in the background looks like he's smoking a freakin' joint! In a closeup, it even looks like one.

There's even a good looking female SSI member! In a action filled fight, this Deviler Dude rudely grabs her boob!!

And, the result of his action!..

President Deviler sends out one of his deadly robots to tear up part of the city!

Super Robot Red Baron is called into action and our hero jumps in to man the big guy!

He looks out of one of the eyes as he focuses on the approaching enemy!

The bad guys always have something devilish up their sleeve!

When you see this on the screen, you know Red Baron is ready to throw a POWER PUNCH!!

The SSI Team finally figure out the reason behind the artificial rain experiments, it increases the Deviler robot's destructive power by drawing energy from the lightning!

Caption sez it all!

We'll end with a good look at our hero, Super Robot Red Baron! Tune in tomorrow when Eegah!! will bring us a psychedelic roller coaster ride!

Wednesday, June 11, 2014

SUPERSEVEN CHIAMA CAIRO - A.F. Lavagnino - "Super Seven Calling Cairo" (1965)

Tonight's feature is the last in my 'Number 7 Super Agent Spy Review!' There's still more of them out there, now it's just a matter of me trying to find them all!

In English, it's something like "Super Seven Calling Cairo, but the original Italian title was "Superseven Chiama Cairo!"

Superseven is Martin Stevens as played by Mr. Roger Browne! Roger's first film appearance was in the 1960 war movie, "13 Fighting Men!" He went on to have a nice 'Sword and Sandal' and then 'Secret Agent Spy' career! This movie starts off strong right out of the box with Superseven with a beautiful woman in his bed, just the way it's done in the rogue/suave handbook!

Superseven is hardcore, not even a couple of minutes into the movie, and he already puts a bullet into his lover for crossing him! Martin Stevens is not a man of mercy or sentiment!

Next stop Cairo to look for a mysterious movie camera, and put the brakes on another attempt at world domination! Next thing you know, he's getting bitched out for being in his own room by a woman he doesn't even know! The woman in question of course, is the always intriguing and alluring Rosalba (Lady Frankenstein, Castle of Fu Manchu, Lucky The Inscrutable) Neri!

Superseven is not a man that wastes time! Even if the woman resists, he just pushes harder and manages to bed complete strangers every time!

Time to cruise into downtown Cairo and find out what the loco commotion is all about!

Interesting marketplace! It looks like eggplant is a staple in Cairo, and just by coincidence I made "Eggplant Boats" myself tonight! Basically, you just cut an eggplant in half and gut it! Cook up some Italian ground turkey with some garlic, shallots, smashed tomatoes, salt and pepper, and the eggplant guts, stuff it all back together in the two halves with some mozzarella and Romano and bake for about 30 minutes! Not too bad, and as close as I'm ever going to get to Cairo!

Even in downtown Cairo, don't freakin' screw around with Superseven one on one, cause you're going to get your ass kicked! Now if there's 15 or 20 of you, you just might stand a chance!

Superseven makes contact with his contact, and I just dig this shot!

As James Brown would say in Cold Sweat Part 2, "Can we just give the drummer some, can we give the drummer got it drummer!"

Great band, kinky stripper, life is fantastic in 1965 Cairo! The music in "Superseven Chiama Cairo" was written by Maestro Angelo Francesco Lavagnino, another one of those Italian slackers with only 210 credits to his name like "Gorgo," "Mambo," "Rice Girl," Goliath And The Vampires," and "The War Of The Planets!" What a phenomenal career!! Here's just a taste of the man's talent!

Just a couple of cute kids out for a night on the town! There's no way possible that I could eat eggplant and tomatoes in a white jacket like that! Superseven's beautiful partner and lover Denise is played by Fabienne (Kill Baby Kill) Dali, no relation to Salvador I guess! It cracks me up that Superseven smokes a pipe, because it makes him look a lot like Bob Dobbs!!

Of course, the freakin' ex-Nazis are behind the whole thing!

This is an interesting scene where one of Superseven's ex's gets killed, and the authorities arrive, he and Denise act like the dead body is just a wax dummy, just like that soldier back there!

This shot just amazes me! Long shot down a long corridor that's busier than Hell culminating with what is probably some kind of religious tower! Seriously, this looks like Life on Mars! What is that, The Tower of Babel back there?

Superseven is pretty good, but he still manages to get himself into some deep shit! When this room is bathed in red, you can only maintain if you have the special welder's goggle knockoffs, so he gets captured and tortured!

Superseven's equipment includes the hyper-cool Norelco two-way radio shaver!

In every one of these movies, they are looking for something! In this one it was a camera, Super-8 would be my guess, but maybe it was 16MM, and when Superseven finally gets his hands on it, and finds a projector and a screen, and views the film, he realizes that his sweet little darling lover/partner Denise is up to no good, all the way up to her earlobes!

It always helps to have a mini-bomb in the hollow heel of your shoe! Game over! Good night everybody!  If you have an uncanny thirst for more of this kind of adventure, then I suggest you head on over to Cult Action Films! They'll take good care of you, I guarantee!!

Monday, June 9, 2014

THE DEADLY SPAWN / Filmline - 1983

It's Raunchy Monster Monday with Tabonga, here at The Dungeon!.. We gots an insane little flick shot in Gladstone, New Jersey, made for a puny $25,000! They obviously spent every last cent on teeth for the biting invaders.

Eegah!! sent over a little soundclip of the theme and more, sooooo, you can push the big red 'GO' button there by the big set of alien braces, NOW, Ralphie The Tarantula! Here's our audio offering for... THE DEADLY SPAWN!

Well, the story starts off really great, we get to check out the eighties wallpaper, that girl's see-thru nightgown and her permed, big hair!

Then, all Bloody Hell breaks loose!! The basement in the house is now infested by a hungry alien that came in as a spore on a meteorite from space!

And, there are lots of these little ones swimming around in the water!! ALIEN had come out just four years earlier.

In an odd situation, the young kid seems immune from the terror beasts, he's able to stand there and watch the destruction without the fear of being chomped on!

Later, one of the little varmits got into this lady's blender and her girlfriends get a nasty taste of it in their food!.. GROSS!!

Then, what do you think happens next?.. Correct!

Two things about this photo... 1. Look at that great poster of THE SPIDER! 2. And, look at that guy's embarrassingly dorkafied overalls!

A friend drops in for a minute and gets her head bitten off in two shakes of a monster's tail! To add insult to injury, her body then falls out the window!

The kid figures out that electric shock is the thing's worst enemy. He puts a broken lamp into a monster mask and feeds it to the monster, then plugs it in!

Barbecued alien's ready to serve, grab your plate and come a-runnin'!

The cops show up and bring their industrial strength electrodes to stun kill the things, the neighbors help gather up and burn all the little critters that ended up getting out of the house!

Oops, sequel anyone?!.. See you again on Wednesday when Eegah!! will invade this space!

Monster Music

Monster Music
AAARRGGHHH!!!! Ya'll Come On Back Now, Y'Hear??